2023-05-13 20:06
  • 陈亮
  • 陈亮 - 研究员-武汉大学-生命科学学院-个人资料




学习经历 1999.09 - 2003.06  浙江大学生命科学学院   学士  生物技术 2003.09 - 2006.06  浙江大学生命科学学院   硕士  微生物 2006.09 - 2012.01  美国辛辛那提大学医学院  博士  环境遗传与分子毒理 主要工作经历与任职情况: 2012.02 - 2018.02  美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校医学院 博士后 2018.02 - 至今 武汉大学生命科学学院 研究员


运用细胞与分子生物学、基因组学、生物信息学和生物化学等多学科手段研究基因转录调控的分子机制。1)基因转录为细胞基础生命活动之一,对个体发育与应对环境变化至关重要,而转录活动的失调则往往与DNA损伤和众多人类疾病密切相关。 我们的研究兴趣为高等真核细胞的转录行为,重点研究转录过程中形成的特殊DNA/RNA杂合链结构R-loop的动态调节机制、生物学功能以及在疾病(如癌症与神经退行性疾病)发生中的作用机制(Chen et al., 2018, Mol Cell)。 2)近年来高速发展的高通量测序技术提供了全基因组水平的定量生物学信息,极大的促进了我们对转录调控机制更为全面的理解。我们致力于基因组学新技术方法的开发,以更加深入的理解转录调控与染色质特殊结构、表观遗传修饰和DNA复制过程的关系(Chen et al., 2017, Mol Cell),并拓展其在应用领域的研发。


1.Chen, L.*, Chen, J-Y.*, Huang, Y-J.*, Gu, Y., Qiu, J., Qian, H., Shao, C., Hu, J., Zhang, X., He, S., Zhou, Y., Li, H., Omar A-W, Zhang, D-E. and Fu, X-D. Augmented R-loop is a unifying mechanism for myelodysplastic syndromes induced by high risk splicing factor mutations. Mol Cell, 2018, 69: 412-425 (*: co-first author). Cover article and highlighted by Cancer Discov. 2. Chen, L.*, Chen, J-Y.*, Zhang, X., Gu, Y., Xiao, R., Shao, C., Tang, P., Qian, H., Luo, D., Li, H., Zhou, Y., Zhang, D-E. and Fu, X-D. R-ChIP using inactive RNase H reveals dynamic coupling of R-loops with transcriptional pausing at gene promoters. Mol Cell, 2017, 68: 745-757 (*: co-first author). Highlighted by Nat Rev Genet and Nat Methods. 3. Li, X., Zhou, B., Chen, L., Gou, L., Li, H. and Fu, X-D. GRID-seq reveals the global RNA-chromatin interactome. Nat Biotechnol, 2017, 35: 940-950. 4. Wei, C.*, Xiao, R.*, Chen, L.*, Cui, H.*, Zhou, Y.*, Xue, Y., Hu, J., Zhou, B., Tsutsui, T., Qiu, J., Li, H., and Fu, X-D. RBFox2 Binds Nascent RNA to globally regulate polycomb complex 2 targeting in mammalian genomes. Mol Cell, 2016, 62: 875-889. (*: co-first author) 5. Chen, L., Mongan, M., Meng, Q., Wang, Q., Kao, W., and Xia, Y. Corneal wound healing requires IκB kinase β signaling in keratocytes. Plos One, 2016, 11: e0151869. 6. Chen, L., Peng, Z., Meng, Q., Mongan, M., Wang, J., Sartor, M., Chen, J., Niu, L., Medvedovic, M., Kao, W., and Xia, Y. Loss of IκB kinase β promotes myofibroblast transformation and senescence through activation of the ROS-TGFβ autocrine loop. Protein Cell, 2016, 7: 338-350. 7. Qiu, J., Zhou, B., Thol, F., Zhou, Y., Chen, L., Shao, C., DeBoever, C., Hou, J., Li, H., Chaturvedi, A., Ganser, A., Bejar, R., Zhang, D-E., Fu, X-D., Heuser, M. Distinct splicing signatures affect converged pathways in myelodysplastic syndrome patients carrying mutations in different splicing regulators. RNA, 2016, 22:1535-1549. 8. Wang, L., Zhou, Y., Xu, L., Xiao, R., Lu, X., Chen, L., Chong, J., Li, H., He, C., Fu, X-D. and Wang, D. Molecular basis for RNA polymerase II to sense DNA methylation status during elongation. Nature, 2015, 523: 621-625. 9. Komeno, Y., Huang, Y-J., Qiu, J., Lin, L., Xu, Y., Zhou, Y., Chen, L., Monterroza, D., Li, H., DeKelver, R., Yan, Ming., Fu, X-D., and Zhang, D-E. SRSF2 is essential for hematopoiesis and its myelodysplastic syndromes-related mutations dysregulate alternative pre-mRNA splicing. Mol Cell Biol, 2015, 35: 3071-3082. 10. Wang, J., Chen, L., Ko, CI., Zhang, L., Puga, A., and Xia, Y. Distinct signaling properties of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinases 4 (MKK4) and 7 (MKK7) in embryonic stem cell (ESC) differentiation. J Biol Chem, 2012, 287(4):2787-2797 11. Chen, L., Meng, Q., Kao, W., and Xia, Y. IκB kinase β regulates epithelium migration during corneal wound healing. Plos one, 2011, 6: e16132. 12. Meng, Q., Peng, Z., Chen, L., Si, J., Dong, Z., and Xia Y. Nuclear factor-κB modulates cellular glutathione and prevents oxidative stress in cancer cells. Cancer Lett, 2010, 299: 45-53. 13. Peng, Z., Geh, E., Chen, L., Meng, Q., Fan, Y., Sartor, M., Shertzer, HG., Liu, ZG., Puga, A., and Xia, Y. Inhibitor of kappaB kinase beta regulates redox homeostasis by controlling the constitutive levels of glutathione. Mol Pharmacol, 2010, 77: 784-792. 14. Chen, L., Ovesen, JL., Puga, A., and Xia, Y. Distinct contribution of JNK and p38 to chromium cytotoxicity and inhibition of murine embryonic stem cell differentiation. Environ Health Perspect, 2009, 117: 1124-1130. 15. Mongan, M., Tan, Z., Chen, L., Peng, Z., Dietsch, M., Su, B., Leikauf, G., and Xia, Y. Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 1 protects against nickel-induced acute lung injury. Toxicol Sci, 2008, 104: 405-411. 16. Takatori, A., Geh, E., Chen, L., Zhang, L., Meller, J., and Xia, Y. Differential transmission of MEKK1 morphogenetic signals by JNK1 and JNK2. Development, 2008, 135: 23-32. 17. Du, Z., Jin, B., Liu, W., Chen, L., and Chen, J. Highly sensitive fluorescent-labeled probes and glass slide hybridization for the detection of plant RNA viruses and a viroid. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai), 2007, 39: 326-334. 18. Chen, L., Chen, JS., Zhang, H., and Chen, SN. Complete nucleotide sequences of three dsRNA segments from Raphanus sativus-root cv. Yidianhong [corrected] with leaf yellow edge symptoms. Arch of Virol, 2006, 151: 2077-2083. 19. Chen, L., Chen, JS., Liu, L., Yu, X., Yu, S., Fu, TZ., and Liu, WH. Complete nucleotide sequences and genome characterization of double-stranded RNA 1 and RNA 2 in the Raphanus sativus-root cv. Yidianhong [corrected]. Arch of Virol, 2006, 151: 849-859

