2023-05-13 19:31
  • 周裕珽
  • 周裕珽 - 副教授-台湾清华大学-生命科学院-个人资料





凱斯西儲大學 美國 藥理 博士 2000年 ~ 2006年
國立陽明大學 台灣 微生物暨免疫學 碩士 1994年 ~ 1996年
中國文化大學 台灣 生物 學士 1990年 ~ 1994年

國立清華大學 助理教授 生物科技研究所 2012年08月 ~

中央研究院 博士後 生物醫學研究所 2008年 ~
國家衛生研究院 博士後 癌症研究所 2007年 ~
約翰霍普金斯醫學中心 博士後 骨科暨腫瘤科 2006年 ~





2020 Kuo MH, Lee AC, Hsiao SH, Lin SE, Chiu YF, Yang LH, Yu CC, Chiou SH, Huang HN, *Ko JC, *Chou YT,2020,Crosstalk between SOX2 and TGF-beta signaling regulates EGFR-TKI tolerance and lung cancer dissemination,Cancer Research, (SCI) 周裕珽
2020 Chiu YF, Wu CC, Kuo MH, Miao CC, Zheng MY, Chen PY, Lin SC, Chang JL, *Wang YH, *Chou YT ,2020,Critical role of SOX2–IGF2 signaling in aggressiveness of bladder cancer,Scientific Reports, (SCI) 周裕珽
2020 Kuo YS, Zheng MY, Huang MF, Miao CC, Yang LH, *Huang TW, *Chou YT,2020,Association of Divergent Carcinoembryonic Antigen Patterns and Lung Cancer Progression,Scientific Reports,10,1,pp2066- (SCI) 周裕珽
2020 Kuo PH, Teng YH, Cin AL, Han W, Huang PW, Wang LH, Chou YT, Yang JL, Tseng YL, Kao M, Chang MD,2020,Heparan sulfate targeting strategy for enhancing liposomal drug accumulation and facilitating deep distribution in tumors,Drug Delivery,27,1,pp542-555 周裕珽
2019 Lin SC, Chung CH, Chung CH, Kuo MH, Hsieh CH, Chiu YF, Shieh YS, *Chou YT and *Wu CW. ,2019,OCT4B mediates hypoxia-induced cancer dissemination,Oncogene, 38,7,pp1093-1105 (SCI) 周裕珽
2019 Hsu SY, Yu HY, Lee WC, Hsiao CE, Wu CL, Cheng HT, Lin LJ, Li F, *Chou YT and *Cheng JW,2019,A novel CXCL8 analog is effective in inhibiting the growth via cell cycle arrest and attenuating invasion of Lewis lung carcinoma,OncoTargets and Therapy,12,pp7611-7621 (SCI) 周裕珽
2018 Lee CJ, Sung PL, Kuo MH, Tsai MH, Wang CK, Pan ST, Chen YJ, Wang PH, *Wen KC, *Chou YT,2018,Crosstalk between SOX2 and cytokine signaling in endometrial carcinoma,Scientific Reports, (SCI) 周裕珽
2018 Wen KC, Sung PL, Chou YT, Pan CM, Wang PH, Lee OK, Wu CW,2018,The role of EpCAM in tumor progression and the clinical prognosis of endometrial carcinoma,Gynecologic Oncology,148,2,pp383-392 (SCI) 周裕珽
2018 Tsai CC, Chou YT, Fu HW,2018,Protease-activated receptor 2 induces migration and promotes Slug-mediated epithelial-mesenchymal transition in lung adenocarcinoma cells,Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Molecular Cell Research,1866,3,pp486 -503 (SCI) 周裕珽
2017 Hwang W, Chiu YF, Kuo MH, Lee KL, Lee AC, Yu CC, Chang JL, Huang WC, Hsiao SH, Lin SE, *Chou YT ,2017,Expression of neuroendocrine factor VGF in lung cancer cells confers resistance to EGFR kinase inhibitors and triggers epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition,Cancer Research,77,11,pp3013-3026 (SCI) 周裕珽
2017 Hsieh CH, *Chou YT, Kuo MH, Tsai HP, Chang JL, *Wu CW,2017,A Targetable HB-EGF–CITED4 Axis Controls Oncogenesis in Lung Cancer,Oncogene,36,21,pp2946-2956 (SCI) 周裕珽
2017 Hsiao SH, Chou YT, Lin SE, Hsu RC, Chung CL, Kao YR, Liu HE, Wu CW,2017,Brain metastases in patients with non-small cell lung cancer: the role of mutated-EGFRs with an exon 19 deletion or L858R point mutation in cancer cell dissemination,Oncotarget,[Epub ahead of print], (SCI) 周裕珽
2017 Wen KC, Sung PL, Hsieh SL, Chou YT, Lee OK, Wu CW, Wang PH,2017,α2,3-sialyltransferase type I regulates migration and peritoneal dissemination of ovarian cancer cells,Oncotarget, 8,17,pp29013-29027 (SCI) 周裕珽
