2023-05-13 19:28
  • 王翊青
  • 王翊青 - 副教授-台湾清华大学-生命科学院-个人资料






(演講),(研討會) The 1st International Conference on Life Science and Technology (ICoLiST):Advanced technology development, Natural resource sustainability and human welfare. Foxm1 transcription factor regulates lung adenocarcinoma development 王翊青
(演講),(研討會) The National Lung Cancer Partnership 2011 Annual Meeting Role of Foxm1 in Kras-induced lung tumorigenesis. 王翊青

2019 其他 Computer-assisted diagnosis based on 3D image database 2018-00-00 王翊青 / Chiang AS, Chang DT, Wang IC, Yang JL, Wu SC, Lin YY
2012 其他 “Method of inhibiting tumor cell proliferation”, a divisional application of US7635673, issued as U.S. Patent No. 7799896, September 21, 2010. 0000-00-00 王翊青 / University of Illinois Board of Trustee
2011 其他 “Methods of Inhibiting Tumor Cell Proliferation with FoxM1 siRNA”. European Patent (EP) Pub. No. EP1758999 B1, Mar 09, 2011 0000-00-00 王翊青 / University of Illinois Board of Trustee
2009 其他 “Methods of inhibiting tumor cell proliferation”. United States (US) Patent 7635673, December 22, 2009. 0000-00-00 王翊青 / University of Illinois Board of Trustee


107 研究FoxM1轉錄因子在上皮生長因子受體(EGFR)酪胺酸激酶抑制劑(TKI)藥物造成的抗藥機轉中所扮演的角色 王翊青 主持人 2018年01月 ~
2018年12月 國立清華大學 /
106 基因轉錄子 FOXM1 調控急性肺臟損傷後的上皮修補 王翊青 主持人 2017年01月 ~
2017年12月 國立清華大學 /
105 肺臟損傷修護及肺癌形成中細支氣管肺泡幹細胞的分裂調控 王翊青 主持人 2016年08月 ~
2019年07月 科技部優秀年輕學者研究計畫 /
103 轉錄因子 Foxm1 在上皮生長因子受體突變的肺癌中之角色 王翊青 主持人 2014年01月 ~
2017年12月 國家衛生研究院 研究發展獎助計畫 /
102 研究Forkhead家族蛋白在癌症起始及進程中之機轉及檢測 王翊青 子計畫主持人 2013年01月 ~
2014年12月 清華大學頂尖研究中心整合型計畫 /
102 轉錄因子Forkhead Box M1在癌症發育中的角色 王翊青 主持人 2013年01月 ~
2013年10月 國科會 /
102 探討 Foxm1 蛋白在肺癌起始及進展中的角色 王翊青 主持人 2013年08月 ~
2016年07月 科技部優秀年輕學者研究計畫 /

106 細胞免疫誘發疫苗抑制腫瘤生長之功效測試 王翊青 主持人 2017年07月 ~
2018年12月 生控基因疫苗公司 /
105 細胞免疫誘發疫苗抑制腫瘤生長之功效測試 主持人 2016年01月 ~
2017年06月 生控基因疫苗公司 /


2018 106學年度教學績優獎 國立清華大學生命科學院
2015 103學年度新進教師研究獎 國立清華大學生命科學院

2012 101年度國科會補助延攬特殊優秀人才獎勵 國科會
2009 Career Development Award National Lung Cancer Partnership, USA
2001 Fellowship Department of Molecular Genetics, College of Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago

University of Illinois at Chicago USA Molecular Genetics Ph.D. 2001年 ~ 2006年
National Tsing Hua University Taiwan Life Science M.S. 1995年 ~ 1997年
Tung Hai University Taiwan Biology B.S. 1991年10月 ~ 1995年06月

Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Research Associate Neonatology and Pulmonary Biology 2007年 ~
University of Chicago Research Professional Associate Pulmonary and Critical Care 2007年 ~
University of Illinois at Chicago Postdoctoral Research Associate Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics 2006年 ~
Academia Sinica Research Assistant Institute of Biomedical Sciences 1999年 ~





