2023-05-13 20:19
  • 钟波
  • 钟波 - 教授 博导-武汉大学-生命科学学院-个人资料




学习经历: 2001.9-2005.6 中国地质大学外国语学院 英语专业 学士 2003.2-2005.6 武汉大学生命科学学院 生物科学专业 学士 2005.9-2010.6 武汉大学生命科学学院 细胞生物学 博士 导师:舒红兵 院士 工作经历: 2010.7-2013.2 The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 博士后 导师:董晨 教授 2013.3-现在 武汉大学生命科学学院 病毒学国家重点实验室 武汉大学医学研究院 教授、博导




1. Lu B#, Ren Y#, Sun X#, Han C, Wang H, Chen Y, Peng Q, Cheng Y, Cheng X, Zhu Q, Li W, Li HL, Du HN, Zhong B*, Huang Z*. Induction of INKIT by viral infection negatively regulates antiviral responses through inhibiting phosphorylation of p65 and IRF3. Cell Host Microbe, 2017, 22(1):86-98.e4. (Cover story) 2. Sun H#, Zhang Q#, Jing YY, Zhang M, Wang HY, Cai Z, Liuyu T, Zhang ZD, Xiong TC, Wu Y, Zhu QY, Yao J, Shu HB, Lin D, Zhong B*. USP13 negatively regulates antiviral responses by deubiquitinating STING. Nat Commun. 2017, May 23; 8:15534. 10.1038/NCOMMS15534. 3. Zhang M#, Zhang MX#, Zhang Q, Zhu GF, Yuan L, Zhang DE, Zhu QY, Yao J, Shu HB, Zhong B*. USP18 recruits USP20 to promote innate antiviral response through deubiquitinating STING/MITA. Cell Res. 2016, 26(12): 1302-1319. 4. Ren Y, Zhao Y, Lin D, Xu X, Zhu Q, Yao J, Shu HB, Zhong B*. The type I IFN-IRF7 mediates virus-triggered upregulation of Usp25. J Biol Chem. 2016, 291(25): 13206-13215. 5. Lin D, Zhang M, Zhang MX, Ren YJ, Zhao Q, Jin J, Pan Z, Wu M, Shu HB, Dong C, Zhong B*. Induction of USP25 by viral infection promotes innate antiviral responses by mediating the stabilization of TRAF3 and TRAF6. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 112(36):11324-329. 6. Lin D, Zhong B*. Regulation of cellular innate antiviral signaling by ubiquitin modification. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin. 2015 47(3):149-155. 7. Peng Q, Lan X, Wang C, Ren Y, Yue N, Wang J, Zhong B, Zhu Q. Kobuvirus VP3 protein restricts the IFN-β-triggered signaling pathway by inhibiting STAT2-IRF9 and STAT2-STAT2 complex formation. Virology. 2017 Apr 22; 507:161-169. 8. Wang A, Ding X, Demarque M, Liu X, Pan D, Xin H, Zhong B, Wang X, Dejean A, Jin W, Dong C. Ubc9 Is Required for Positive Selection and Late-Stage Maturation of Thymocytes. J Immunol. 2017 May 1; 198(9):3461-3470. 9. Gao SF, Zhong B, Lin D*. Regulation of T helper cell differentiation by E3 ubiquitin ligases and deubiquitinating enzymes. Int Immunopharmacol. 2017, 42:150-156. 10. Wang J, Lei CQ, Ji Y, Zhou H, Ren Y, Peng Q, Zeng Y, Jia Y, Ge J, Zhong B, Li Y, Wei J, Shu HB, Zhu Q. Duck Tembusu Virus Nonstructural Protein 1 Antagonizes IFN-β Signaling Pathways by Targeting VISA. J Immunol. 2016, 197(12):4704-4713. 11. Luo WW, Li S, Li C, Lian H, Yang Q, Zhong B, Shu HB. iRhom2 is essential for innate immunity to DNA viruses by mediating trafficking and stability of the adaptor STING. Nat Immunol. 2016, 17(9): 1057-66. 12. Liu TT, Yang Q, Li M, Zhong B, Ran Y, Liu LL, Yang Y, Wang YY, Shu HB. LSm14A Plays a Critical Role in Antiviral Immune Responses by Regulating MITA Level in a Cell-Specific Manner. J Immunol. 2016 196(12):5101-11. 13. An T, Li S, Pan W, Tien P, Zhong B, Shu HB, Wu S. DYRK2 Negatively Regulates Type I Interferon Induction by Promoting TBK1 Degradation via Ser527 Phosphorylation. PLoS Pathog. 2015 11(9): e1005179. 14. Wei J, Lian H, Zhong B, Shu HB. Parafibromin is a component of IFNγ-triggered signaling pathways that facilitates JAK1/2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of STAT1. J Immunol. 2015 195(6):2870-8. 15. Deng T, Lin D, Zhang M, Zhao Q, Li W, Zhong B, Deng Y, Fu X. Differential expression of bone morphogenetic protein 5 in human lung squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin. 2015 47(7):557-63. 16. Liu X, Chen X, Zhong B, Wang A, Wang X, Chu F, Nurieva RI, Yan X, Chen P, van der Flier LG, Nakatsukasa H, Neelapu SS, Chen W, Clevers H, Tian Q, Qi H, Wei L, Dong C. Transcription factor achaete-scute homologue 2 initiates follicular T-helper-cell development. Nature. 2014, 507(7493):513-8. 17. Luo WW, Lian H, Zhong B, Shu HB, Li S. Krüppel-like factor 4 negatively regulates cellular antiviral immune response. Cell Mol Immunol. 2016, 13(1):65-72. 18. Zhou Q, Lin H, Wang S, Wang S, Ran Y, Liu Y, Ye W, Xiong X, Zhong B, Shu HB, Wang YY. The ER-associated protein ZDHHC1 is a positive regulator of DNA virus-triggered, MITA/STING-dependent innate immune signaling. Cell Host Microbe. 2014, 16(4):450-61.

