2023-05-13 19:28
  • 王雯靜
  • 王雯靜 - 教授-台湾清华大学-生命科学院-个人资料





2009 清華特聘教授 清華大學

2002 國科會吳大猷先生紀念獎 國科會


加州理工學院 美國 博士 ~




2010 Chen, Y.F., Hsu, K.C., Lin, S.R., Wang, W.C., Huang, Y.C. and Yang, J.M. ,2010,SiMMap: a web server for inferring site-moiety map to recognize interaction preferences between protein pockets and compound moieties,Nucleic Acids Research,38,ppW424-W430 (SCI) 王雯靜
2010 Kan, S.C., Liu, J.S., Hu, H.Y., Chang, C.M., Lin, W.D., Wang, W.C.* and Hsu, W.H.,2010,Biochemical characterization of two thymidylate synthases in Corynebacterium glutamicum NCHU 87078,Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Proteins and Proteomics,1804,9,pp1751-1759 (SCI) 王雯靜
2010 Cheng, H.H., Chang, C.S., Wang, H.J. and Wang, W.C.* ,2010,Interleukin-1 beta and -10 polymorphisms influence erosive reflux esophagitis and gastritis in Taiwanese patients,Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,25,8,pp1443-1451 (SCI) 王雯靜
2009 Wu, H.M., Liu, S.W., Hsu, M.T., Hung, C.L., Lai, C.C., Cheng, W.C., Wang, H.J., Li, Y.K. and Wang, W.C. ,2009,Structure, Mechanistic Action, and Essential Residues of a GH-64 Enzyme, Laminaripentaose-producing beta-1,3-Glucanase,Journal of Biological Chemistry,284,39,pp26708-26715 (SCI) 王雯靜
2009 Poon, S.K., Lai, C.H., Chang, C.S., Lin, W.Y., Chang, Y.C., Wang, H.J., Lin, P.H., Lin, H.J. and Wang, W.C.*,2009,Prevalence of antimicrobial resistance in Helicobacter pylori isolates in Taiwan in relation to consumption of antimicrobial agents,International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents ,34,2,pp162-165 (SCI) 王雯靜
2009 Lo, C.K., Kao, C.H., Wang, W.C., Wu, H.M., Hsu, W.H., Lin, L.L. and Hu, H.Y. ,2009,Engineering of the critical residues at the stereochemistry-gate loops of Brevibacillus agri dihydropyrimidinase for the production of L-homophenylalanine,Process Biochemistry,44,3,pp309-315 (SCI) 王雯靜
2008 Lai, C.H., Fang, S.H., Rao, Y.K., Geethangili, M., Tang, C.H., Lin, Y.J., Hung, C.H., Wang, W.C. and Tzeng, Y.M. ,2008,Inhibition of Helicobacter pylori-induced inflammation in human gastric epithelial AGS cells by Phyllanthus urinaria extracts, Journal of Ethnopharmacology,118,3,pp522-526 (SCI) 王雯靜
2008 Liu, J.S., Cheng, W.C., Wang, H.J., Chen, Y.C. and Wang, W.C.*,2008,Structure-based inhibitor discovery of Helicobacter pylori dehydroquinate synthase, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,373,1,pp1-7 (SCI) 王雯靜
2008 Lai, C.H., Chang, Y.C., Du, S.Y., Wang, H.J., Kuo, C.H., Fang, S.H., Fu, H.W., Lin, H.H., Chiang, A.S. and Wang, W.C.*,2008,Cholesterol depletion reduces Helicobacter pylori CagA translocation and CagA-induced responses in AGS cells,Infection and Immunity,76,7,pp3293-3303 (SCI) 王雯靜
2008 Chi, M.C., Liu, J.S., Wang, W.C., Lin, L.L. and Huang, H.B. ,2008,Site-directed mutagenesis of the conserved Ala348 and Gly350 residues at the putative active site of Bacillus kaustophilus leucine aminopeptidase,Biochimie ,90,5,pp811-819 (SCI) 王雯靜
2008 Lin, L.L., Chen, Y.P., Yang, J.C., Hua, Y.W., Wang, W.C. and Kuo, L.Y.,2008,Significance of the conserved tyr352 and asp380 residues in the catalytic activity of Bacillus stearothermophilus aminopeptidase II as evaluated by site-directed mutagenesis,Protein Journal,27,4,pp215-222 (SCI) 王雯靜
2008 Lin, L.L., Liu, J.S., Wang, W.C., Chen, S.H., Huang, C.C. and Lo, H.F.,2008,Glutamic acid 219 is critical for the thermostability of a truncated alpha-amylase from alkaliphilic and thermophilic Bacillus sp strain TS-23,World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology ,24,5,pp619-626 (SCI) 王雯靜
2007 Hung, C.L., Liu, J.H., Chiu, W.C., Huang, S.W., Hwang, J.K. and Wang, W.C. ,2007,Crystal structure of Helicobacter pylori formamidase AmiF reveals a cysteine-glutamate-lysine catalytic triad,Journal of Biological Chemistry ,282,16,pp12220-12229 (SCI) 王雯靜
2007 Lee, Y.C., Wu, H.M., Chang, Y.N., Wang, W.C. and Hsu, W.H. ,2007,The central cavity from the (alpha/alpha)(6) barrel structure of Anabaena sp CH1N-acetyl-D-glucosamine 2-epimerase contains two key histidine residues for reversible conversion,Journal of Molecular Biology ,367,3,pp895-908 (SCI) 王雯靜
2006 Chiu, W.C., You, J.Y., Liu, J.S., Hsu, S.K., Hsu, W.H., Shih, C.H., Hwang, J.K. and Wang, W.C.*,2006,Structure-stability-activity relationship in covalently cross-linked N-carbamoyl D-amino acid amidohydrolase and N-acylamino acid racemase,Journal of Molecular Biology,359,3,pp741-753 (SCI) 王雯靜
2006 Lai, C.H., Kuo, C.H., Chen, P.Y., Poon, S.K., Chang, C.S. and Wang, W.C.* ,2006,Association of antibiotic resistance and higher internalization activity in resistant Helicobacter pylori isolates,Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy ,57,3,pp466-471 (SCI) 王雯靜
2006 Lin, L.L., Chen, P.J., Liu, J.S., Wang, W.C. and Lo, H.F.,2006,Identification of glutamate residues important for catalytic activity or thermostability of a truncated Bacillus sp. strain TS-23 α-amylase by site-directed mutagenesis,Protein Journal,25,3,pp232-239 (SCI) 王雯靜
2006 Chi, M.C., Huang, H.B., Liu, J.S., Wang, W.C., Liang, W.C. and Lin, L.L. ,2006,Residues threonine 346 and leucine 352 are critical for the proper function of Bacillus kaustophilus leucine aminopeptidase,Fems Microbiology Letters ,260,2,pp156-161 (SCI) 王雯靜

