2023-05-13 19:31
  • 張兗君
  • 張兗君 - 教授-台湾清华大学-生命科学院-个人资料




愛荷華州立大學 美國 博士




2011 Yen Yun-Hong, Chuang Chih-Fan, Chang Chia-Wei, and Chang Yen-Chung ,2011,A Study of the Spatial Protein Organization of the Postsynaptic Density Isolated from Porcine Cerebral Cortex and Cerebellum,Mol Cell Proteomics,M110,007138,pp1-20 張兗君
2011 Hsu, C.I., Hou, S.Y.T., Liou, Y.R. and Chang, Y.C.*,2011,Morphological Changes and Synaptogenesis of Corticothalamic Neurons in the Somatosensory Cortex of Rat during Perinatal Development, Cerebral Cortex,21,4,pp884-895 (SCI) 張兗君
2011 Chen, C.H., Chuang, S.C., Su, H.C., Hsu, W.L., Yew, T.R., Chang, Y.C., Yeh, S.R. and Yao, D.J.,2011,A three-dimensional flexible microprobe array for neural recording assembled through electrostatic actuation,Lab on a Chip,11,9,pp1647-1655 (SCI) 張兗君
2010 Wu, H.I., Cheng, G.H., Wong, Y.Y., Lin, C.M., Fang, W., Chow, W.Y. and Chang, Y.C.*,2010,A lab-on-a-chip platform for studying the subcellular functional proteome of neuronal axons,Lab on a Chip,10,5,pp647-653 (SCI) 張兗君
2010 Su, H.C., Lin, C.M., Yen, S.J., Chen, Y.C., Chen, C.H., Yeh, S.R., Fang, W., Chen, H., Yao, D.J., Chang, Y.C. and Yew, T.R. ,2010,A cone-shaped 3D carbon nanotube probe for neural recording.,Biosensors & Bioelectronics ,26,1,pp220-227 (SCI) 張兗君
2010 Su, H.C., Chen, C.H., Chen, Y.C., Yao, D.J., Chen, H., Chang, Y.C. and Yew, T.R. ,2010,Improving the adhesion of carbon nanotubes to a substrate using microwave treatment,Carbon,48,3,pp805-812 (SCI) 張兗君
2010 Lee, Y.T., Lin, C.W., Lin, C.M., Yeh, S.R., Chang, Y.C. and Fang, W,2010,A pseudo 3D glass microprobe array: glass microprobe with embedded silicon for alignment and electrical interconnection during assembly,Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering ,20,2,pp025014- (SCI) 張兗君
2010 Hsu, C.I., Wang, T.C., Hou, S.Y.T., Chin, T.Y. and Chang, Y.C.* ,2010,Quantitative Study of the Developmental Changes in Calcium-Permeable AMPA Receptor-Expressing Neurons in the Rat Somatosensory Cortex,Journal of Comparative Neurology ,518,1,pp75-91 (SCI) 張兗君
2010 Chen, C.H., Su, H.C., Chuang, S.C., Yen, S.J., Chen, Y.C., Lee, Y.T., Chen, C., Yew, T.R., Chang, Y.C., Yeh, S.R. and Yao, D.J.,2010,Hydrophilic modification of neural microelectrode arrays based on multi-walled carbon nanotubes,Nanotechnology,21,48,pp485501- (SCI) 張兗君
2010 Chen, C.H., Chuang, S.C., Lee, Y.T., Chang, Y.C., Yeh, S.R. and Yao, D.J. ,2010,Three-dimensional flexible microprobe for recording the neural signal,Journal of Micro-Nanolithography Mems and Moems,9,3,pp031007- (SCI) 張兗君
2009 Chen, W.S., Chang, Y.C., Chen, Y.J., Chen, Y.J., Teng, C.Y., Wang, C.H. and Wu, T.Y. ,2010,Development of a prokaryotic-like polycistronic baculovirus expression vector by the linkage of two internal ribosome entry sites,Journal of Virological Methods,159,2,pp152-159 (SCI) 張兗君
