2023-05-15 19:38
  • 孙立成
  • 孙立成 - 教授-西湖大学-理学院-个人资料




孙立成,中国科学院院士(外籍),瑞典皇家工程院院士,人工光合作用领域专家。曾任瑞典皇家工学院分子器件讲席教授,大连理工大学—瑞典皇家工学院分子器件联合研究中心主任。他分别于1984年、1987年和1990年获大连理工大学学士、硕士和博士学位。1990-1992年在北京中科院原感光化学研究所作助理研究员,1992-1993年在德国马普辐射化学研究所作博士后,1993-1995年在德国柏林自由大学有机化学系作洪堡学者,1995-1999年在瑞典皇家工学院作助理教授、1999-2004年在斯德哥尔摩大学有机化学系副教授,2004年受聘瑞典皇家工学院分子器件讲席教授(Chair Professor in Molecular Electronics)。2017年入选瑞典国家研究理事会瑞典国家杰出教授(VR Distinguished Professor)。现任西湖大学理学院化学讲席教授、西湖大学人工光合作用与太阳能燃料中心主任。




“A Bio-inspired Coordination Polymer as Outstanding Water Oxidation Catalyst via Second Coordination Sphere Engineering”W. Li, F. Li, H. Yang, X. Wu, P. Zhang, Y. Shan, L. SunNature Commun. 2019, 10, 5074 (1-11).\r
“Ru-bda: Unique Molecular Water-Oxidation Catalysts with Distortion Induced Open Site and Negatively Charged Ligands”B. Zhang, L. SunJ. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 5565-5580.\r
“Polymeric, Cost-Effective, Dopant-Free Hole Transport Materials for Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells”F. Zhang, Z. Yao, Y. Guo, Y. Li, J. Begstrand, C. Brett, B. Cai, A. Hajian, Y. Guo, X. Yang, J. Gardner, J. Widengren, S. Roth, L. Kloo, L. SunJ. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 19700-19707.\r
“Paired Electrocatalytic Oxygenation and Hydrogenation of Organic Substrates with Water as the Oxygen and Hydrogen Source”P. Zhang, X. Sheng, X. Chen, Z. Fang, J. Jiang, M. Wang, F. Li, L. Fan, Y. Ren, B. Zhang, B. Timmer, M. Ahlquist, L. SunAngew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 9155.\r
“Dendritic Core-Shell NiFeCu Metal/Metal Oxide Electrode for Efficient Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation”P. Zhang, L. Li, D. Nordlund, H. Chen, L. Fan, B. Zhang, X. Sheng, Q. Daniel, L. SunNature Commun. 2018, 9, 381.\r
“Device Fabrication for Water Oxidation, Hydrogen Generation and CO2 Reduction via Molecular Engineering”F. Li, H. Yang, W. Li, L. SunJoule 2018, 2, 36-60.\r
“Hollow Iron–Vanadium Composite Spheres: A Highly Efficient Iron-Based Water Oxidation Electrocatalyst without the Need for Nickel or Cobalt”K. Fan, Y. Ji, H. Zou, J. Zhang, B. Zhu, H. Chen, Q. Daniel, Y. Luo, J. Yu, L. SunAngew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 3289-3293.\r
“Tailor-Making Low-Cost Spiro[fluorene-9,9'-xanthene]-Based 3D Oligomers for Perovskite Solar Cells”B. Xu, J. Zhang, Y. Hua, P. Liu, L. Wang, C. Ruan, Y. Li, G. Boschloo, E. Johansson, L. Kloo, A. Hagfeldt, A. Jen, L. SunChem. 2017, 2, 676-687.\r
“Nickel-Vanadium Monolayer Double Hydroxide for Efficient Electrochemical Water Oxidation”K. Fan, H. Chen, Y. Ji, H. Huang, P. M. Claesson, Q. Daniel, B. Philippe, H. Rensmo, F. Li, Y. Luo, L. SunNature Commun. 2016, 7, 11981.\r
“A Low-cost Spiro[fluorene-9,9’-xanthene]-based Hole Transport Material for Efficient Solid-state Dye-sensitized Solar Cells and Perovskite Solar Cells”B. Xu, D. Bi, Y. Hua, P. Liu, M. Cheng, M. Graetzel, L. Kloo, A. Hagfeldt, L. SunEnergy Environ. Sci. 2016, 9, 873-877. \r
“A closer mimic of the oxygen evolution complex of photosystem II”L. SunScience 2015, 348, 635-636. \r
“Highly efficient bio-inspired molecular Ru water oxidation catalysts with negatively charged backbone ligands”L. Duan, L. Wang, F. Li, F. Li, L. SunAcc. Chem. Res. 2015, 48, 2084-2096.\r
“An Organic dye-sensitized tandem photoelectrochemical cell for light driven water splitting”F. Li, K. Fan, B. Xu, E. Gabrielsson, Q. Daniel, L. Li, L. SunJ. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 9153-9159.\r
“Carbazole-Based Hole-Transport Materials for Efficient Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells and Perovskite Solar Cells”B. Xu, E. Sheibani, P. Liu, J. Zhang, H. Tian, N. Vlachopoulos, G. Boschloo, L. Kloo, A. Hagfeldt, L. SunAdv. Mater. 2014, 26, 6629-6634.\r
“Visible Light Driven Water Splitting in A Molecular Device with Unprecedently High Photocurrent Density”Y. Gao, X. Ding, J. Liu, L. Wang, Z. Lu, L. Li, L. SunJ. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 4219-4222.\r
“Highly Efficient and Robust Molecular Ruthenium Catalysts for Water Oxidation”L. Duan, C. M. Araujo, M. S. G. Ahlquist, L. SunPNAS 2012, 109, 15584-15588.\r
“A Molecular Ruthenium Catalyst with the Water-Oxidation Activity Comparable to that of Photosystem II”L. Duan, F. Bozoglian, S. Mandal, B. Stewart, T. Privalov, A. Llobet, L. SunNature Chem. 2012, 4, 418-423.\r
“Highly Efficient Electrochemical Water Oxidation by Molecular Catalyst Immobilized on Carbon Nanotubes”F. Li, B. Zhang, X. Li, Y. Jiang, L. Chen, X. Li, L. SunAngew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 12276-12279.\r
“Organic Redox Couples and Organic Counter Electrodes for Efficient Organic Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells”H. Tian, Z. Yu, A. Hagfeldt, L. Kloo, L. SunJ. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 9413-9422.\r
“Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells”A. Hagfeldt, G. Boschloo, L. Sun, L. Kloo, H. PetterssonChem. Rev. 2010, 110, 6595-6663.

