2023-05-14 18:37
  • 卓敏
  • 卓敏 - 主任-西安交通大学-前沿科学技术研究院-个人资料




卓敏教授是神经生物学领域的国际知名专家。他是第一份Online国际性痛觉研究杂志Molecular Pain主编和Molecular Brain的Founding主编。他主编了第一本分子痛的英文教科书由国家高等教育出版社和Springer联合出版。他在国际权威杂志如Nature,Science,Neuron,Nature Neurosci,J Neurosci等杂志上发表研究论文200余篇, 综述24篇. 论文被引用近8900 余篇次,H-index为57(2015年02月06日数据)。除了致力于基础研究,他认为生物医学研究最终应该造福于人类。他己拥有5项有关新药研制的国际及美国专利




1. Neuron, 2014, in press, (IF, 15.982 ) Koga K, Descalzi G, Chen T, Ko HG, Lu J, Li S, Son J, Kim TH, Kwak C, Huganir RL, Zhao MG,Kaang BK, Collingridge GL, Zhuo M Co-existence of two forms of LTP in ACC provides a synaptic mechanism for the interactions between anxiety and chronic pain\r
2. Curr Pharm Des, 2014, (IF, 3.311 ) Zhuo M Translational investigations for chronic pain\r
3. Mol Brain,7:76, 2014, (IF, 4.497 ) Chen T, Wang W, Dong YL, Zhang MM, Wang J, Koga K, Liao YH, Li JL, Budisantoso T, Shigemoto R, Itakura M, Huganir RL, Li YQ, Zhuo M Postsynaptic insertion of AMPA receptor onto cortical pyramidal neurons in the anterior cingulate cortex after peripheral nerve injury\r
4. Curr Pharm Des ,2014, (IF, 3.311 ) Zhuo M Targeting injury-related synaptic Plasticity for the Treatment of Chronic Pain\r
5. Mol Pain, 10: 65, 2014, (IF, 4.121 ) Chen T, O’Den G, Song Q, Koga K, Zhang MM, Zhuo M Adenylyl cyclase subtype 1 is essential for late-phase long term potentiation and spatial propagation of synaptic responses in the anterior cingulate cortex of adult mice\r
6. J Neurosci, 34(40): 13505-13515, 2014, (IF, 7.869 ) Qiu S, Zhang M, Liu Y, Guo Y, Zhao H, Song Q, Zhao M, Huganir RL, Luo J, Xu H, Zhuo M GluA1 phosphorylation contributes to postsynaptic amplification of neuropathic pain in the insular cortex\r
7. J Neurosci, 34(32): 10675-10687,2014, (IF, 7.869 ) Li XY, Wang N, Wang YJ, Zuo ZX, Koga K, Luo F, Zhuo M Long-term temporal imprecision of information coding in the anterior cingulate cortex of mice with peripheral inflammation or nerve injury\r
8. Mol Brain, 7:47, 2014, (IF, 4.497) Zhang MM, Liu SB, Chen T, Koga K, Zhang T, Li YQ, Zhuo M Effects of NB001 and gabapentin on irritable bowel syndrome-induced behavioral anxiety and spontaneous pain\r
9. Mol Pain, 10: 33. 7, 2014, (IF, 4.497 ) Chen T, Koga K, Descalzi G, Qiu S, Wang J, Zhang LS, Zhang ZJ, He XB, Qin X, Xu FQ, Hu J, Wei F, Huganir RL, Li YQ, Zhuo M Postsynaptic potentiation of corticospinal projecting neurons in the anterior cingulate cortex after nerve injury\r
10. Mol Brain, 7: 27, 2014, (IF, 4.497 ) Liu MG, Zhuo M No requirement of TRPV1 in long-term potentiation or long-term depression in the anterior cingulate cortex\r
11. Neuropsychopharmacology, 39(8): 1955-1967,2014, (IF, 8.518 ) Chen T, Lu JS, Song Q, Liu MG, Koga K, Descalzi G, Li YQ, Zhuo M Pharmacological rescue of cortical synaptic and network potentiation in a mouse model for fragile X syndrome\r
12. Mol Pain, 10: 1, 2014, (IF, 4.121 ) Liu MG, Zhuo M Loss of long-term depression in the insular cortex after tail amputation in adult mice\r
13. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 369(1633): 20130146,2013, (IF, 7.96 ) Zhuo M Long-term potentiation in the anterior cingulate cortex and chronic pain\r
14. Mol Pain, 9:58, 2013, (IF, 4.121 ) Kang SJ, Liu MG, Shi TY, Zhao MG, Kaang BK, Zhuo M N-type voltage gated calcium channels mediate excitatory synaptic transmission in the anterior cingulate cortex of adult mice\r
15. Sci Signal, 6(275), 2013, (IF, 7.123 ) Qiu S, Chen T, Koga K, Guo YY, Xu H, Song Q, Wang JJ, Descalzi G, Kaang BK, Luo JH, Zhuo M, Zhao MG An increase in synaptic NMDA receptors in the insular cortex contributes to neuropathic pain\r
16. Exp Neurobiol, 21(4): 129-135, 2012, (IF, 4.478 ) Zhuo M Cortical depression and potentiation: basic mechanisms for phantom pain\r
17. Mol Pain, 8: 53, 2012, (IF, 4.121 ) Li XY, Chen T, Descalzi G, Koga K, Qiu S, Zhuo M Characterization of neuronal intrinsic properties and synaptic transmission in layer I of anterior cingulate cortex from adult mice

