2023-05-15 19:38
  • 张立
  • 张立 - 教授-香港中文大学-机械与自动化工程学系-个人资料




Li Zhang is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering (MAE) and a Professor by Courtesy in the Department of Surgery at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). He is also a director of the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) – CUHK Joint Laboratory of Robotics and Intelligent Systems. Before he joined CUHK as an Assistant Professor in 2012, he worked in Prof. Bradley Nelson’s group as a postdoc and then as a senior scientist and lecturer in the Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems (IRIS), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, Switzerland.\r
Dr. Zhang's main research interests include small-scale robotics and their applications for translational biomedicine. He has authored or co-authored over 300 publications, including Science Robotics, Nature Machine Intelligence, Science Advances, Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, Matter, ACS Nano, AFM, TRO, IJRR, SoRo, Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems, as the corresponding author. His research work at ETH Zurich was indexed by the Guinness Book of World Records 2012 for the “Most Advanced Mini Robot for Medical Use.” Dr. Zhang has won several awards or in the Finalist from IEEE international conferences, including ICRA, IROS, CASE, ROBIO, ICARM, MARSS, NANOMED, 3M-NANO and Living Machines. He won the Hong Kong Research Grants Committee (RGC) Early Career Award in 2013, CUHK Young Researcher Award 2017, United College Early Career Research Excellence Merit Award 2018, CUHK Research Excellence Award 2019-20, and RGC Research Fellow (RFS) Award 2021/22. He currently serves as Editor/Associate Editor/Editorial Board Member of ten international journals, such as IEEE TRO, IEEE/ASME T-MECH, IEEE T-ASE, Advanced Intelligent Systems (Wiley), Biomicrofluidics (AIP), and Research (AAAS). Dr. Zhang is a Distinguished Lecturer appointed by IEEE NTC in 2020 and 2021. Since 2012 (after he joined CUHK), he has been acted/acting as PC/PI for 24 competitive grants from RGC (13 projects including Early Career Award, RFS Award, RIF, EU-RGC, GRF, JLFS, and PROCORE-HK JRS), ITC (8 projects including MRP, Tier-2, Tier-3, PSTS, and TSSSU), the Croucher Foundation (2 projects) and NSFC (1 project). He is also Co-PI in 2 RGC CRF projects. Dr. Zhang is an Outstanding Fellow of the Faculty of Engineering at CUHK and elected as a Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC).