2017 Wang SS, *Chou YT, *Pu YS,2017,Antagonistic effect of N-ethylmaleimide on arsenic-mediated oxidative stress-induced poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation and cytotoxicity,Journal of Applied Toxicology,37,5,pp573-582 (SCI) 周裕珽
2017 Chan SM, Lin BF, Wong CS, Chuang WT, Chou YT, Wu ZF,2017,Levobuipivacaine-Induced Dissemination of A549 Lung Cancer Cells,Scientific Reports,7,1,pp8646- (SCI) 周裕珽
2017 Lam IF, Huang M, Chang MD, Yao PW, Chou YT, Ng SK, Tsai YL, Lin YC, Zhang YF, Yang XY, Lai YK,2017,Identification of anti-HBV activities in Paeonia suffruticosa Andr. using GRP78 as a drug target on Herbochip®,Chinese Medicine,12 ,11, (SCI) 周裕珽
2016 Lin SC, *Chou YT, Jiang SS, Chang JL, Chung CH, Kao YR, Chang IS, *Wu CW,2016,Epigenetic Switch between SOX2 and SOX9 Regulates Cancer Cell Plasticity.,Cancer Research,76,23,pp7036-7048 (SCI) 周裕珽
2016 Wang SS, Chen CH, *Chou YT, *Pu YS,2016,Perioperative changes in TGF-β1 levels predict the oncological outcome of cryoablation-receiving patients with localized prostate cancer.,Cryobiology,73,1,pp63-8 (SCI) 周裕珽
2016 Cheng JC, Chiang MT, Lee CH, Liu SY, Chiu KC, Chou YT, Huang RY, Huang SM, Shieh YS. ,2016,γ-Synuclein Expression Is a Malignant Index in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. , J Dent Res.,95,4,pp439-45 (SCI) 周裕珽
2015 Chih YH, Lin YS, Yip BS, Wei HJ, Chu HL, Yu HY, Cheng HT, Chou YT, Cheng JW.,2015,Ultrashort Antimicrobial Peptides with Antiendotoxin Properties.,Antimicrob Agents Chemother.,8,59,pp5052-5056 (SCI) 周裕珽
2015 Li MY, Lai PL, Chou YT, Chi AP, Mi YZ, Khoo KH, Chang GD, Wu CW, Meng TC, Chen GC.,2015,Protein tyrosine phosphatase PTPN3 inhibits lung cancer cell proliferation and migration by promoting EGFR endocytic degradation., Oncogene.,29,34,pp3791-3803 (SCI) 周裕珽
2015 Ciou SC, Chou YT, Liu YL, Nieh YC, Lu JW, Huang SF, Chou YT, Cheng LH, Lo JF, Chen MJ, Yang MC, Yuh CH, Wang HD.,2015,Ribose-5-phosphate isomerase A regulates hepatocarcinogenesis via PP2A and ERK signaling.,Int J Cancer.,137,1,pp104-115 (SCI) 周裕珽
2015 Chiu KC, Lee CH, Liu SY, Chou YT, Huang RY, Huang SM, Shieh YS.,2015,Polarization of tumor-associated macrophages and Gas6/Axl signaling in oral squamous cell carcinoma.,Oral Oncol.,7,51,pp683-689 周裕珽
2015 Chu HL, Yip BS, Chen KH, Yu HY, Chih YH, Cheng HT, *Chou YT, *Cheng JW.,2015,Novel antimicrobial peptides with high anticancer activity and selectivity.,PLoS One.,5,10,ppe0126390- (SCI) 周裕珽
2014 Chiu KC, Lee CH, Liu SY, Yeh CT, Huang RY, Yuh DY, Cheng JC, Chou YT, Shieh YS.,2014,Protumoral effect of macrophage through Axl activation on mucoepidermoid carcinoma.,J Oral Pathol Med. ,7,43,pp538-544 周裕珽
2014 Hsiao SH, Lin SE, Chou YT, Wang JL, Chung CL, Yu MC, Fang CL, Lee HL, Chiang LL, Liu HE, Wu CW.,2014, Histological subtype and smoking status, but not gender, are associated with epidermal growth factor receptor mutations in non-small-cell lung cancer. cancer.,Mol Clin Oncol.,2,2,pp252-258 (SCI) 周裕珽
2013 Hsiao SH, Chung CL, Lee CM, Chen WY, Chou YT, Wu ZH, Chen YC, Lin SE.,2013,Suitability of Computed Tomography-Guided Biopsy Specimens for Subtyping and Genotyping of Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer.,Clin Lung Cancer,6,14,pp719-725 (SCI) 周裕珽