2019 Kurahashi T, Yoshida Y, Ogura S, Egawa M, Furuta K, Hikita H, Kodama T, Sakamori R, Kiso S, Kamada Y, Wang IC, Eguchi H, Morii E, Doki Y, Mori M, Kalinichenko VV, Tatsumi T, Takehara T.,2019,Forkhead Box M1 transcription factor drives liver inflammation linking to hepatocarcinogenesis in mice.,Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol,9,3,pp425-446 (SCI) 王翊青
2019 Hsieh NT, Huang CY, Li CC, Wang IC, Lee MF,2019,MED28 and forkhead box M1 (FOXM1) mediate matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP2)-dependent cellular migration in human nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells,Journal of Cellular Physiology,234,7,pp11265-11275 (SCI) 王翊青
2017 Sun L, Ren X, Wang IC, Pradhan A, Zhang Y, Flood HM, Han B, Whitsett JA, Kalin TV, Kalinichenko VV.,2017,The FOXM1 inhibitor RCM-1 suppresses goblet cell metaplasia and prevents IL-13 and STAT6 signaling in allergen-exposed mice,Science Signaling,10,475,ppeaai8583- (SCI) 王翊青
2014 Wang IC, Ustiyan V, Zhang Y, Cai Y, Kalin TV, Kalinichenko VV.,2014,Foxm1 transcription factor is required for the initiation of lung tumorigenesis by oncogenic KrasG12D,Oncogene,33,46,pp5391-5396 (SCI) 王翊青
2013 Balli D, Ustiyan V, Zhang Y, Wang IC, Masino AJ, Ren X, Whitsett JA, Kalinichenko VV, Kalin TV.,2013,Foxm1 transcription factor is required for lung fibrosis and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition,EMBO J,32,2,pp231-44 (SCI) 王翊青
2012 Ustiyan V, Wert SE, Ikegami M, Wang IC, Kalin TV, Whitsett JA, Kalinichenko VV.,2012,Foxm1 transcription factor is critical for proliferation and differentiation of Clara cells during development of conducting airways,Developmental Biology ,370,2,pp198-212 (SCI) 王翊青
2012 Wang IC*, Snyder J, Zhang Y, Lander J, Nakafuku Y, Lin J, Chen G, Kalin TV, Whitsett JA, Kalinichenko VV*.,2012,Foxm1 Mediates a Cross-talk between Kras/MAPK and Canonical Wnt Pathways during Development of Respiratory Epithelium.,MCB,32,19,pp3838-50 (SCI) 王翊青
2011 Bolte C, Zhang Y, Wang IC, Kalin TV, Molkentin JD, Kalinichenko VV. ,2011,expression of Foxm1 transcription factor in cardiomyocytes is required for myocardial development., PLoS One,6,7,ppe22217- (SCI) 王翊青
2010 Wang IC*, Zhang Y, Snyder J, Sutherland M, Burhans MS, Shannon JM, Park HJ, Whitsett JA, Kalinichenko VV*. ,2010,Increased expression of Foxm1 Transcription Factor in Respiratory Epithelium Inhibits Lung Sacculation and Causes Clara Cell Hyperplasia. ,Dev. Biol.,347,2,pp301-314 (SCI) 王翊青
2009 Ustiyan V, Wang IC, Ren X, Zhang Y, Snyder J, Xu Y, Wert SE, Lessard JL, Kalin TV, Kalinichenko VV. ,2009,Forkhead Box M1 transcription factor is required for smooth muscle cell during embryonic development of blood vessels and esophagus. ,Dev. Biol. ,336,2,pp266-279 (SCI) 王翊青
2009 Wang IC, Meliton L, Ren X, Zhang Y, Balli D, Snyder J, Whitsett JA, Kalinichenoko VV, Kalin TV.,2009,Deletion of FoxM1 Transcription Factor from Lung Epithelial Cells Inhibits Pulmonary Tumorigenesis. ,PLoS One,4,8,ppe6609- (SCI) 王翊青
2008 Kalin TV, Wang IC, Meliton L, Zhang Y, Wert SE, Ren X, Snyder J, Bell SM, Graf L Jr, Whitsett JA, Kalinichenko VV. ,2008,Forkhead Box m1 transcription factor is required for perinatal lung function., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA,105,49,pp19329-19334 (SCI) 王翊青
2008 Wang IC, Chen YJ, Hughes DE, Ackerson T, Major ML, Costa RH, Tyner AL, Raychaudhuri P and Lau LF. ,2008,FOXM1 regulates transcription of JNK1 to promote the G1/S transition and tumor cell invasiveness., J. of Biol. Chem.,283,30,pp20770-8 (SCI) 王翊青
2008 Wang IC, Meliton L, Ramakrishna S, Tretiakova M, Kalinichenko VV and Kalin TV. ,2008,The Forkhead BoxM1 Transcription Factor Accelerates Formation of Lung Tumors and Directly Induces Cox-2 Expression., Oncogene,27,30,pp4137-49 (SCI) 王翊青
