2023-05-15 19:47
  • 吴钊峰
  • 吴钊峰 - 副教授-新疆大学-物理科学与技术学院-个人资料




吴钊峰,男,汉族,中共党员,工学博士,副教授,2014年6月博士毕业于中科院固体物理研究所,硕博连读期间曾获中国科学院大学“三好学生标兵”、“博士研究生国家奖学金”、“中国科学院大学优秀毕业生”和中国科学院“院长优秀奖”等荣誉,2014年6月-2016年6月在中科院新疆理化所做博士后,2016年6月到新疆大学物理科学与技术学院工作,主要从事有机/无机纳米复合功能材料、基于微纳结构的疏水表面和基于低维半导体纳米材料的气敏传感器研究,近年来在Adv. Funct. Mater、Sensor actuate B、J. Phys. Chem. C、Polymer、Compos. Sci. Technol.、Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.、Sci. Rep.、Sensors等重要期刊发表SCI论文20余篇,授权专利8项,主持国家自然科学基金2项,省部级基金5项,参与国家自然科学基金2项,入选新疆维吾尔自治区“天池博士”和“青年万人计划后备人选”。


[5] 周海峰,王化,田兴友,郑康,吴钊峰,一种单组份水性聚氨酯透明隔热涂料的制备方法,发明专利,ZL201310208948.1


[1] Qihua Sun, Zhaofeng Wu*, Yali Cao, Jixi Guo, Mengqiu Long, Haiming Duan*, Dianzeng Jia*, Chemiresistive Sensor Arrays based on Noncovalently Functionalized Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Ozone Detection, Sensor & Actuat: B. Chem, 已接收,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2019.126689. 2/7 通讯作者
[2] Chuan chuan Zhang, Haiming Duan*, Xin Lv, Biaobing Cao, Ablat Abliz, Zhaofeng Wu* & Mengqiu Long, Static and dynamical isomerization of Cu38 cluster, Sci. Rep., 2019, 9:7564. 6/7 通讯作者
[3] Qihua Sun, Zhaofeng Wu* , Haiming Duan* and Dianzeng Jia,*, Detection of Triacetone Triperoxide (TATP) Precursors with an Array of Sensors Based on MoS2/RGO Composites, Sensors 2019, 19, 1281. 2/4 通讯作者
[4] Furu Zhong, Zhaofeng Wu, Jixi Guo and Dianzeng Jia*, Ni-Doped ZnS Nanospheres Decorated with Au Nanoparticles for Highly Improved Gas Sensor Performance, Sensors 2018, 18, 2882.
[5] Furu Zhong, Zhaofeng Wu, Jixi Guo and Dianzeng Jia*, Porous Silicon Photonic Crystals Coated with Ag Nanoparticles as Efficient Substrates for Detecting Trace Explosives Using SERS, Nanomaterials 2018, 8, 872.
[6] Linna Shao, Zhaofeng Wu*, Haiming Duan*, Talgar Shaymurat. “Discriminative and rapid detection of ozone realized by sensor array of Zn2+ doping tailored MoS2 ultrathin nanosheets.” Sensor & Actuat: B. Chem, 258 (2018) 937–946.
[7] Zhaofeng Wu, Haiming Duan, Zhijun Li*, Jixi Guo, Furu Zhong, Yali Cao*, Dianzeng Jia*. “Multichannel Discriminative Detection of Explosive Vapors with an Array of Nanofibrous Membranes Loaded with Quantum Dots.”Sensors, 2017, 17, 2676.
[8] Zhaofeng Wu, Chaoyu Zhou, Baiyi Zu, Yushu Li, and Xincun Dou*. “Contactless and Rapid Discrimination of Improvised Explosives Realized by Mn2+ Doping Tailored ZnS Nanocrystals.” Adv. Funct. Mater., 2016, 26, 4578–4586.
[9] Chaoyu Zhou#, Zhaofeng Wu# (Co-first author), Yanan Guo, Yushu Li, Hongyu Cao, Xuefang Zheng and Xincun Dou*. “Ultrasensitive, Real-time and Discriminative Detection of Improvised Explosives by Chemiresistive Thin-film Sensory Array of Mn2+ Tailored Hierarchical ZnS.”Sci. Rep., 2016, 6, 25588.
[10] Zhaofeng Wu, Hua Wang, Meng Xue, Xingyou Tian*, Haifeng Zhou, Xianzhu Ye, Kang Zheng, Zhongyue Cui. “Preparation of carbon nanotubes/waterborne polyurethane composites with the emulsion particles assisted dispersion of carbon nanotubes.”Compos. Sci. Technol., 2015,114 :50-56.
[11] Zhaofeng Wu, Hua Wang, Xingyou Tian*, Ping Cui, Xin Ding, Xianzhu Ye.“Facile preparation of superhydrophobic surfaces with enhanced releasing negative air ions by a simple spraying method.”Compos. Sci. Technol., 2014, (94):111-116.
[12] Zhaofeng Wu, Hua Wang, Xingyou Tian*, Ping Cui, Xin Ding, Xianzhu Ye.“The effects of polydimethylsiloxane on transparent and hydrophobic waterborne polyurethane coatings containing polydimethylsiloxane.”Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014, 16: 6787-6794.