2009 Yeh, S.R., Chen, Y.C., Su, H.C., Yew, T.R., Kao, H.H., Lee, Y.T., Liu, T.A., Chen, H., Chang, Y.C., Chang, P. and Chen, H,2009,Interfacing Neurons both Extracellularly and Intracellularly Using Carbon - Nanotube Probes with Long-Term Endurance, Langmuir,25,13,pp7718-7724 (SCI) 張兗君
2009 Lin, C.W., Lee, Y.T., Chang, C.W., Hsu, W.L., Chang, Y.C. and Fang, W.L. ,2009,Novel glass microprobe arrays for neural recording,Biosensors & Bioelectronics ,25,2,pp475-481 (SCI) 張兗君
2009 Cheng, W.Y., Hsu, W.L., Cheng, H.H., Huang, Z.H. and Chang, Y.C.*,2009,An observation chamber for studying temperature-dependent and drug-induced events in live neurons using fluorescence microscopy,Analytical Biochemistry ,386,1,pp105-112 (SCI) 張兗君
2009 Cheng, H.H., Huang, Z.H., Lin, W.H., Chow, W.Y. and Chang, Y.C.*,2009,Cold-Induced Exodus of Postsynaptic Proteins From Dendritic Spines,Journal of Neuroscience Research ,87,2,pp460-469 (SCI) 張兗君
2008 Horng W.C., Yen Y.H. and Chang, Y.C.* ,2008,A novel solid phase- and chemical crosslinking-based technology for determining protein localization in biological supramolecules, Proteomics,8,22,pp4642-4646 (SCI) 張兗君
2007 Huang, Z.H., Cheng, H.H., Wu, H.I, Tseng, S.H. and Chang, Y.C,2011,Studying the temperature-dependent events of live cells under confocal and epi-fluorescence microscopy using a solid-state heating/cooling system,Modern Research and Educational Topics in Microscopy,pp183-189 張兗君
2007 Lo, L.P., Liu, S.H. and Chang, Y.C.*,2008,Assembling microtubules disintegrate the postsynaptic density in vitro,Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton ,64,1,pp6-18 (SCI) 張兗君
2007 Tzeng, D.W., Lin, M.H., Chen, B.Y., Chen, Y.C., Chang, Y.C. and Chow, W.Y. ,2007,Molecular and functional studies of tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) NMDA receptor NR1 subunits, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B-Biochemistry & Molecular Biology,146,3,pp402-411 (SCI) 張兗君
2007 Chang, C.W., Peng, S.C., Cheng, W.Y., Liu, S.H., Cheng, H.H., Huang, S.Y. and Chang, Y.C.* ,2007,Studying the protein-protein interactions in the postsynaptic density by means of immunoabsorption and chemical crosslinking,Proteomics,1,11,pp1499-1512 (SCI) 張兗君
2007 Zeng, H.C., Ho, Y.C., Chen, S.T., Wu, H.I., Tung, H.W., Fang, W.L. and Chang, Y.C.* ,2007,Studying the formation of large cell aggregates in patterned neuronal cultures,Journal of Neuroscience Methods ,165,1,pp72-82 (SCI) 張兗君
2006 Liu, S.H., Cheng, H.H., Huang, S.Y., Yiu, P.C. and Chang, Y.C.*,2006,Studying the protein organization of the postsynaptic density by a novel solid phase- and chemical cross-linking-based technology,Molecular & Cellular Proteomics ,5,6,pp1019-1032 (SCI) 張兗君
2006 Huang, Z.H., Wu, H.J., Yeh, C.C., Chou, Y.C. and Chang, Y.C.*,2006,Dendritic spines of developing rat cortical neurons in culture,Chinese Journal of Physiology ,49,1,pp39-45 (SCI) 張兗君
