2023-05-14 19:42
  • 尹霞
  • 尹霞 - 副教授-西北农林科技大学-化学与药学院-个人资料




2018年1月-今,西北农林科技大学化学与药学院,副教授 2014年7月– 2018年1月,西北农林科技大学理学院/化学与药学院,讲师 2014年7月中科院昆明植物研究所植物化学与西部植物资源持续利用国家重点实验室,药学博士学位 2009年7月中国海洋大学药学专业,医学学士学位;


1、高等真菌活性次级代谢产物的发现、生物合成及其调控机制; 2、特境微生物中结构新颖活性先导的发现、结构优化及生物学功能。


[1] Xia Yin, Tao Feng, Jian-Hua Shang, Yun-Li Zhao, Fang Wang, Zheng-Hui Li, Ze-Jun Dong, Xiao-Dong, Luo, Ji-Kai Liu, Chemical and toxicological investigations of a previously unknown poisonous European mushroom Tricholomaterreum . Chem. Eur. J. 2014, 20 , 7001-7009. [2] Xia Yin; Tao Feng; Zheng-HuiLi ;Ji-Kai Liu. Response to the “Comment on Chemical and Toxicological Investigations of a Previously Unknown Poisonous European Mushroom Tricholomaterreum” Chem. Eur. J. 2016, 22 , 5789-5792. [3] Xia Yin, Tao Feng, Zheng-Hui Li, Ze-Jun Dong, Yan Li, Ji-Kai Liu, Highly oxygenated meroterpenoids from fruiting bodies of the mushroom Tricholomaterreum . J. Nat. Prod. 2013, 76 , 1365-1368. [4] Yin, X.; Wei, J.; Wang, W. W.; Gao, Y. Q.; Stadler, M.; Kou, R. W.; Gao, J. M.* New cyathanediterpenoids with neurotrophic and anti-neuroinflammatory activity from the bird’s nest fungus Cyathusafricanus . Fitoterapia , 2019, 134, 201-209. [5] Kou, R. W.; Du, S. T.; Li, Y. X.; Yan, X. T.; Zhang, Q.; Cao, C. Y.; Yin, X.*;Gao, J. M* Cyathanediterpenoids and drimanesesquiterpenoids with neurotrophic activity from cultures of the fungus Cyathusafricanus. J. Antibiotics , 2019, 72 , 15-21. [6] Xia Yin; Zheng-HuiLi ; Yan, Li; Tao Feng; Ji-Kai Liu. Four lanostane-type triterpenes from the fruiting bodies of mushroom Laetiporussulphrureus var. miniatus. J. Asia. Nat. Prod. Res. 2015, 17 , 793-799. [7] Xia Yin, Tao Feng, Zheng-Hui Li, Ying Leng, Ji-Kai Liu, Five new guanacastane-type diterpenes from cultures of the fungus Psathyrellacandolleana . Nat. Prod. Biopropect . 2014, 4 , 149-155. [9]Xia Yin, Tao Feng, Ji-Kai Liu, Structures and cytotoxicities of three new sesquiterpenes from cultures of Armillaria sp.Nat. Prod. Bioprospect. 2012, 2 , 245-248. [9] Xia Yin, Tao Feng, Zheng-Hui Li, Jia Su, Yan Li, Ning-Hua Tan, Ji-Kai Liu, Chemical investigation on the cultures of the fungus of Xylariacarpophila . Nat. Prod. Bioprospect. 2011, 1 , 75-80.