2013 Hsiao SH, Chung CL, Chou YT, Lee HL, Lin SE, Liu HE,2013,Identification of subgroup patients with stage IIIB/IV non-small cell lung cancer at higher risk for brain metastases.,Lung Cancer,2,82, (SCI) 周裕珽
2013 Chou YT, Lee CC, Hsiao SH, Lin SE, Lin SC, Chung CH, Chung CH, Kao YR, Wang YH, Chen CT, Wei YH, Wu CW,2013,The emerging role of SOX2 in cell proliferation and survival and its crosstalk with oncogenic signaling in lung cancer,Stem Cells,12,37,pp2607-2619 (SCI) 周裕珽
2013 Hsiao SH, Lin HC, Chou YT, Lin SE, Kuo CC, Yu MC, Chung CL.,2013,Impact of epidermal growth factor receptor mutations on intracranial treatment response and survival after brain metastases in lung adenocarcinoma patients.,Lung Cancer,3,81,pp455-461 (SCI) 周裕珽
2013 Kuo HY, Chen YC, Chang HY, Jeng JC, Lin EH, Pan CM, Chang YW, Wang ML, Chou YT, Shih HM, Wu CW.,2013,The PML isoform IV is a negative regulator of nuclear EGFR's transcriptional activity in lung cancer.,Carcinogenesis,8,34,pp1708-1716 (SCI) 周裕珽
2012 Chou YT, Hsieh CH, Chiou SH, Hsu CF, Kao YR, Lee CC, Chung CH, Wang YH, Hsu HS, Pang ST, Shieh YS, Wu CW. ,2012,CITED2 functions as a molecular switch of cytokine-induced proliferation and quiescence.,Cell Death Differ,19,12,pp2015-28 (SCI) 周裕珽
2010 Lau WM, Weber KL, Doucet M, Chou YT, Brady K, Kowalski J, Tsai HL, Yang J, Kominsky SL.,2010,Identification of prospective factors promoting osteotropism in breast cancer: a potential role for CITED2.,Int J Cancer. ,126,4,pp876-884 (SCI) 周裕珽
2010 Chou YT, Lin HH, Lien YC, Wang YH, Hong CF, Kao YR, Lin SC, Chang YC, Lin SY, Chen SJ, Chen HC, Yeh SD, and Wu CW.,2010,EGFR promotes lung tumorigenesis by activating miR-7 through a Ras/ERK/Myc pathway that targets the Ets2 transcriptional repressor ERF.,Cancer Res. ,70,21,pp8822-8831 (SCI) 周裕珽
2010 Chiou SH*, Wang ML*, Chou YT*, Chen CJ, Hong CF, Hsieh WJ, Chang HT, Chen YS, Lin TW, Hsu HS, Wu CW.,2010,Coexpression of Oct4 and Nanog enhance malignancy in lung adenocarcinoma by inducing cancer stem cell-Like properties and epithelial-mesenchymal transdifferentiation.,Cancer Res. ,70,24,pp10433-442010 (SCI) 周裕珽
2009 Hong CF, Chou YT, Lin YS, Wu CW.,2009,MAD2B, a novel TCF4-binding protein, modulates TCF4-mediated epithelial-mesenchymal transdifferentiation.,J Biol Chem. ,284 ,29,pp19613-19622 (SCI) 周裕珽
2007 Qu X, Doughman YQ, Chen Y, Chou YT, Lam E, Turakhia M, Dunwoodie SL, Watanabe M, Xu B, Duncan SA, Yang YC.,2007,Cited2, a coactivator of HNF4alpha, is essential for liver development.,EMBO J. ,26,21,pp4445-4456 (SCI) 周裕珽
2006 Chou YT and Yang YC.,2006,Posttranscriptional Control of Cited2 by TGF-beta: regulation via Smads and Cited2 coding region.,J Biol Chem. ,281,27,pp18451-18462 (SCI) 周裕珽
2006 Chou YT, Wang H, Danielpour D, Chen Y and Yang YC.,2006,Cited2 modulates TGF-beta-mediated upregulation of MMP9.,Oncogene ,25,40,pp5547-5560 (SCI) 周裕珽

2019 2019/03/29
2019/04/03 Miao CC, Hwang W, Chou YT,2019,Heterogeneous LC3A expression regulates lung cancer cell plasticity,American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting ,Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.,2019/03/29-2019/04/03 周裕珽
2018 2018/04/14
2018/04/18 Lee AC, Yu CC, Wang YH, Chou YT.,2018,EGFR and SOX2 crosstalk determines EGFR-TKI sensitivity and tumor progression .,American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting ,Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.,2018/04/14-2018/04/18 周裕珽
