2023-05-15 19:39
  • 谢琦
  • 谢琦 - 助理教授-西湖大学-生命科学学院-个人资料




谢琦(1984-),博士,浙江台州人。2007年本科毕业于中国农业大学生物学院,同年进入中国科学院生物物理研究所,于2012年获得中科院理学博士学位。2013年初进入克里夫兰医学中心(Cleveland Clinic)从事博士后研究工作,师从国际肿瘤干细胞领域的先驱之一Jeremy Rich博士。2017年8月跟随导师Jeremy Rich博士转到加州大学圣地亚哥分校(University of California San Diego,UCSD),并晋升为助理项目科学家(Assistant Project Scientist)。谢琦博士于2019年9月全职加入西湖大学生命科学学院,担任研究员、助理教授(独立PI)一职,继续从事肿瘤干细胞以及脑肿瘤的靶向治疗相关研究。


"""""肿瘤干细胞(Cancer Stem Cell)是肿瘤组织中一群具有自我更新、快速增殖,多向分化潜能、能够启动和重建肿瘤组织表型能力的癌细胞。 肿瘤干细胞参与肿瘤的转移、复发,促进肿瘤血管新生, 耐受化疗和放疗以及逃避免疫细胞的监视。 靶向肿瘤干细胞的治疗策略将有可能给癌症的治疗带来新的希望。谢琦博士一直从事肿瘤干细胞相关的研究,从表观遗传学,转录调控水平,翻译后修饰水平以及代谢水平对于肿瘤干细胞进行了系统性研究, 取得了一系列的研究成果"


Xie, Q. *, Wu, T. *, Gimple,C.R. *, Li, Z, ., Prager,C.B., Wu, Q., Yang, Y., Wang, P., Wang, Y., Gorkin, U.D., et al.(2018). N6-methyladenine DNA Modification in Glioblastoma. Cell 2018.10.006 (Co-first author) Highlighted by Nature Reviews Cancer, Cancer Discovery, Science Translational of Medicine and Nature Chemical Biology\r
Xie, Q., Wu, Q., Horbinski, C.M., Flavahan, W.A., Yang, K., Zhou, W., Dombrowski, S.M., Huang, Z., Fang, X., Shi, Y., et al. (2015). Mitochondrial control by DRP1 inbrain tumor initiating cells. Nature neuroscience 18:501-5\r
Xie, Q., Wu, Q., Kim, L., Miller, T.E., Liau, B.B., Mack, S.C., Yang, K., Factor, D.C., Fang, X., Huang, Z., et al. (2016). RBPJ maintains brain tumor-initiating cells through CDK9-mediated transcriptional elongation. The Journal of clinical investigation 126, 2757-2772. Highlighted by JCI and Cancer Discovery\r
Prager, B. C. *, Xie, Q. *, Bao, S. D. & Rich, J. N. Cancer Stem Cells: The Architects of the Tumor Ecosystem. Cell Stem Cell 24, 41-53, doi:10.1016/j.stem.2018.12.009 (2019). (Co-first author)\r
Xie, Q., Flavahan W.A., Bao S., Rich J. (2014) The Tailless Root of Glioma: Cancer Stem Cells. Cell Stem Cell 15(2):114-6\r
Miller, T.E., Liau, B.B., Wallace, L.C., Morton, A.R., Xie, Q., Dixit, D., Factor, D.C., Kim, L.J.Y., Morrow, J.J., Wu, Q., et al. 2017. Transcription elongation factors represent in vivo cancer dependencies in glioblastoma. Nature 547:355-359\r
Wang, X., Yang, K., Xie, Q., Wu, Q., Mack, S.C., Shi, Y., Kim, L.J., Prager, B.C., Flavahan, W.A., Liu, X., et al. (2017). Purine synthesis promotes maintenance of brain tumor initiating cells in glioma. Nature neuroscience. 20 (5), 661\r
Dixit, D., Xie, Q., Rich, J.N., and Zhao, J.C. (2017). Messenger RNA Methylation Regulates Glioblastoma Tumorigenesis. Cancer cell 31, 474-475.\r
Xie, Q., Jing Chen, Han Feng, Shengyi Peng, Ursula Adams, Yujie Bai, Li Huang, Ji Li, Junjian Huang, Songshu Meng, Zengqiang Yuan (2013) YAP/TEAD-mediated transcription controls cellular senescence. Cancer Res 73(12):3615-24.\r
Xie, Q.*, Hao, Y.*, Tao, L., Peng, S., Rao, C., Chen, H., You, H., Dong, M.Q. and Yuan, Z. (2012) Lysine methylation of FOXO3 regulates oxidative stress-induced neuronal cell death. EMBO Rep. 13(4): 371-7. (Co-first author)\r

