2023-05-13 19:30
  • 殷献生
  • 殷献生 - 教授-台湾清华大学-生命科学院-个人资料





100 指導研究生陳文婷獲國家同步輻射研究中心第17屆用戶年會生命科學組壁報成果暨英文演說競賽佳作 國家同步輻射研究中心
99 指導研究生陳文婷獲國家同步輻射研究中心第16屆用戶年會生命科學組壁報成果暨英文演說競賽佳作 國家同步輻射研究中心

中興大學 中華民國 獸醫學系 博士 ~


- 結構生物學在免疫治療及免疫預防的基礎研究與應用
- 家禽病毒與其宿主間的分子交互作用與機制""


2011 Su, B.S., Shen, P.C., Hung, L.H., Huang, J.P., Yin, H.S. and Lee, L.H.,2011,Potentiation of cell-mediated immune responses against recombinant HN protein of Newcastle disease virus by recombinant chicken IL-18,Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology ,141,3-4,pp283-292 (SCI) 殷献生
2011 Su, B.S., Chiu, H.H., Lin, C.C., Shien, J.H., Yin, H.S.*and Lee, L.H.,2011,Adjuvant activity of chicken interleukin-12 co-administered with infectious bursal disease virus recombinant VP2 antigen in chickens,Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology,139,2-4,pp167-175 (SCI) 殷献生
2011 Cheng, C.S., Lu, W.S., Tu, I.F., Lyu, P.C. and Yin, H.S.*,2011,Comparative analysis of receptor binding by chicken and human interleukin-1 beta,Journal of Molecular Modeling,17,6,pp1283-1294 (SCI) 殷献生
2011 Cheng, C.S., Chen, W.T., Lee, L.H., Chen, Y.W., Chang, S.Y., Lyu, P.C. and Yin, H.S.*,2011,Structural and functional comparison of cytokine interleukin-1 beta from chicken and human,Molecular Immunology,48,6-7,pp947-955 (SCI) 殷献生
2011 Cheng, C.S., Chen, C.H., Luo, Y.C., Chen, W.T., Chang, S.Y., Lyu, P.C., Kao, M.C. and Yin, H.S.* ,2011,Crystal structure and biophysical characterisation of Helicobacter pylori phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,408,2,pp356-361 (SCI) 殷献生
2011 Chen, Y.W., Chou, H.C., Lyu, P.C., Yin, H.S., Huang, F.L., Chang, W.S.W., Fan, C.Y., Tu, I.F., Lai, T.C., Lin, S.T., Lu, Y.C., Wu, C.L., Huang, S.H. and Chan, H.L.,2011,Mitochondrial proteomics analysis of tumorigenic and metastatic breast cancer markers,Functional & Integrative Genomics,11,2,pp225-239 (SCI) 殷献生
2010 Yang, Z.J., Wang, C.Y., Lee, L.H., Chuang, K.P., Lien, Y.Y., Yin, H.S., Tong, D.W., Xu, X.G. and Liu, H.J.,2010,Development of ELISA kits for antibodies against avian reovirus using the sigma C and sigma B proteins expressed in the methyltropic yeast Pichia pastoris,Journal of Virological Methods ,163,2,pp169-174 (SCI) 殷献生
2010 Su, B.S., Yin, H.S., Shien, J.H., Chiu, H.H. and Lee, L.H,2010,Production of biologically active chicken interleukin (IL)-12 and IL-18 synthesized by the recombinant fowlpox virus,Process Biochemistry ,45,7,pp1057-1064 (SCI) 殷献生
2008 Wu, Y.F., Shien, J.H., Yin, H.S., S.H., C. and Lee, L.H.,2008,Structural and functional homology among chicken, duck, goose, turkey and pigeon interleukin-8 proteins,Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology,125,3-4,pp205-215 (SCI) 殷献生
2007 Su, Y.P., Shien, J.H., Liu, H.J., Yin, H.S. and Lee, L.H.,2007,Avian reovirus core protein muA expressed in Escherichia coli possesses both NTPase and RTPase activities, Journal of General Virology,88,pp1797-1805 (SCI) 殷献生
2006 Connolly, S.A., Leser, G.P., Yin, H.S., Jardetzky, T.S., and Lamb, R.A.,2006,Refolding of a paramyxovirus F protein from prefusion to postfusion conformations observed by liposome binding and electron microscopy,Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America ,103,47,pp17903-17908 (SCI) 殷献生
2006 Yin, H.S., Wen, X.L., Paterson, R.G., Lamb, R.A., and Jardetzky, T.S. ,2006,Structure of the parainfluenza virus 5 F protein in its metastable, pre-fusion conformation,Nature,439,7072,pp38-44 (SCI) 殷献生
2005 2005,Yin H. S. Paterson R. G. Wen X. Lamb R. A. Jardetzky T. S. 2005. Structure of the uncleaved ectodomain of the paramyxovirus (hPIV3) fusion protein. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 102(26), 9288-9293, (SCI) 殷献生
2002 2002,Yin H. S. Su Y. P. Lee L. H. 2002. Evidence of nucleotidyl phosphatase activity associated with core protein sigma A of avian reovirus S1133. Virology 293, 379-385, (SCI) 殷献生
2000 2000,Yin H. S. Lee L. H. 2000. Characterization of avian reovirus non structural protein sigma NS synthesized in Escherichia coli. Virus Res. 67, 1-9, (SCI) 殷献生
2000 2000,Yin H. S. Shien H. K. Shien J. H. Lee L.H. 2000. Synthesis in Escherichia coli of avian reovirus core protein sigma A and its dsRNA-binding activity. Virology 266, 33-41, (SCI) 殷献生
2000 2000,Shien J. H. Yin H. S. Lee L.H. 2000. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of antibody to avian reovirus by using protein sigma B as the coating antigen. Res Vet Sci. 69, 107-112. , (SCI) 殷献生
1998 1998,Yin H. S. Lee L. H. 1998. Development and characterization of a nucleic acid probe for avian reoviruses. Avian Pathol 27, 423-426, (SCI) 殷献生
1998 1998,Yin H. S. Lee L. H. 1998. Identification and characterization of RNA-binding activities of avian reovirus non-structural protein sigma NS. J. Gen. Virol. 79, 1411-1413, (SCI) 殷献生
1997 1997,Yin H. S. Shieh H. K. Lee L. H. 1997. Characterization of the double-stranded RNA genome segment S3 of avian reovirus. Journal of Virol Methods 67, 93-101., (SCI) 殷献生