2017 2017/04/01
2017/04/05 Lee AC, Chiu YF, Kuo MH, Chou YT,2017,Crosstalk of SOX2 and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition on lung cancer progression,American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting ,Washington D.C., U.S.A.,2017/04/01-2017/04/05 周裕珽
2016 2016/04/16
2016/04/20 Chiu YF, Kuo MH, Lee AC, Chou YT,2016,The emerging role of SOX2 in cancer cell plasticity and EGFR-TKI resistance,American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting ,New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.,2016/04/16-2016/04/20 周裕珽
2015 2015/04/18
2015/04/22 Hsieh CH, Chou YT, and Wu CW. ,2015,HB-EGF−mediated CITED4 signaling in lung cancer.,American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting 2015, ,Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.,2015/04/18-2015/04/22 周裕珽
2015 2015/04/18
2015/04/22 Kuo MH, Hsieh CH, Wang YH, Wu CW, and Chou YT. ,2015,Emerging role of CITED2 in hypoxia and TGFbeta mediated proliferation and invasion in lung cancer., (AACR) Annual Meeting 2015,Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.,2015/04/18-2015/04/22 周裕珽
2014 2014/04/05
2014/04/09 Wang YH, Huang CF, Kuo MH, Wu CW, and Chou YT.,2014,CITED2 as a molecular switch for hypoxia-mediated proliferation. American Association for Cancer ,Research (AACR) Annual Meeting 2014, ,San Diego, California, U.S.A.,2014/04/05-2014/04/09 周裕珽
2013 2013/04/06
2013/04/10 Chou YT, Lee CC, Hsiao SH, Lin SE, Lin SC, Wang YH, and Wu CW.,2013,SOX2-mediated cell survival and chemoresistance in lung cancer,American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) 104nd Annual Meeting 2013,Washington D.C., USA,2013/04/06-2013/04/10 (其他) 周裕珽
2012 2012/03/31
2012/04/04 Chou YT, Chung CH, Chung C, Wu CW.,2012,Oct4B Mediates Hypoxia Induced Epithelial Mesenchymal Trans-differentiation of Lung Cancer.,American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting,Chicago, IL, USA,2012/03/31-2012/04/04 (其他) 周裕珽
2011 2011/04/02
2011/04/06 Chou YT, Lee CC, Lin SC, Wu CW.,2011,A Sox2-EGFR Positive Feedback Loop Contributes to Oncogenesis of Lung Cancer., American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting,Orlando, FL, USA,2011/04/02-2011/04/06 (其他) 周裕珽
2010 2010/04/17
2010/04/21 Chou YT, Hsu CF, Kao YR, and Wu CW.,2010,Cited2, a novel EGFR-induced coactivator, plays a key role in lung cancer progression.,American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting,Washington, DC, USA,2010/04/17-2010/04/21 (其他) 周裕珽
2009 2009/07/08
2009/07/11 Chou YT, Chen CJ, Chiou SH, Hsieh WJ, Wang ML, Wu CW.,2009,Role of embryonic stem cell signaling in cancer progression. International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) 7th Annual Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) 7th Annual Meeting,Barcelona, Spain,2009/07/08-2009/07/11 (其他) 周裕珽
2009 2009/04/18
2009/04/22 Lin HH, Chou YT, Wu CW.,2009,mir-7, an EGFR induced microRNA, modulates lung cancer progression,American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) 100th Annual Meeting,Denver, Co, USA ,2009/04/18-2009/04/22 (其他) 周裕珽
2003 2003/12/06
2003/12/09 Chou YT and Yang YC.,2003,Cited2 is a transcriptional modulator in TGF-beta signaling pathway. ,American Society of Hematology (ASH) Meeting,San Diego, CA, USA,2003/12/06-2003/12/09 (其

