2023-05-14 19:49
  • 马如云
  • 马如云 - 教授-西北师范大学-数学与统计学院-个人资料




马如云,男,汉族, 1964年生。1997年在兰州大学获得博士学位,同年破格晋升为教授。1998年—1999年在美国康涅狄格中央州立大学(CCSU)做高级访问学者。2004年—2005年在澳大利亚昆士兰大学(UQ)做高级访问学者。现为西北师范大学数学与统计学院学术院长、教授、博士生导师、美国《Math Review》及德国《Zentralblatt Math》评论员、《Journal of Applied Mathematics》、《Appl. Math. E-Notes》和《Int. J. Differ. Equ.》编委、北京师范大学兼职博士生导师、甘肃省政协第九、十、十一届政协委员,甘肃省数学会副理事长,中国数学会第十二、十三届理事




Ruyun Ma, Liping Wei, Zhichao Chen, Evolution of bifurcation curves for one-dimensional Minkowski-curvature problem. Appl. Math. Lett. 103 (2020), 106176, 8 pp.
Ruyun Ma, Suyun Wang, Positive solutions for some semi-positone problems with nonlinear boundary conditions via bifurcation theory. Mediterr. J. Math. 17(1) (2020), Art. 12, 12 pp.
Ruyun Ma, Man Xu, Zhiqian He, Nonconstant positive radial solutions for Neumann problem involving the mean extrinsic curvature operator. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 484(2) (2020), 13 pp.
Zhongzi Zhao and Ruyun Ma, Local and global bifurcation of steady states to a general Brusselator model, Advances in Difference Equations 2019:491 (2019), 1-14.
Zhiqian He, Ruyun Ma, Man Xu , Positive solutions for a class of semipositone periodic boundary value problems via bifurcation theory, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations 2019, Paper No. 29, 15 pp.
Ruyun Ma, Man Xu, Dongliang Yan, Discrete Nonselfadjoint Second Order Two-Point Problems at Resonance, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 16(2) (2019), Art. 54, 14 pp.
Ruyun Ma, Man Xu, Connected components of positive solutions for a Dirichlet problem involving the mean curvature operator in Minkowski space, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B 24( 6) 2019,. 2701-2718.
Ruyun Ma, Zhiqian He, Dongliang Yan,Three radially symmetric k-admissible solutions for k-Hessian equation,Complex Variables and Elliptic Equation 64(8) (2019), 1353–1363.
Tianlan Chen, Ruyun Ma & Yongwen Liang, Multiple positive solutions of second-order nonlinear difference equations with discrete singular Φ-Laplacian, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 25(1) (2019), 38–55.
Dongliang Yan, Ruyun Ma, Global behavior of positive solutions for some semipositone fourth-order problems, Advances in Difference Equations (2018) 2018:443
Man Xu, Ruyun Ma, S-shaped connected component for a nonlinear Dirichlet problem involving mean curvature operator in one-dimension Minkowski space, Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 55(6) (2018), pp. 1891-1908
Man Xu, Ruyun Ma and Zhiqian He, Positive solutions of the periodic problems for quasilinear difference equation with sign-changing weight, Advances in Difference Equations (2018) 2018:393, 1-13.
Ruyun Ma, Positive solutions for Dirichlet problems involving the mean curvature operator in Minkowski space, Monatsh Math 187 (2018),315–325.
Man Xu, Ruyun Ma, Lower and upper solutions method for a problem of elastic beam whose one end simply supported and the other end sliding clamped, Turkish Journal of Mathematics (2018) 42: 1018-1030
Zhiqian He, Ruyun Ma, Man Xu, Three positive solutions for second-order periodic boundary value problems with sign-changing weight, Boundary Value Problems (2018) 2018:93, 1-17.
Man Xu,Ruyun Ma,Nonlinear elastic beam problems with the parameter near resonance,Open Mathematics,2018 16: 1176–118。
Ruyun Ma, Chenghua Gao, Yanqiong Lu, Spectrum theory of second-order difference equations with indefinite weight, Journal of Spectral Theory 8(3), 2018.
Ruyun Ma, Positive solutions for Dirichlet problems involving the mean curvature operator in Minkowski space, Monatshefte für Mathematik DOI 10.1007/s00605-017-1133-z
Ruyun Ma, Jinxiang Wang Yan Long, Lower and upper solutions method for the problem of elastic beam with hinged ends, Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 20:46, 2018, 1-13.
Guo-Bao Zhang, Ruyun Ma, Xueshi Li, Traveling waves of a Lotka-Volterra strong competition system with nonlocal dispersal, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B 23(2), 2018,587-608
Man Xu, Ruyun Ma, Existence of solutions for a discrete Neumann problem with singular ѱ-Laplacian operator, Advances in Difference Equations (2018) 2018:9, 1-12.