2006 Cheng, H.H., Liu, S.H., Lee, F.C., Lin, Y.S., Huang, Z.H., Hsu, C.I., Chen, Y.C. and Chang, Y.C.*,2006,Heavy chain of cytoplasmic dynein is a major component of the postsynaptic density fraction,Journal of Neuroscience Research,84,2,pp244-254 (SCI) 張兗君
2002 2002,Lin, Y.-C., Huang, Z.-H., Jan, I.S., Yeh, C.-C., Wu, H.-J., Chou, Y.C. and Chang, Y.-C. (2002) Development of excitatory synapses in cultured neurons dissociated from the cortices of rat embryos and rat pups at birth. J. Neurosci. Res. 67, 484-493. , 張兗君
2002 2002,Jan, H.-H., Chen, I.-T., Tsai, Y.-Y. and Chang, Y.-C. (2002) Structural roles of the zinc ions bound to the postsynaptic density. J. Neurochem. 83, 525-534. , 張兗君
2002 2002,Srisalam, S., Wang, H.-M., Kumar, T.K.S., Rajalingam, D., Sivaraja, V., Sheu, H.-S., Chang, Y.-C. and Yu, C. (2002) Amyloid-like fibril formation in an all b-barrel protein involves the formation of partially structured intermediate(s). J. Biol. Chem. 277, 19027-19036.(SCI) , 張兗君
2000 2000,Hon, Y.S., Chang, Y.-C. and Chu, K.P. (2000) Synthesis of 3-substituted –L-glutamic acid analogues for neuroexcitatory activity studies. J. Chinese Chem. Soc. 47, 91-102. , 張兗君
2000 2000,Sui, C.-W., Chow, W.-Y. and Chang, Y.-C. (2000) Effects of disulfide bonds formed during isolation process on the structure of the postsynaptic density. Brain Res. 873, 268-273. , 張兗君
1999 1999, Lai, S.-L., Chiang, S.-F., Chen, I.-T., Chow, W.-Y. and Chang, Y.-C. (1999) Inter-protein disulfide bonds formed during isolation process tighten the structure of the postsynaptic density. J. Neurochem.73, 2130-2138. , 張兗君
1998 1998, Lai, S.-L., Ling, S.-C., Kuo, L.-H., Shu, Y.-C., Chow, W.-Y. and Chang, Y.-C. (1998) Characterization of granular particles isolated from postsynaptic densities. J. Neurochem. 71, 1694-1701. , 張兗君
1998 1998,Chang, S.-M., Wu, Y.-M., Chang, Y.-C., Hsu, Y.-C., Hsu, H.Y., Chen, C.-C. and Chow, W.-Y. (1998) Molecular and electrophysiological characterization of fGluR3, an ionotropic glutamate receptor subunit of a teleost fish. Mol. Brain Res. 57, 211-220. , 張兗君
1997 1997,Tyan, S.-H., Sue, T.-Y., Hon, Y.-S., Gean, P.-W. and Chang, Y.-C. (1997) A novel NMDA receptor antagonist protects against N-methyl-D-aspartate- and glutamate-induced neurotoxicity in the goldfish retina. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 321, 171-179. , 張兗君
1996 1996,Tyan, S.-H., Chang, S.-M., Gean, P.-W., Hon, Y.-S. and Chang, Y.-C. (1996) 4(R)- and 4(S)- (5-phenylpentyl)-glutamic acids attenuate excitatory postsynaptic potential on hippocampus without inhibiting postsynaptic NMDA and AMPA receptors. Chinese J. Physiol. 39, 131-137. , 張兗君
1996 1996,Chang, Y.-C., Wu, T.-Y., Li, B.-F., Gao, L.-H., Liu, C.-Y. and Wu, C.-L. (1996) Purification and biochemical characterization of AMPA/kainate-sensitive L-glutamate receptors of porcine brain. Biochem. J. 319, 49-57. , 張兗君
1996 1996,Wu, T.-Y., Liu, C.-Y. and Chang, Y.-C. (1996) A study of the oligomeric state of AMPA-preferring glutamate receptors in the synaptic junctions of porcine brain. Biochem. J. 319, 331-339. , 張兗君
