2023-05-13 20:08
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  • 顾栋 - 教授 博导-武汉大学-高等研究院-个人资料




2017.09- 武汉大学高等研究院,教授,博士生导师\r
2016.02-2017.8 德国Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung,资深研究科学家\r
2015.03-2016.02 德国Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung,研究科学家\r
2013.03-2015.02 德国Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung,洪堡学者\r
2012.08-2013.02 德国Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung,研究科学家\r
2011.08-2012.07 德国Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung,博士后\r
2008.10-2008.11 德国Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung,交流学生\r
2006.09-2011.07 复旦大学化学系,无机化学专业,博士\r
2002.09-2006.07 复旦大学化学系,化学专业,本科\r
2001.09-2002.09 复旦大学历史系,旅游管理专业,本科




D. Gu, W. Schmidt, C. M. Pichler, H.-J. Bongard, B. Spliethoff, S. Asahina, Z. W. Cao, O. Terasaki, F. Schüth*. Surface Casting Synthesis of Mesoporous Zirconia with a CMK-5-like Structure and High Surface Area.Angewandte Chemie- International Edition,2017,56, 11222-11225.\r
Y. C. Wang, D. Widmann, F. Lehnert,D. Gu, F. Schüth, and R. J. Behm*.Avoiding Self-Poisoning: A Key Feature for the High Activity of Au/Mg(OH)2Catalysts in Continuous Low-Temperature CO Oxidation.Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,2017,56,9597-9602.\r
D. Gu, J.-C. Tseng, C. Weidenthaler, H.-J. Bongard, B. Spliethoff, W. Schmidt, F. Soulimani, B. M. Weckhuysen, F. Schüth*,Gold on Different Manganese Oxides: Ultra-Low-Temperature CO Oxidation over Colloidal Gold Supported on MnO2Nanomaterials,J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2016,138, 9752-9780.\r
G.-H. Wang, Z. W. Cao,D. Gu, N. Pfänder, A.-C. Swertz, B. Spliethoff, H.-J. Bongard, C. Weidenthaler, W. Schmidt, R. Rinaldi, F. Schüth*, Nitrogen-Doped Ordered Mesoporous Carbon Supported Bimetallic PtCo Nanoparticles for Upgrading of Biomass-Derived Phenolic Streams,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2016,55,8850-8855. (Hot Paper)\r
G.-H. Wang, X. H. Deng,D. Gu, K. Chen, H. Tüysüz, B. Spliethoff, H.-J. Bongard, C. Weidenthaler, W. Schmidt, F. Schüth*, Co3O4Nanoparticles Supported on Mesoporous Carbon for Selective Transfer Hydrogen of α,β-Unsaturated Aldehzdes,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2016,55, 11101-11105.\r
D. Gu, Ch.-J. Jia,*C. Weidenthaler, H.-J. Bongard, B. Spliethoff, W. Schmidt, F. Schüth,*Highly Ordered Mesoporous Cobalt Containing Oxides: Structure, Catalytic Properties, and Active Sites in Oxidation of Carbon Monoxide.J. Am.Chem. Soc.,2015,137, 11407-11418.\r
D. Gu,†W. Li,†F. Wang, H. Bongard, B. Spliethoff, W. Schmidt, C. Weidenthaler, Y. Y. Xia, D. Y. Zhao,*F. Schüth,*Controllable Synthesis of Mesoporous Peapod-like Co3O4@Carbon Nanotube Arrays for High-Performance Lithium Ion Batteries.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2015,54, 7060-7064.\r
D. Gu, F. Schüth,*Synthesis of non-siliceous mesoporous oxides.Chem. Soc. Rev.,2014,43, 313-344. (selected as hot and highly cited paper by Thomson Reuters, 2014)\r
D. Gu, C.-J. Jia,*H. Bongard, B. Spliethoff, C. Weidenthaler, W. Schmidt, F. Schüth,*Ordered Mesoporous Cu-Ce-O Catalysts for CO Preferential Oxidation in H2-rich Gases: Influence of Copper Content and Pretreatment Conditions,Appl. Catal. B,2014,152-153, 11-18.\r
