2023-05-15 19:33
  • 蔡定平
  • 蔡定平 - 教授-香港城市大学-电子工程系-个人资料




Professor Din-Ping Tsai is currently Chair Professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong. He is an elected Fellow of AAAS, APS, COS, EMA, IEEE, JSAP, NAI, OSA, SPIE, PST, and AAIA, respectively. He is also an elected Member of the International Academy of Engineering (IAE), and Academician of the Asia-Pacific Academy of Materials (APAM), respectively. He is the author and co-author of 346 SCI papers, 70 book chapters and conference papers, and 39 technical reports and articles. He was granted 69 patents for 45 innovations. He was invited as an invited speaker for international conferences or symposiums more than 326 times (19 Plenary Talks, 59 Keynote Talks). He received more than 40 prestigious recognitions and awards, including “Mozi Award” from the International Society of Optical Engineering (SPIE) in 2018; “Global Highly Cited Researchers,” by Web of Science Group (Clarivate Analytics) in 2020 and 2019, respectively; China’s Top 10 Optical Breakthroughs in 2020 and 2018, respectively; etc. He currently serves as a member of the editorial board of 12 prestigious Journals, and Editor of Light: Advanced Manufacturing, and \


"""""Bound states in the continuum enhanced second harmonic generation of Lithium Niobate\r


