2023-05-14 18:32
  • 易文辉
  • 易文辉 - 副教授-西安交通大学-陕西省信息光子技术重点实验室-个人资料




教育经历 1999年-2004年 西安交通大学 电子科学与技术博士研究生 1996年-1999年 西安交通大学 高分子材料科学与工程 硕士研究生 1992年-1996年 西安交通大学 高分子材料科学与工程 本科 工作简历 2011年-至今麻省理工学院访问学者 2007年-至今西安交通大学 电信学院 副教授(2010获得博士生导师资格) 2007年-2008年 美国university of akron博士后,从事碳管的筛选分离方面的研究工作 2002年-2007年 西安交通大学 电信学院 讲师 2001年-2002年 西安交通大学 电信学院 助教


1. Yi WH, Malkovskiy A, Xu YQ, Sokolov A-P, Wang XQ, Colon ML, Meador M, Pang Y, Polymer conformation-assisted wrapping of single-walled carbon nanotube: The impact of cis-vinylene linkage, Polymer, 51, 475-481, 2010 2. Yi WH, Malkovskiy A, Sokolov A-P, Colon ML, Meador M, Pang Y, Wrapping of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes by a p-Conjugated Polymer: The Role of Polymer Conformation-Controlled Size Selectivity, J. Phys. Chem. B 112, 12263-12269, 2008 3. Yi WH, Malkovskiy A, Xu YQ, Sokolov A-P, Wang XQ, Colon ML, Meador M, Pang Y, Wrapping of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube with a Poly(phenylenevinylene) Derivative: Quantum-Enhanced Selectivity toward Armchair Tubes, manuscript 4. Yi WH, Feng W, Zhang CY, Long YB, Zhang ZG, Li BM, Wu HC. The third-order optical nonlinearities of carbon nanotube modified conjugated polymer in the femtosecond and nanosecond regimes , Journal of Applied Physics, 100 (9): 094301,2006 5. Yi WH, Wang SF, Feng WK, Feng W, Xu YL, Si JH, Wu HC, Gong QH, Hou X, Photophysical Properties of a Pi-Conjugated Polymer Covalently Functionalized Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes, submitted 6. Chu SS, Yi WH, Wang SF, Li FM, Feng WK, Gong QH, Steady-state and transient-state optical properties of a charge-transfer composite material MO-PPV/SWNTs, Chem. Phys. Lett. 451, 116-120, 2008 7. Zhang, H, Liu, H, Si, JH, Yi, WH, Chen, F, Hou, X, Low threshold power density for the generation of frequency up-converted pulses in bismuth glass by two crossing chirped femtosecond pulses,Optics Express 19(13),12039-12044, 2011 8. Tong, JY,Tan,WJ,Si,JH,Yang, Y,Yi, WH,Chen, F; Hou, X,Elimination of the coherent effect in the optical Kerr measurement of bismuth glass using supercontinuum,Journal of Applied Physics 109(12),123104,2011 9. Jia, S,Yan, LH,Si, JH,Yi, WH,Chen, F,Hou, X,Third-order nonlinear optical properties of C(60)-doped bulk material and its application in ultrafast optical Kerr gate ,Optical Engineering 50(11),119001,(2011) 10. Tan, WJ,Tong, JY,Si, JH,Yang, Y,Yi, WH,Chen, F,Hou, X,High Time-Resolved Three-Dimensional Imaging Using Ultrafast Optical Kerr Gate of Bismuth Glass,IEEE Photonics Technology Letters,23(8),471-473, 2011 11. Tong, JY,Yang, Y,Si, JH,Tan, WJ,Chen, F,Yi, WH,Hou, X ,Measurements of the scattering coefficients of intralipid solutions by a femtosecond optical Kerr gate,Optical Engineering,50(4),2011 12. Tan WJ, Yang Yi, Si JH, Tong JY, Yi WH, Che F, Hou X, Shape measurement of objects using an ultrafast optical Kerr gate of bismuth glass, Journal of Applied Physics, 107, 043104, 2010 13. Jia S, Yan LH, Si JH, Yi WH, Chen F, Hou X, Self-focusing in two-color collinear optical Kerr measurements, Optics Communications, 283, 4346-4349, 2010 14. Feng WK, Feng YY, Wang SF, Feng W, Yi WH, Gong QH, Intramolecular photoinduced electron-transfer in azobenzene-perylene diimide,Chinese Physics B, 19, 113401, 2010 15. Yun DQ, Feng W, Wu HC, Li BM , Liu XZ†, Yi WH, Qiang JF, Gao S, Yan SL, Controllable functionalization of single-wall carbon nanotubes by in situ polymerization method for organic photovoltaic devices, Synthetic Metals 158,977-983,2008 16. Feng W, Yi WH, Wu HC, Ozaki M, Yoshino K, et al. Enhancement of third-order optical nonlinear responses of conjugated polymer bonded carbon nanotubes, Journal of Applied Physics, 98, 034301, 2005 17. Wen YQ, Yi WH, Meng LJ, Feng M, Jiang GY, Yuan WF, Zhang YQ, Gao HJ, Jiang L, Song YL. Photochemical-Controlled Switching Based on Azobenzene Monolayer Modified Silicon (1 1 1) Surface, J. Phys. Chem. B109(30), 14465-14468, 2005 18. Yi WH, Feng W, Xu YL, Wu HC. Synthesis and Third-Order Optical Nonlinearities of Conjugated Polymer-Bonded Carbon Nanotubes, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 44(5A): 3022-3027, 2005 19. Yi WH, Feng W, Cao M, Wu HC. Synthesis of third-order non-linear optical polymers based on conjugated poly(heteroarylene methines) Polymers for Advanced Technologies 15 (7): 431-438 2004 20. Yi WH, Xu YL, Feng W, Wu HC. Third-order nonlinear response of conjugated polymer coated carbon nanotubes , Acta Physica Sinica 55 (7): 3736-3742 , 2006