Y. Fang, Y. Y. Lv, R. C. Che, H. Y. Wu, X. H. Zhang,D. Gu, G. F. Zheng, D. Y. Zhao,*Two-Dimensional Mesoporous Carbon Nanosheets and Their Derived Graphene Nanosheets: Synthesis and Efficient Lithium Ion Storage,J. Am.Chem. Soc.,2013,135, 1524–1530.\r
W. Li, Y. H. Deng, Z. X. Wu, X. F. Qian, J. P. Yang, Y. Wang,D. Gu, F. Zhang, B. Tu, D. Y. Zhao,*Hydrothermal Etching Assisted Crystallization: A Facile Route to Functional Yolk-Shell Titanate Microspheres with Ultrathin Nanosheets -Assem bled Double Shells.J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2011,133, 15830–15833.\r
D. Gu,H. Bongard,Y. H. Deng,D. Feng, Z. X. Wu,Y. Fang,J. J. Mao,B. Tu,F. Schüth, D. Y. Zhao,*Aqueous Emulsion Route to Synthesize Mesoporous Carbon Vesicles and Their Nanocomposites.Adv. Mater.,2010, 22, 833–837.\r
D. Gu, H. Bongard, Y. Meng, K. Miyasaka, O. Terasaki, F. Q. Zhang, Y. H. Deng, Z. X. Wu, D. Feng, Y. Fang, B. Tu, F. Schüth,*D. Y. Zhao,*Growth of Single-Crystal Mesoporous Carbons withIm-3mSymmetry.Chem. Mater.2010,22,4828–4833.\r
Y. Fang,D. Gu, Y. Zou, Z. X. Wu, F. Y. Li, R. C. Che, Y. H. Deng, B. Tu, D. Y. Zhao,*A Low-Concentration Hydrothermal Synthesis of Biocompatible Ordered Mesoporous Carbon Nanospheres with Tunable and Uniform Size.Angew.Chem. Inter. Ed.,2010,49, 7987–7991.\r
F. Q. Zhang,D. Gu,T. Yu, F. Zhang, S. H. Xie, L. J. Zhang, Y. H. Deng, Y. Wan, B. Tu, D. Y. Zhao,*Mesoporous Carbon Single-Crystals from Organic-Organic Self-Assembly.J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2007,129, 7746–7747.\r
Y. H. Deng, T. Yu, Y. Wan, Y. F. Shi, Y. Meng,D. Gu, L. J. Zhang, Y. Huang, C. Liu, X. J. Wu, D. Y. Zhao,*Ordered Mesoporous Silicas and Carbons with Large Accessible Pores Templated from Amphiphilic Diblock CopolymerPoly(ethylene oxide)-b-polystyrene.J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2007,129, 1690–1697.\r
Y. Huang, H. Q. Cai, T. Yu, F. Q. Zhang, F. Zhang, Y. Meng,D. Gu, Y. Wan, X. L. Sun, B. Tu, D. Y. Zhao,*Formation of Mesoporous Carbon With a Face-Centered-CubicFd-3mStructure and Bimodal Architectural Pores From the Reverse Amphiphilic Triblock Copolymer PPO-PEO-PPO.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2007,46, 1089–1093.\r
R. L. Liu, Y. F. Shi, Y. Wan, Y. Meng, F. Q. Zhang,D. Gu, Z. X. Chen, B. Tu, D. Y. Zhao,*Triconstituent Co-assembly to Ordered Mesostructured Polymer-Silica and Carbon-Silica Nanocomposites and Large-Pore Mesoporous Carbons with High Surface Areas.J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2006,128, 11652–11662.\r
F. Q. Zhang,Y. Meng,D. Gu, Y. Yan, C. Z. Yu, B. Tu, D. Y. Zhao,*A Facile Aqueous Route to Synthesize Highly Ordered Mesoporous Polymers and Carbon Frameworks withIa-3dBicontinuous Cubic Structure.J. Am. Chem.Soc.,2005,127, 13508–13509.\r
Y. Meng,D. Gu, F. Q. Zhang, Y. F. Shi, H. F. Yang, Z. Li, C. Z. Yu, B. Tu, D. Y. Zhao,*Ordered Mesoporous Polymers and Homologous Carbon Frameworks Amphiphilic Surfactant Templating and Direct Transformation.Angew.Chem. Int. Ed.,2005,44, 7053–7059. (Hot Paper)