"""""Dr. Zhang Li's main research interests include micro-/nanofabrication


Y. Dong^, L. Wang^, Z. F. Zhang, F. T. Ji, K. F. Chan, H. J. Yang, P. L. Chan, Z. X. Yang, Z. G. Chen, W. T. Chang*, Y. K. Chan*, J. Y. Sung, L. Zhang*, Endoscope-assisted magnetic helical micromachine delivery for biofilm eradication in tympanostomy tube, Science Advances, Vol. 8, Issue 40, abq8573, 2022. \r
Y. Dong, L. Wang, N. Xia, Z. X. Yang, C. Zhang, C. F. Pan, D. D. Jin, J. C. Zhang, C. Majidi*, L. Zhang*, Untethered small-scale magnetic soft robot with programmable magnetization and integrated multifunctional modules, Science Advances, Vol. 8, Issue 25, eabn8932, 2022. \r
M. M. Sun, K. F. Chan, Z. F. Zhang, L. Wang, Q. L. Wang, S. H. Yang, S. M. Chan, P. W. Y. Chiu*, J. J. Y. Sung*, L. Zhang*, Magnetic Microswarm and Fluoroscopy-Guided Platform for Biofilm Eradication in Biliary Stents, Advanced Materials, Vol. 34, Issue 34, 220188, 2022. \r
L. D. Yang, J. L. Jiang, X. J. Gao, Q. L. Wang, Q. Dou, L. Zhang*, Autonomous Environment-adaptive Microrobot Swarm Navigation Enabled by Deep Learning-based Real-time Distribution Planning, Nature Machine Intelligence, Vol. 4, 480-493, 2022. \r
B. J. Nelson, S. Gervasoni*, P. W. Y. Chiu, L. Zhang, A. Zemmar, Magnetically Actuated Medical Robots: An in vivo Perspective, Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 110, Issue 7, 1028-1037, 2022.\r
F. T. Ji, Y. L. Wu*, M. Pumera*, L. Zhang*, Collective Behaviors of Active Matter Learning from Natural Taxes Across Scales, Advanced Materials, 2022, accepted, DOI: 10.1002/adma.202203959. \r
M. M. Sun, C. Y. Tian, L. Y. Mao, X. H. Meng, X. J. Shen, B. Hao, X. Wang, H. Xie*, L. Zhang*, Reconfigurable Magnetic Slime Robot: Deformation, Adaptability, and Multifunction, Advanced Functional Materials, Vol. 32, Issue 26, 2112508, 2022. \r
M. X. Cai, Q. Q. Wang, Z. Y. Qi, D. D. Jin, X. Y. Wu, T. T. Xu and L. Zhang*, Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework-based Flow Rates Rejection Control of Soft Magnetic Miniature Robots, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2022, accepted, DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2022.3199213.\r
C. Xin, D. D. Jin, R. Li, D. W. Wang, Z. G. Ren, B. R. Liu, C. Chen, L. F. Li, S. L. Liu, B. Xu, Y. C. Zhang, Y. L. Hu, J. W. Li, L. Zhang*, D. Wu* and J. R. Chu, Rapid and Multimaterial 4D Printing of Shape-Morphing Micromachines for Narrow Micronetworks Traversing, Small, Vol. 18, Issue 37, 2202272, 2022.\r
J. L. Jiang, Z. X. Yang, A. Ferreira and L. Zhang*, Control and Autonomy of Microrobots: Recent Progress and Perspective, Advanced Intelligent Systems, Vol. 4, Issue 5, 2100279, 2022.\r
N. Xia, G. D. Zhu, X. Wang, Y. Dong and L. Zhang*, Multicomponent and multifunctional integrated miniature soft robots, Soft Matter, Vol. 39, 7464-7485, 2022.\r
J. Y. Gao*, J. S. Zhou, C. S. Yuan, Z. L. Zhang, C. Gao, G. Z. Yan, R. Q. Li, and L. Zhang, Stable Wireless Power Transmission for a Capsule Robot with Randomly Changing Attitude, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2022, accepted, DOI:10.1109/TPEL.2022.3212699. \r
210. L. R. Zhang, B. R. Liu, C. W. Wang*, C. Xin, R. Li, D. W. Wang, L. Q. Xu, S. Y. Fan, J. A. Zhang, C. C. Zhang, Y. L. Hu, J. W. Li, D. Wu*, L. Zhang, and J. R. Chu, Functional Shape-Morphing Microarchitectures Fabricated by Dynamic Holographically Shifted Femtosecond Multifoci, Nano Letters, Vol. 22, Issue 13, 5277-5286, 2022. \r
209. S. Pane*, M. Zhang, V. Iacovacci*, L. Zhang, and A. Menciassi, Contrast-enhanced ultrasound tracking of helical propellers with acoustic phase analysis and comparison with color Doppler, APL Bioengineering, Vol. 6, Issue 3, 036102, 2022.\r
208. L. X. Xing, D. F. Li, H. Cao, L. Fan, L. S. Zheng, L. Zhang, D. Sun*, A New Drive System for Microagent Control in Targeted Therapy Based on Rotating Gradient Magnetic Fields, Advanced Intelligent Systems, Vol. 4, Issue 9, 2100214, 2022.\r
207. B. Wang*, B. F. Zhang, Y. Z. Tan, F. T. Ji, G. H. Lv, C. F. Pan, S. Handschuh‐Wang, L. Zhang*, X. C. Zhou*, Leech-Inspired Shape-Encodable Liquid Metal Robots for Reconfigurable Circuit Welding and Transient Electronics, Advanced Intelligent Systems, Vol. 4, Issue 9, 2200080, 2022.\r
206. X. Z. Du^, Q. Q. Wang^, D. D. Jin, W. Y. P. Chiu, C. P. Pang, K. K. L. Chong, L. Zhang*, Real-time Navigation of an Untethered Miniature Robot Using Mobile Ultrasound Imaging and Magnetic Actuation Systems, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Vol. 7, Issue 3, 7668-7675, 2022.\r
205. N. Xia, B. Jin, D. D. Jin, Z. X. Yang, C. F. Pan, Q. Q. Wang, F. T. Ji, V. Iacovacci, C. Majidi*, Y. Ding*, L. Zhang*, Decoupling and Reprogramming the Wiggling Motion of Midge Larvae Using a Soft Robotic Platform, Advanced Materials, Vol. 34, Issue 17, 2109126, 2022.\r
204. H. J. Yang, Z. X. Yang, D. D. Jin, L. Su, K. F. Chan, K. K. L. Chong*, C. P. Pang*, L. Zhang*, Magnetic micro-driller system for nasolacrimal duct recanalization, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Vol. 7, Issue 3, 7367-7374, 2022.\r
203. Z. X. Yang, L. D. Yang, M. Q. Zhang, N. Xia, L. Zhang*, Ultrasound-Guided Wired Magnetic Microrobot with Active Steering and Ejectable Tip, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 70, Issue 1, 614-623, 2022.