Chen, M. K. , Liu, X. , Sun, Y. & Tsai, D. P. (Summer 24 Jun 2022). Artificial intelligence of meta-optics. Chemical Reviews. doi:10.1021/acs.chemrev.2c00012\r
Hua, X. , Wang, Y. , Wang, S. , Zou, X. , Zhou, Y. , Li, L. , Yan, F. , Cao, X. , Xiao, S. , Tsai, D. P. , Han, J. , Wang, Z. & Zhu, S. (Summer 18 May 2022). Ultra compact snapshot spectral light field imaging. Nature Communications. 13. 2732 doi:10.1038/s41467-022-30439-9\r
Chen, M. K. , Chu, C. H. , Liu, X. , Zhang, J. , Sun, L. , Yao, J. , Fan, Y. , Liang, Y. , Yamaguchi, T. , Tanaka, T. & Tsai, D. P. (Summer 29 Apr 2022). Meta-lens in the sky. IEEE Access. 10. 46552 - 46557. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3171351\r
Tseng, M. L. , Semmlinger, M. , Zhang, M. , Huang, T.-T. , Arndt, C. , Yang, J. , Kuo, H. Y. , Su, V.-C. , Chen, M. K. , Chu, C. H. , Cerjan, B. , Tsai, D. P. , Nordlander, P. & Halas, N. J. (Summer 20 Apr 2022). Vacuum-ultraviolet nonlinear meta-lens. Science Advances. 8. abn5644 doi:10.1126/sciadv.abn5644\r
Shi, Y. , Wu, Y. , Chin, L. K. , Chen, M. K. , Wang, S. , Zhang, Y. , Zhou, X. , Cai, H. , Yu, Y. , Yap, P. H. , Ser, W. , Nguyen, T. T. B. , Wang, K. , Liao, J. , Wang, F. , Liedberg, B. , Chan, C. T. , Kivshar, Y. , Tsai, D. P. & Liu, A. Q. (Spring 1 Mar 2022). Multifunctional virus manipulation with large-scale arrays of all-dielectric resonant nanocavities. Laser & Photonics Reviews. 16. 2100197 doi:10.1002/lpor.202100197\r
Luo, Y. , Tseng, M. L. , Vyas, S. , Kuo, H. Y. , Chu, C. H. , Chen, M. K. , Lee, H.-C. , Chen, W.-P. , Su, V.-C. , Misawa, H. , Tsai, D. P. & Yang, P.-C. (Spring 24 Feb 2022). Metasurface-based abrupt autofocusing beam for biomedical applications. Small Methods. 6. 2101228 doi:10.1002/smtd.202101228\r
Luo, Y. , Tseng, M. L. , Vyas, S. , Hsieh, T.-Y. , Wu, J.-C. , Chen, S.-Y. , Peng, H.-F. , Su, V.-C. , Huang, T.-T. , Kuo, H. Y. , Chu, C. H. , Chen, M. K. , Chen, J.-W. , Chen, Y.-C. , Huang, K.-Y. , Kuan, C.-H. , Shi, X. , Misawa, H. & Tsai, D. P. (Spring 21 Feb 2022). Metalens lightsheet fluorescence microscopy for in vivo imaging. Nanophotonics. 11. 1949 - 1959. doi:10.1515/nanoph-2021-0748\r
Shi, Y. , Zhou, L.-M. , Liu, A. Q. , Nieto-Vesperinas, M. , Zhu, T. , Hassanfiroozi, A. , Liu, J. , Zhang, H. , Tsai, D. P. , Li, H. , Ding, W. , Zhu, W. , Yu, Y. F. , Mazzulla, A. , Cipparrone, G. , Wu, P. C. , Chan, C. T. & Qiu, C.-W. (Spring 14 Feb 2022). Superhybrid mode-enhanced optical Torques on mie-resonant particles. Nano Letters. 22. 1769 - 1777. doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c00050\r
Fan, Y. , Chen, M. K. , Qiu, M. , Lin, R.-J. , Xu, Y. , Wen, J. , Liu, X. , Jin, W. , Tsai, D. P. & Lei, D. (Winter 13 Dec 2021). Experimental demonstration of genetic algorithm based metalens design for generating side-lobe-suppressed, large depth-of-focus light sheet. Laser & Photonics Reviews. 16. 2100425 doi:10.1002/lpor.202100425\r
Chen, M. K. , Yan, Y. , Liu, X. , Wu, Y. , Zhang, J. , Yuan, J. , Zhang, Z. & Tsai, D. P. (Autumn 22 Jul 2021). Edge detection with meta-lens: from one dimension to three dimensions. Nanophotonics. 10. 3709 - 3715. doi:10.1515/nanoph-2021-0239\r
Li, L. , Liu, Z. , Ren, X. , Wang, S. , Su, V. -C. , Chen, M. -K. , Chu, C. H. , Kuo, H. Y. , Liu, B. , Zang, W. , Guo, G. , Zhang, L. , Wang, Z. , Zhu, S. & Tsai, D. P. (Summer 26 Jun 2020). Metalens-array–based high-dimensional and multiphoton quantum source. Science. 368. 1487 - 1490. doi:10.1126/science.aba9779\r
Yang, W. , Xiao, S. , Song, Q. , Liu, Y. , Wu, Y. , Wang, S. , Yu, J. , Han, J. & Tsai, D. P. (Summer 20 Apr 2020). All-dielectric metasurface for high-performance structural color. Nature Communications. 11. 1864 doi:10.1038/s41467-020-15773-0\r
Luo, X. , Tsai, D. P. , Gu, M. & Hong, M. (Spring 6 Mar 2019). Extraordinary optical fields in nanostructures: from sub-diffraction-limited optics to sensing and energy conversion. Chemical Society Reviews. 48. 2458 - 2494. doi:10.1039/C8CS00864G\r
Lin, R. J. , Su, V. -C. , Wang, S. , Chen, M. K. , Chung, T. L. , Chen, Y. H. , Kuo, H. Y. , Chen, J. -W. , Chen, J. , Huang, Y. -T. , Wang, J. -H. , Chu, C. H. , Wu, P. C. , Li, T. , Wang, Z. , Zhu, S. & Tsai, D. P. (Spring 21 Jan 2019). Achromatic metalens array for full-colour light-field imaging. Nature Nanotechnology. 14. 227 - 231. doi:10.1038/s41565-018-0347-0\r
Luo, X. G. , Tsai, D. P. , Gu, M. & Hong, M. H. (Winter 13 Nov 2018). Subwavelength interference of light on structured surfaces. Advances in Optics and Photonics. 10. 757 - 842. doi:10.1364/AOP.10.000757\r
Semmlinger, M. , Tseng, M. L. , Yang, J. , Zhang, M. , Zhang, C. , Tsai, W. -Y. , Tsai, D. P. , Nordlander, P. & Halas, N. J. (Autumn 1 Aug 2018). Vacuum ultraviolet light-generating metasurface. Nano Letters. 18. 5738 - 5743. doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.8b02346\r
Tseng, M. L. , Hsiao, H. ‐H. , Chu, C. H. , Chen, M. K. , Sun, G. , Liu, A. -Q. & Tsai, D. P. (Autumn 15 Jul 2018). Metalenses: advances and applications. Advanced Optical Materials. 6. 1800554 doi:10.1002/adom.201800554\r
Su, V. -C. , Chu, C. H. , Sun, G. & Tsai, D. P. (Summer 7 May 2018). Advances in optical metasurfaces: fabrication and applications. Optics Express. 26. 13148 - 13182. doi:10.1364/OE.26.013148\r
Shi, Y. Z. , Xiong, S. , Zhang, Y. , Chin, L. K. , Chen, Y. -Y. , Zhang, J. B. , Zhang, T. H. , Ser, W. , Larson, A. , Hoi, L. S. , Wu, J. H. , Chen, T. N. , Yang, Z. C. , Hao, Y. L. , Liedberg, B. , Yap, P. H. , Tsai, D. P. , Qiu, C. -W. & Liu, A. Q. (Spring 26 Feb 2018). Sculpting nanoparticle dynamics for single-bacteria-level screening and direct binding-efficiency measurement. Nature Communications. 9. 815 doi:10.1038/s41467-018-03156-5\r
Wang, S. , Wu, P. C. , Su, V. -C. , Lai, Y. -C. , Chen, M. -K. , Kuo, H. Y. , Chen, B. H. , Chen, Y. H. , Huang, T. -T. , Wang, J. -H. , Lin, R. -M. , Kuan, C. -H. , Li, T. , Wang, Z. , Zhu, S. & Tsai, D. P. (Spring 29 Jan 2018). A broadband achromatic metalens in the visible. Nature Nanotechnology. 13. 227 - 232. doi:10.1038/s41565-017-0052-4

