2023-05-15 19:38
  • 许田
  • 许田 - 教授-西湖大学-生命科学学院-个人资料




1982年复旦大学学士,1990年耶鲁大学博士,1990-1993年加州大学伯克利分校博士后。1993-2018年历任耶鲁大学遗传学和神经生物学助理教授、副教授、终身教授、C.N.H. Long讲席教授,2003-2018年任耶鲁大学遗传学系副系主任,2001-2013年任耶鲁大学校长顾问。1997-2018年任霍华德休斯医学研究院研究员。2018年4月全职加入西湖大学,任遗传学讲席教授、副校长。国务院侨办专家咨询委员会委员、海协会理事、美国科学促进会成员(AAAS Fellow)。曾任华人生物学家协会主席。曾获美国优秀博士后奖(Whitney)、优秀青年科学家学者(Pew)、结节性硬化症协会创新奖和杰出贡献等奖。




1. Pan Y, Chang H, Landrette S, Yang D, Ding S, Liu L, Tian L, Li D, Xu T*. Efficient genome-wide first-generation phenotypic screening system in mice using piggyBac transposon. PNAS 2019, In Press.
2. Dunn BS, Rush L, Lu JY, Xu T*. Mutations in the tricellular junction protein M6 synergize with to induce apical cell delamination and invasion. PNAS 2018,115(33),8358-8363
3. Chabu C, Li DM, Xu T*. EGFR/ARF6 regulation of Hh signalling stimulates oncogenic Ras tumour overgrowth. Nature Communications 2017,8: 14688
4. Jin Y, Chen Y, Zhao S, Guan KL, Zhuang Y, Wu X, Xu T*. DNA-PK Facilitates piggyBac Transposition by Promoting Paired-End Complex Formation. PNAS 2017, 11;114(28):7408-7413.
5. Willsey RH, Zheng X, Carlos Pastor-Pareja J, Willsey AJ, Beachy PA, Xu T*. Localized JNK signaling regulates organ size during development. elife. 2016, 14;5.
6. Olds WH & Xu T*. Regulation of Food Intake by Mechanosensory Ion Channels in Enteric Neurons. eLife 2014, 6;3.
7. Pastor-Pareja JC & Xu T*. Shaping cells and organs in Drosophila by opposing roles of fat body-secreted Collagen IV and Perlecan. Development Cell 2011, 21(2):245-56.
8. Wu M, Pastor-Pareja JC, Xu T*. Interaction between Ras(V12) and scribbled clones induces tumour growth and invasion. Nature 2010, 463(7280): 545-U165
9. Igaki T., Pastor-Pareja, JC., Aonuma, H., Miura M. and Xu T*. Intrinsic tumor suppression and epithelial maintenance by endocytic activation of Eiger/TNF signaling in Drosophila. Development Cell 2009, 16(3):458-65.
10. Xue L, Igaki T, Kuranaga E, Kanda H, Miura M, Xu T*. Tumor suppressor CYLD regulates JNK-induced cell death in Drosophila. Developmental Cell 2007,13(3): 446-454.
11. Ding S, Wu X, Li G, Han M, Zhuang Y, Xu T*. Efficient transposition of the piggyBac (PB) transposon in mammalian cells and mice. Cell 2005,122(3): 473-483
12. Yang XL, Yu KP, Hao YW, Li D-M, Stewart R, Insogna KL, Xu T*. LATS1 tumor suppressor affects cytokinesis by inhibiting LIMK1. Nature Cell Biology 2004, 6:609-617. PMID:15220930.
13. Pagliarini RA, Xu T*. A genetic screen in Drosophila for metastatic behavior. Science 2003, 302(5648): 1227-1231
14. Potter CJ, Pedraza LG, Xu T*. Akt regulates growth by directly phosphorylating Tsc2. Nature Cell Biology 2002, 4(9): 658-665
15. Zhang S, Xu L, Lee J, Xu T*. Drosophila Atrophin homolog functions as a transcriptional co-repressor in multiple developmental processes. Cell 2002, 108:45-56.
16. Potter CJ, Huang H, Xu T*. Drosophila Tsc1 functions with Tsc2 to antagonize insulin signaling in regulating cell growth, cell proliferation, and organ size. Cell 2001, 105:357-368.
17. Tao W, Zhang S, Turenchalk GS, Stewart RA, St. John MAR, Chen W, Xu T*. Human homologue of the Drosophila melanogaster lats tumour suppressor modulates CDC2 activity. Nature Genetics 1999, 21:177-181.
18. St. John MAR, Tao W, Fei X, Fukumoto R, Carcangiu ML, Brownstein DG, Parlow AF, McGrath J, Xu T*. Mice deficient for Lats1 develop soft tissue sarcomas, ovarian tumors and pituitary dysfunction. Nature Genetics 1999, 21:182-186.
19. Huang H, Potter CJ, Tao W, Li D-M, Brogiolo W, Hafen E, Sun H, Xu T*. PTEN affects cell size, cell proliferation and apoptosis during Drosophila eye development. Development 1999, 126: 5365-72.
20. Rooke J, Pan D, Xu T*, Rubin GM. KUZ, a conserved metalloprotease/disintegrin protein, plays two distinct roles during Drosophila neurogenesis. Science 1996, 273:1227-1231. PMID: 8703057.