1994 1994,Wu, T.-Y. and Chang, Y.-C. (1994) Hydrodynamic and pharmacological characterization of putative AMPA/kainate-sensitive L-glutamate receptors solubilized from porcine brain. Biochem. J. 300, 365-371. , 張兗君
1993 1993,Chang, Y.-C., Hon, Y.-S., Chow, W.-Y., Lin, T.-A., Jan, P.-Y. and Wang, C.-M. (1993) Study of stereoselectivity of L-glutamate receptors by synthetic 4(R)-and 4(S)-substituted L-glutamate analogues. Brain Res. 604, 86-89. , 張兗君
1993 1993,Chang, Y.-C., Chiu, S.-J. and Kao, K.-P. (1993) Beta-N-methylamino-L-alanine induces behavioral changes and a decrease of glutamate receptors. Chinese J. Physiol. 36, 79-84. , 張兗君
1992 1992,Tong, C.-K., Pang, M.-P. and Chang, Y.-C. (1992) Characterization of L-glutamate and kainate binding sites of the brain of a freshwater fish Telapilia monsanbica. Neuroscience 49, 237-246. , 張兗君
1992 1992,Chang, Y.-C. (1992) Efficient precipitation and accurate quantitation of detergent-solubilized membrane proteins. Anal. Biochem. 205, 22-26. , 張兗君
1991 1991,Hon, Y.-S., Chang, Y.-C. and Gong, M.-L. (1991) The studies of a-alkylation of N-tert-BOC-5(S)-tert-butyldimethylxymethyl-2-pyrrolidinones. Bull. Inst. Chem. Academia Sinica. 38, 23031. , 張兗君
1991 1991,Chang, Y.-C., Lin, I.-H., Lee, Y.-H. and Leng, C.-H. (1991) Solubilization, characterization and partial purification of AMPA, quisqualate, kainate-sensitive L-[3H]glutamate binding sites from porcine brain synaptic junctions. J. Neurochem. 57, 1921-1926. , 張兗君
1990 1990,Hon, Y.-S., Chang, Y.-C. and Gong, M.-L. (1990) Efficient enantioselective syntheses of (4R)-substituted (2S)-glutamic acids. Heterocycles 31, 191-196. , 張兗君
1990 1990,Chang, Y.-C., Hon, Y.-S. and Chow, W.-Y. (1990) Solubilization and characterization of glutamate binding sites from porcine brain. Neurochem. Int. 16, 173-185. , 張兗君
1988 1988,Chang, Y.-C. and Gottlieb, D.I. (1988) Characterization of the protein purified with monoclonal antibodies to glutamic acid decarboxylase. J. Neurosci. 8, 2123-2130. , 張兗君
1987 1987,Chang, Y.-C., Soman, G. and Graves, D.J. (1987) Identification of an enzymatic activity that hydrolyzes protein bound ADP-ribose in skeletal muscle. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 139, 932-939. , 張兗君
1987 1987,Chang, Y.-C., Scott R.D. and Graves, D.J. (1987) Function of pyridoxal-5‘-phosphate in glycogen phosphorylase: A model study using 6-fluoro-5’-deoxypyridoxal and 5‘-deoxypyridoxal reconstituted enzyme. Biochemistry 26, 360-367. , 張兗君
1986 1986,Chang, Y.-C., Scott, R.D. and Graves, D.J. (1986) Function of pyridoxal-5‘-phosphate in glycogen phosphorylase: F-19 NMR and kinetic studies of phosphorylase reconstituted with 6-fluoropyridoxal and 6-fluoropyridoxal phosphate. Biochemistry 25, 1932-1939. , 張兗君
