2023-05-14 19:42
  • 张强
  • 张强 - 副教授-西北农林科技大学-化学与药学院-个人资料




2010年,植物学博士,毕业于中科院昆明植物所 2006年,医学硕士, 毕业于山东大学药学院 2003年,医学学士, 毕业于山东大学药学院


秦巴山区药用植物内生菌代谢产物 基于优势结构的类天然产物库组建


1. Tang, H.-Y.; Gao, J.-M.*, Zhang, Q.* Endophyte inspired chemical diversity from beta-caryophyllene. RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 72433−72436. 2. Zhang, Q.; Xiao, J.; Sun, Q.-Q.; Qin, J.-C.; Pescitelli, G.; Gao, J.-M. Characterization of Cytochalasins from the Endophytic Xylaria sp. and Their Biological Functions. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2014, 62, 10962−10969. 3. Zhang, Q.; Wang, S.-Q.; Tang, H.-Y.; Li, X.-J.; Zhang, L.; Xiao, J.; Gao, Y.-Q.; Zhang, A.-L.; Gao, J.-M. Potential Allelopathic Indole Diketopiperazines Produced by the Plant Endophytic Aspergillus fumigatus Using the One Strain–Many Compounds Method. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2013, 61, 11447−11452. 4. Zhang, Q.; Zhang, Y.; Yang, T.-Q.; Di, Y.-T.; Hao, X.-J., Longeracemine, an unprecedented C-7/C-9 bonding alkaloid from Daphniphyllum longeracemosum. RSC Advances 2013, 3, 9658−9661. 5. Zhang, Q.; Li, H.-Q.; Zong, S.-C.; Gao, J.-M.; Zhang, A.-L., Chemical and Bioactive Diversities of the Genus Chaetomium Secondary Metabolites. Mini-Rev. Med. Chem. 2012, 12, 127−148. 6. Zhang, Q., Zhang, Y., He, H.-P., Di, Y.-T., Hao, X.-J. Trichilone, a new C21 steroid from Trichilia connaroides. Nat. Prod. Commun., 2012, 7, 1267-1268. 7. Zhang, L., Wang, S.-Q., Li, X.-J., Zhang, A.-L., Zhang, Q.(*), Gao, J.-M*. New insight into the stereochemistry of botryosphaeridione from a Phoma endophyte. J. Mol. Struct., 2012, 1016, 72-75. 8. Zhang, Q.; Di, Y.-T.; He, H.-P.; Fang, X.; Chen D.-L.; Yan, X.-H.; Zhu, F.; Yang, T.-Q.; Liu, L.-L.; Hao, X.-J. Phragmalin- and Mexicanolide- limonoids from leaves of Trichilia connaroides. J. Nat. Prod. 2011, 74, 152−157. 9. Zhang, Q.; Di, Y.-T.; He, H.-P.; Li, S.-L.; Hao, X.-J. Mitregenin, a New Annonaceous acetogenin from Mitrephora maingayi. Nat. Prod. Comm. 2010, 5, 1793−1794. 10. Zhang, Q.; Di, Y.-T.; Li, C.-S.; Fang, X.; Tan, C.-J.; Zhang, Z.; Zhang, Y.; He, H.-P.; Li, S.-L.; Hao, X.-J. Daphenylline, a New alkaloid with an unusual skeleton, from Daphniphyllum longeracemosum. Org. Lett. 2009, 11, 2357−2359. 11. Zhang, Q.; Liu, H.-Y.; Kong, N.-C.; Gao, S.; Li, C.-S.; Zhang, Y.; Li, S.-L.; Hao, X.-J. Daphnoldines A and B, two new yuzurine alkaloids with a four-ring system, from the fruits of Daphniphyllum oldhamii. Helv. Chim. Acta 2008, 91, 914−919.

