2023-05-15 20:05
  • 李太勇
  • 李太勇 - 教授 博导-西南财经大学-经济信息工程学院-个人资料




1997.9-2001.6 四川大学 计算机学院 计算机软件专业 学士
2001.9-2004.6 四川大学 计算机学院 计算机应用技术 硕士
2001.9-2004.6 法国 巴黎第六大学 实时软件工程 硕士
2006.9-2009.6 四川大学 计算机学院 计算机应用技术 博士
2010.3-2010.7 北京语言大学 出国部 外语培训
2011.7-2012.7 美国 印第安那大学 医学院 访问学者
2004.7-至今 西南财经大学经济信息工程学院 助教、讲师、副教授、教授
2006.3-2006.7 中国人民银行清算总中心 支付系统原型系统研发




Taiyong LI, Zhilong XIE, Jiang WU, Jingwen YAN, Li SHEN. Interactive object extraction by merging regions with k-global maximal similarity. NEUROCOMPUTING, 2013, 120: 610-623. (SCI)
Taiyong LI, Minggao YANG, Jiang WU, Xin JING. A Novel Image Encryption Algorithm Based on a Fractional-Order Hyperchaotic System and DNA Computing. COMPLEXITY, 2017. (SCI)
Taiyong LI, Min ZHOU, Chaoqi GUO, Min LUO, Jiang WU, Fan PAN, Quanyi TAO, Ting HE. Forecasting Crude Oil Price Using EEMD and RVM with Adaptive PSO-Based Kernels. ENERGIES, 2016, 9(12): 1014. (SCI)
Taiyong LI, Min ZHOU. ECG Classification Using Wavelet Packet Entropy and Random Forests. ENTROPY-SWITZ, 2016, 18(8): 285.(SCI)
Taiyong LI, Zhilin ZHANG. Robust face recognition via block sparse Bayesian learning. MATH PROBL ENG, 2013, 2013. (SCI)
Jingwen YAN, Taiyong LI, Hua WANG, Heng HUANG, Jing WAN, Kwangsik NHO, Sungeun KIM, Shannon L. RISACHER, Andrew J. SAYKIN, Li SHEN. Cortical surface biomarkers for predicting cognitive outcomes using group l2,1 norm. NEUROBIOL AGING, 2015, 36, S1: S185-S193. (SCI)
Taiyong LI, Biyue ZHANG, Jiang WU, Xuefen LV, Bing FANG. PSO-based LSSVM for credit scoring. Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Science and Applications, CSAC 2014, December 27, 2014 - December 28, 2014, Shanghai, China, CRC Press/Balkema, 2015: 477-482.
Fan PAN, Peiyu HE, Chengyu LIU, Taiyong LI, Alan MURRAY, Dingchang ZHENG.. Variation of Korotkoff stethoscope sounds during blood pressure measurement: Analysis using a convolutional neural network. IEEE J BIOMED HEALTH, 2017. (SCI)
Yi ZHANG, Weihua ZHANG, Hu CHEN, Menglong YANG, Taiyong LI, Jiliu ZHOU. Few-view image reconstruction combining total variation and a high-order norm. INT J IMAG SYST TECH, 2013, 23(3): 249-255. (SCI)
Jingwen YAN, Shannon L. RISACHER, Sungeun KIM, Jacqueline SIMON, Taiyong LI, Jing WAN, Hua WANG, Heng HUANG, Andrew J. SAYKIN, Li SHEN, for the ADNI. Multimodal neuroimaging predictors for cognitive performance using structured sparse learning. Proceedings of the MBIA’12: MICCAI Workshop on Multimodal Brain Image Analysis Nice, France, 2012
Jingwen YAN, Taiyong LI, Hua WANG, Heng HUANG, Jing WAN, Kwangsik NHO, Sungeun KIM, Shannon L. RISACHER, Andrew J. SAYKIN, Li SHEN, for the ADNI. Identification of Novel Cortical Surface Biomarkers for Predicting Cognitive Outcomes Based on Group-Level l2,1 Norm. Proceedings of the NIBAD'12:MICCAI 2012 Workshop on Novel Imaging Biomarkers for Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders, Nice, France, 2012
Jingwen YAN, Taiyong LI, Brenna MCDONALD, Shannon RISACHER, Darrell WUDUNN, Martin FARLOW, Susan M. PEPIN, Laura FLASHMAN, Heather WISHART, Robert SANTULLI, Andrew SAYKIN, Li SHEN. Visual contrast sensitivity as a novel biomarker: Discriminative analysis using elastic net to classify Alzheimer's disease, MCI and older adults with cognitive complaints. ALZHEIMERS DEMENT, 2012, 8(4, Supplement): P277-P278.
Jingwen YAN, Taiyong LI, Heng HUANG, Shannon RISACHER, John WEST, Sungeun KIM, Andrew SAYKIN, Li SHEN. Clustering voxel-based gray matter maps for improved discrimination: An amygdala study in AD. Proceedings of the OHBM’12: 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Beijing, China, 2012.
Jing WAN, Zhilin ZHANG, Jingwen YAN, Taiyong LI, Bhaskar D. RAO, Shiaofen FANG, Sungeun KIM, Shannon L. RISACHER, Andrew J. SAYKIN, Li SHEN. Sparse Bayesian multi-task learning for predicting cognitive outcomes from neuroimaging measures in Alzheimer's disease. Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2012, June 16, 2012 - June 21, 2012, Providence, RI, United states, IEEE Computer Society, 2012: 940-947.
Taiyong LI, Jingwen YAN, Hua WANG, Feiping NIE, Heng HUANG, Sungeun KIM, Shannon RISACHER, Andrew SAYKIN, Li SHEN. Joint estimation of AD status and cognitive performance using VBM summary statistics. Proceedings of the OHBM’12: 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Beijing, China, 2012.
Taiyong LI, Jingwen YAN, Sungeun KIM, Shanker SWAMINATHAN, Shannon RISACHER, Leslie SHAW, John TROJANOWSKI, Paul AISEN, Ronald PETERSEN, Michael WEINER, Andrew SAYKIN, Li SHEN. Classification of MCI and Alzheimer's disease from CSF biomarkers: An ADNI study of Aß, tau and P-tau versus 83 proteomic analytes. ALZHEIMERS DEMENT, 2012, 8(4, Supplement): P609-P610.
Taiyong LI, Jing WAN, Zhilin ZHANG, Jingwen YAN, Sungeun KIM, Shannon L. RISACHER, Shiaofen FANG, M. Faisal BEG, Lei WANG, Andrew J. SAYKIN, Li SHEN, for the ADNI. Hippocampus as a predictor of cognitive performance: Comparative evaluation of analytical methods and morphometric measures. Proceedings of the NIBAD'12:MICCAI 2012 Workshop on Novel Imaging Biomarkers for Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders, Nice, France, 2012.

