2023-05-14 18:23
  • 陆五元
  • 陆五元 - 主任-西安交通大学-前沿科学技术研究院-个人资料




1994年获得美国普渡大学化学系生物化学专业博士学位,师从于蛋白质生物物理学家、已故的Michael Laskowski Jr.教授。博士后研究工作分别在Scripps研究所细胞生物学系和芝加哥大学 生物化学与分子生物学系完成,师从于多肽化学家Stephen B.H. Kent教授和结构生物学家Anthony Kossiakoff教授。


1.Chu H, Pazgier M, Jung G, Nuccio SP, Castillo PA, de Jong MF, Winter MG, Winter SE, Wehkamp J, Shen B, Salzman NH, Underwood MA, Tsolis RM, Young GM, Lu W,* Lehrer RI,* Bäumler AJ,* Bevins CL* (2012). Human α-Defensin 6 Promotes Mucosal Innate Immunity Through Self-Assembled Peptide Nanonets. Science [June 21, Epub ahead of print] (*co-senior authors)
2.Zhan C, Zhao L, Wei X, Wu X, Chen X, Yuan W, Lu WY, Pazgier M, Lu W (2012). An ultrahigh affinity D-peptide antagonist of MDM2. J Med Chem [June 22, Epub ahead of print]
3.Rajabi M, Ericksen B, Wu X, de Leeuw E, Zhao L, Pazgier M, Lu W (2012). Functional determinants of human enteric α-defensin HD5: a crucial role for hydrophobicity at the dimer Interface. J Biol Chem [287:21615-27]
4.Zhao L, Ericksen B, Wu X, Zhan C, Yuan W, Li X, Pazgier M, Lu W (2012). The invariant Gly residue is important for alpha defensin folding, dimerization and function: a case study of the human neutrophil alpha defensin HNP1. J Biol Chem [287:18900-12]
5.Zhan C, Varney K, Yuan W, Zhao L, Lu W (2012). Interrogation of MDM2 phosphorylation in p53 activation using native chemical ligation: the functional role of Ser17 phosphorylation in MDM2 reexamined. J Am Chem Soc 134:6855-64
6.Pazgier M, Wei G, Ericksen B, Jung G, Wu Z, de Leeuw E, Yuan W, Szmacinski H, Lu W-Y, Lubkowski J, Lehrer RI, Lu W (2012). Sometimes it takes two to tang contributions of dimerization to functions of human -defensin HNP1. J Biol Chem 287:8944-53
7.Liu M, Li C, Pazgier M, Li C, Mao Y, Lv Y, Gu B, Wei G, Zhan C, Yuan W, Lu W-Y, Lu W (2010). D-peptide inhibitors of the p53-MDM2 interaction for targeted molecular therapy of malignant neoplasms. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107:14321-6
8.Li C, Pazgier M, Li J, Li C, Liu M, Zou G, Li Z, Chen J, Tarasov SG, Lu W-Y, Lu W (2010). Limitations of peptide retro-inverso isomerization in molecular mimicry, and why. J Biol Chem 285:19572-81
9.Wei G, Pazgier M, de Leeuw E, Rajabi M, Li J, Zou G, Jung G, Yuan W, Lu W-Y, Lehrer RI, Lu W (2010). Trp-26 Imparts Functional Versatility to Human α-Defensin HNP1. J Biol Chem 285:16275-85
10.Liu M, Pazgier M, Li C, Yuan W, Li C, Lu W (2010). A left-handed solution to peptide inhibition of the p53-MDM2 interaction. Angew Chem Int Ed 49:3649-52
11.Wei G, de Leeuw E, Pazgier M, Yuan W, Zou G, Wang J, Ericksen B, Lu W-Y, Lehrer RI, Lu W (2009). Through the looking glass, mechanistic insights from enantiomeric human defensins. J Biol Chem 284:29180-92
12.Pazgier M, Liu M, Zou G, Yuan W, Li C, Li J, Monbo J, Zella D, Tarasov SG, Lu W (2009). Structural basis for high-affinity peptide inhibition of p53 interactions with MDM2 and MDMX. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 106:4665-70
13.Li C, Pazgier M, Liu M, Lu W-Y, Lu W (2009). Apamin as a template for structure-based rational design of potent peptide activators of p53. Angew Chem Int Ed 48:8712-5
14.Li C, Liu M, Monbo J, Zou G, Li C, Yuan W, Zella D, Lu W-Y, Lu W (2008). Turning a scorpion toxin into an antitumor miniprotein. J Am Chem Soc 130:13546-8
15.Rajabi M, de Leeuw E, Pazgier M, Li J, Lubkowski J, Lu W (2008). The conserved salt bridge in human -defensin 5 is required for its precursor processing and proteolytic stability. J Biol Chem 283:21509-18
16.Zou G, de Leeuw E, Li C, Li C, Zeng P, Lubkowski J, Lu W-Y, Lu W (2007). Toward understanding the cationicity of defensins: Arg and Lys versus their noncoded analogs. J Biol Chem 282:19653-65
17.Li X, Zou G, Yuan W, Lu W (2007). Defining the native disulfide topology in the somatomedin B domain of human vitronectin. J Biol Chem 282:5318-26
18.Wu Z, Li X, de Leeuw E, Ericksen B, Lu W (2005). Why is the Arg5-Glu13 salt bridge conserved in mammalian -defensins? J Biol Chem 280:43039-47
19.Xie C, Prahl A, Ericksen B, Wu Z, Zeng P, Li X, Lu W-Y, Lubkowski J, Lu W (2005). Reconstruction of the conserved -bulge in mammalian defensins using D-amino acids. J Biol Chem 280:32921-9
20.Wu Z, Alexandratos J, Ericksen B, Lubkowski J, Gallo RC, Lu W (2004). Total chemical synthesis of N-myristoylated HIV-1 matrix protein p17: Structural and mechanistic implications of p17 myristoylation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 101:11587-92