[13] Zhaofeng Wu, Hua Wang, Xingyou Tian*, Meng Xue, Xin Ding, Xianzhu Ye, Zhongyue Cui. “Surface and mechanical properties of hydrophobic silica contained hybrid films of waterborne polyurethane and fluorinated polymethacrylate.”Polymer, 2014, 55(1): 187-194.
[14] Zhaofeng Wu, Hua Wang, Xingyou Tian*, Xin Ding, Meng Xue, Haifeng Zhou, Kang Zheng. “Mechanical and flame-retardant properties of styrene-ethylene-butylene- styrene/carbon nanotube composites containing bisphenol A bis(diphenyl phosphate). ”Compos. Sci. Technol., 2013, 82, 8-14.
[15] Zhaofeng Wu, Meng Xue, Hua Wang, Xingyou Tian*, Xin Ding, Kang Zheng, Ping Cui. “Electrical and flame-retardant properties of carbon nanotube/poly(ethylene terephthalate) composites containing bisphenol A bis(diphenyl phosphate).”Polymer, 54, 13(2013) 3334-3340.
[16] Zhaofeng Wu, Hua Wang, Kang Zheng, Meng Xue, Ping Cui, and Xingyou Tian*. “Incorporating Strong Polarity Minerals of Tourmaline with Carbon Nanotubes to Improve the Electrical and Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Properties.”J. Phys. Chem C, 2012, 116(23):12814-12818.
[17] Zhaofeng Wu, Hua Wang, Xingyou Tian*, Xin Ding, Haifeng Zhou, Xianzhu Ye. “Preparation and mechanical and electrical properties of carbon nanotube/styrene-ethylene -butylene-styrene composites.”J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2014, 131(9): 40227.
[18] Zheng Yang, Xincun Dou*, Shengli Zhang, Linjuan Guo, Baiyi Zu, Zhaofeng Wu, and Haibo Zeng*. A High Performance Nitro-explosives Schottky Sensor Boosted by Interface Modulation, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2015, 25, 4039-4048.
[19] Ye Xianzhu, Wang Hua, Wu Zhaofeng, Zhou Haifeng,Tian Xingyou*,“Synthesis and functional features of wood fiber-polypropylene materials: Based on wood fibers with assembling nano-coating via adopting simple in situ-hydrothermal mechanism.” Polym Composite 2018, 39 (1) : 5-13.
[20] Ye Xianzhu, Wang Hua, Wu Zhaofeng, Zhou Haifeng, Tian Xingyou*, “The Functional Features and Interface Design of Wood/Polypropylene Composites Based on Microencapsulated Wood Particles via Adopting In Situ Emulsion Polymerization”, Polym Composite 2018, 39 (2) : 427-436.
[21] Xue Meng, Zhang Xian, Wu Zhaofeng, Wang Huan, Gu Zhen, Bao Chao, Tian Xingyou*. “Preparation and Flame Retardancy of Polyurethane/POSS Nanocomposites.” Chin. J. Chem. Phys., 2013, 26: 445.
[22] Zhou Haifeng,Wang hua., Zheng kang, Wu Zhaofeng, Tian Xingyou*. “Aluminum-doped zinc oxide nanoparticles with tunable near-infrared absorption/reflectance by a simple solvothermal process.” Rsc. Adv,.,2014., 4:42758-42763.
[23] Zhou Haifeng., Wang hua, Zheng kang, Wu Zhaofeng, Tian Xingyou*. “Preparation of UV-curable transparent poly(urethane acrylate) nanocomposites with excellent UV/IR shielding properties”,Compos. Sci. Technol., 2014, 95:105-110.
[24] Xue Meng, Zhang Xian, Wu Zhaofeng, Wang Huan, Gu Zhen, Bao Chao, Tian Xingyou*. “A Commercial Phosphorous–Nitrogen Containing Intumescent Flame Retardant for Thermoplastic Polyurethane.” J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2014, 131: 39772.
[25] Xianzhu Ye, Hua Wang, Kang Zheng, Zhaofeng Wu, Haifeng Zhou, Konghu Tian, Zheng Su, Xingyou Tian*. “The interface designing and reinforced features of wood fiber/polypropylene composites: Wood fiber adopting nano-zinc-oxide-coating via ion assembly”, Compos. Sci. Technol., 2016, 124, 1-9.
[26] Xianzhu Ye, Hua Wang, Kang Zheng, Zhaofeng Wu, Haifeng Zhou and Xingyou Tian*, “Construction and functional effects of a compatible nano-TiO2 interface between wood fiber and polypropylene via adopting chemical polyethyleneimine–(3-aminopropyl) triethoxysilane assembly on the fiber surface”, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 424154-24163.

