2023-05-14 18:29
  • 王跃社
  • 王跃社 - 教授-西安交通大学-动力工程多相流国家重点实验室-个人资料




王跃社,1989年获西安交通大学热能热能工程专业学士学位、1992年获西安交通大学应用力学硕士学位、1998年获西安交通大学动力工程及工程热物理学科博士学位;1998年9月起在西安交通大学能源与动力工程学院工作; 2001年11月-2003年10月年在日本九州大学机能物质研究所访问学者;现为西安交通大学动力工程多相流国家重点实验室教授、博士生导师。




1. Chao Zhang, Yueshe Wang, Yingwen Liu, Yang Yang, A molecular dynamics study of water vapor nucleation in the presence of ions. Chemical Engineering Science,137: 308–319,2015 2. Gang Liu, Yueshe Wang, Guojun Zang, Hongtao Zhao, Viscous Kelvin–Helmholtz instability analysis of liquid–vapor two-phase stratified flow for condensation in horizontal tubes. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 84: 592–599, 2015 3. Jukai Chen, Yueshe Wang, Xiufeng Li, Renyang He, Shuang Han, Yanlin Chen, Erosion prediction of liquid-particle two-phase flow in pipeline elbows via CFD–DEM coupling method. Powder Technology, 282: 25-31, 2015 4. Wenguang Nan, Yueshe Wang, Huiping Tang, A viscoelastic model for flexible fibers with material damping. Powder Technology, 276: 175-182, 2015 5. Wang, Jingxuan; Wang, Yueshe; Chen, Zhengwei; Chen, Kaituo; Li, Bing, The Numerical Simulation of Liquid–Vapor Stratified Flow in Horizontal Metal-Foam Tubes. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 15( 4): 3161-3167, 2015 6. Wenguang Nan, Yueshe Wang, Yuan Ge, Jianzhong Wang, Effect of shape parameters of fiber on the packing structure. Powder Technology, 261: 210-218, 2014. 7. Debiao Li, Yueshe Wang, Liejin Guo, Fengjun Xiao, Inter-particle collision effects on the entrained particle distribution in aeolian sand transport. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 58: 97-106, 2013 8. Yanling Wang, Yueshe Wang, Kaituo Chen, Bing Li, Non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulation of electrokinetic effects on heterogeneous ionic transport in nano-channel. Chemical Engineering Science, 66: 2807-2816, 2011 9. Yueshe Wang, Yanling Wang, Guo-xiang Wang, Hiroshi Honda, Prediction of evaporation heat transfer coefficient based on gas-liquid two-phase annular flow regime in horizontal microfin tubes. Applied Thermal Engineering, 29: 2970-2976, 2009 10. Li Guomei, Wang Yueshe, He Renyang, Cao Xuewen, Lin Changzhi, Meng Tao, Numerical simulation of predicting and reducing solid particle erosion of solid-liquid two-phase flow in a choke. Petroleum Science, 6(1):91-97, 2009.