1986 1986,Gottlieb, D.I., Chang, Y.-C. and Schwob, J. (1986) Monoclonal antibodies of glutamic acid decarboxylase. Proc, Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83, 8808-8812.   , 張兗君
1985 1985,Arus, C., Chang, Y.-C. and Barany, M. (1985) N-acetylaspartate as an intrinsic thermometer for H-1 NMR of sliced brain. J. Magn.Reson. 63, 376-379. , 張兗君
1985 1985,Barany, M., Chang, Y-C., Arus, C., Rustan, T. and Frey. W.H. (1985) Increased glycerol-3-phosphocholine in postmortem Alzheimer‘s brain. Lacet I, 517. , 張兗君
1985 1985,Barany, M., Chang, Y.-C. and Arus, C. (1985) Effects of halothane on the natural abundance C-13 NMR spectra of excised rat brain. Biochemistry 24, 7911-7917. , 張兗君
1985 1985,Barany, M., Arus, C. and Chang, Y.-C. (1985) Natural abundance C-13 NMR of brain. Magn. Reson. Med. 2, 289-295. , 張兗君
1985 1985,Arus, C., Chang, Y.-C. and Barany, M. (1985) The separation of phosphocreatine from creatine and pH determination in frog muscle by natural abundance C-13 NMR. Biochem. Biophys. Acta. 844, 91-93. , 張兗君
1985 1985,Chang, Y.-C., Arus, C. and Barany, M. (1985) Characterization of the broad resonance in P-31 NMR spectra of excised rat brain. Physiol. Chem. Phys. Med. NMR 17, 143-154. , 張兗君
1985 1985,Scott, R.D., Chang, Y.-C., Graves, D.J. and Metzler, D.E. (1985) Studies of 6-fluoropyridoxal and 6-fluoropyridoxamine 5‘-phosphate in cytosolic aspartate aminotransferase. Biochemistry 24, 7668-7681. , 張兗君
1985 1985,Chang, Y.-C. and Graves, D.J. (1985) Use of 6-fluoroderivatives of pyridoxal phosphate in the study of coenzyme function in glycogen phosphorylase. J. Biol. Chem. 260, 2709-2714. , 張兗君
1983 1983,Soman, G., Chang, Y.-C. and Graves, D.J. (1983) Effects of oxyanions of early transition metals on rabbit skeletal muscle phosphorylase. Biochemistry 22, 4993-4998. , 張兗君
1983 1983,Chang, Y,-C., McCalmont, T. and Graves, D.J. (1983) Functions of 5‘-phosphate group of pyridoxal 5’-phosphate in phosphorylase: A study using pyridoxal reconstituted enzyme as a model system. Biochemistry 22, 4987-4993. , 張兗君
1983 1983,Graves, D.J., Soman, G., Hurst, M. and Chang, Y.-C. (1983) Involvement of guanidinogroup in anion-binding sites and in enzyme-catalyzed covalent modification reactions, Current Topics in Cellular Regulation 24, 181-190. , 張兗君
1983 1983,Scott, R.D., Chang, Y-C., Graves, D.J. and Metzler, D.E. (1983) NMR study of 5-fluoro-pyridoxal phosphate-containing cytosolic aspartate aminotransferase, in “Chemical and biochemical aspects of vitamin B6 catalysis”, vol. 2, R.Alan ed., Liss Inc., New York,pp.249-257. , 張兗君
1981 1981,Chen, H.-H., Hsu, C.-H., Chang, Y.-C. and Wei, H.-H. (1981) Mossbauer spectroscopic studies of trifluorostannate (ll) in frozen aqueous solutions. Radiochem. Radioanal. Letters 59, 167-171. , 張兗君
1981 1981,Chen, H.-H., Hsu, C.-H., Chang, Y.-C. and Wei, H.-H. (1981) Mossbauer spectroscopic studies of trifluorostannate (ll) in frozen aqueous solutions. Radiochem. Radioanal. Letters 59, 167-171. , 張兗君

