2023-05-14 18:27
  • 邵永平
  • 邵永平 - 主任-西安交通大学-前沿科学技术研究院-个人资料




9/2001-5/2007 Ph.D in Molecular Biology, State University of New York at Albany
9/1997-6/2000 M.S. in Botany, Fudan University
9/1993-6/1997 BS in Biology, Fudan University
7 /2013 - Group Leader I , Center for Translational Medicine , Frontier Institute of Science and Technology (FIST), Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
12/ 2008-5/2013 Postdoctoral Fellow, Kimmel Cancer Center, Thomas Jefferson University
5/2007-11/ 2008 Postdoctoral Associate, State University of New York at Albany


1. Hartsough E, Shao Y, Aplin A.E. 2014. Resistance to RAF Inhibitors Revisited. J Invest Dermatol. 134:319-25.
2. Shao Y. and Aplin A.E. 2012. BH3-only protein silencing contributes to acquired resistance to PLX4720 in human melanoma. Cell Death Differ. 19:2029-39.
3. Shao Y. and Aplin A.E. 2012. ERK-regulated phosphorylation of serine 77 regulates Bmf pro-apoptotic activity. Cell Death Dis. 3(1):e253.
4. Aplin A.E., Kaplan F. and Shao Y. 2011. Mechanisms of resistance to B-RAF inhibitors in melanoma. J Invest Dermatol. 131(9):1817-20.
5. Kaplan F. M., Shao Y., Mayberry M.M., Aplin A.E. 2011. Hyperactivation of MEK-ERK1/2 signaling and resistance to apoptosis induced by the oncogenic B-RAF inhibitor, PLX4720, in mutant N-RAS melanoma cells. Oncogene. 30(3):366-71
6. Shao Y. and Aplin A.E. 2010. Akt3-mediated resistance to apoptosis in B-RAF-targeted melanoma cells. Cancer Res. 15; 70(16):6670-81.
7. Shao Y. and Wang I.N. 2009. Effect of late promoter activity on bacteriophage lambda fitness. Genetics. 181(4):1467-75.
8. Shao Y. and Wang I.N. 2008. Bacteriophage adsorption rate and optimum lysis time. Genetics. 180(1):471-82.
9. Shao Y., Feldman-Cohen L.S. and Osuna R. 2008. Biochemical identification of base and phosphate contacts between Fis and a high affinity DNA binding site. J Mol Biol. 380(2):327-39.
10.Shao Y., Feldman-Cohen L.S. and Osuna R. 2008. Functional characterization of the Escherichia coli Fis-DNA binding sequence. J Mol Biol. 376(3):771-85.