2007 Yoshida Y, Wang IC, Yoder HM, Davidson NO and Costa RH. ,2007,The Forkhead Box M1 Transcription Factor is Required for Development and Growth of Mouse Colorectal Cancer. ,Gastroenterology,132,4,pp1420-31 (SCI) 王翊青
2007 Ramakrishna S, Kim IM, Petrovic V, Malin D, Wang IC, Kalin TV, Meliton L, Zhao YY, Qin Y, Malik AB, Costa RH, and Kalinichenko VV. ,2007,Myocardium defects and ventricular hypoplasia in mice homozygous null for the Forkhead Box m1 transcription factor. ,Dev Dyn.,236,4,pp1000-1013 (SCI) 王翊青
2007 Gusarova GA, Wang IC, Major ML, Kalinichenko VV, Ackerson T, Petrovic V, and Costa RH.,2007,A Cell Penetrating ARF Peptide Inhibitor of the Foxm1 Transcription Factor Is an Effective Treatment for Hepatocellular Carcinoma In Vivo. ,J Clin Invest.,117,1,pp99-111 (SCI) 王翊青
2006 Radhakrishnan SK, Bhat UG, Hughes DE, Wang IC, Costa RH and Gartel AL. ,2006,Identification of a chemical inhibitor of the oncogenic transcription factor Forkhead Box M1.,Cancer Res. ,66,19,pp9731-9735 (SCI) 王翊青
2006 Zhao YY, Gao X, Vogel S, Kalinichenko VV, Wang IC, Costa RH, and Malik AB.,2006,Endothelial Proliferation and Vascular Re-annealing Following Injury Induced by LPS. ,J Clin Invest.,116,9,pp2333-43 (SCI) 王翊青
2006 Kim IM, Ackerson T ,Ramakrishna S, Tretiakova M, Wang IC, Gusarova GA, Yoder HM, Costa RH, and Kalinichenko VV. ,2006,The Forkhead Box m1 Transcription Factor Is Essential for Proliferation of Tumor Cells during Development of Lung Cancer. ,Cancer Res.,66,4,pp2153-2161 王翊青
2006 Kalin TV, Wang IC, Ackerson T, Major ML, Detrisac C, Kalinichenko VV, Lyubimov A and Costa RH. ,2006,Increased Levels of the FoxM1 Transcription Factor Accelerate Development and Proliferation of Prostate Adenocarcinomas in both TRAMP and LADY Transgenic Mice. ,Cancer Res.,66,3,pp1712-1720 (SCI) 王翊青
2005 Wang IC, Chen YJ, Hughes DE, Petrovic V, Major ML, Park HJ, Tan Y, Ackerson T, and Costa RH.,2005,Forkhead Box M1 Regulates the Transcriptional Network of Genes Essential for Mitotic Progression and Genes Encoding the SCF (Skp2-Cks1) Ubiquitin Ligase. ,Mol Cell Biol. ,25,24,pp10875-94 (SCI) 王翊青
2005 Costa RH, Kalinichenko VV, Tan Y, and Wang IC.,2005,The CAR Nuclear Receptor and Hepatocyte Proliferation. ,Hepatology,42,5,pp1004-1008 (SCI) 王翊青
2004 Krupczak-Hollis K, Wang X, Kalinichenko VV, Gusarova GA, Wang IC, Dennewitz MB, Yoder HM, Kiyokawa H, Kaestner KH, Costa RH. ,2004,The mouse Forkhead Box m1 transcription factor is essential for hepatoblast mitosis and development of intrahepatic bile ducts and vessels during liver morphogenesis. ,Dev Biol.,276,1,pp74-88 (SCI) 王翊青
2003 Kalinichenko VV, Gusarova GA, Tan Y, Wang IC, Major ML, Wang X, Yoder HM, Costa RH. ,2003,Ubiquitous expression of the forkhead box M1B transgene accelerates proliferation of distinct pulmonary cell types following lung injury. ,J Biol Chem.,278,39,pp37888-94 (SCI) 王翊青
2003 Chuang SM, Wang IC, Hwua YS, Yang JL.,2003,Short-term depletion of catalase suppresses cadmium-elicited c-Jun N-terminal kinase activation and apoptosis: role of protein phosphatases.,Carcinogenesis,24,1,pp7-15 (SCI) 王翊青
2000 Chuang SM, Wang IC, Yang JL.,2000,Roles of JNK, p38 and ERK mitogen-activated protein kinases in the growth inhibition and apoptosis induced by cadmium.,Carcinogenesis,21,7,pp1423-32 (SCI) 王翊青

2020 2020/02/05
2020/02/07 CC Hsu and IC Wang,2020,FoxM1 activation is determined by alternative auto-interactions of its TAD,The 27th Symposium on Recent Advances Cellular and Molecular Biology,Kenting, Taiwan,2020/02/05-2020/02/07 王翊青
2019 2019/10/26
2019/10/30 CC Hsu and IC Wang,2019,A FoxM1-autoregulation motif serves as an inhibitor to suppress cellular vitality of NSCLC,AACR-NCI-EORTC: International Conference on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics,Boston, Massachusetts, USA,2019/10/26-2019/10/30 王翊青
2019 2019/09/07
2019/09/11 Jia-Ling Yang, Yen-Yin Lin, Ann-Shyn Chiang, I-Ching Wang, Shun-Chi Wu, Margaret Dah-Tsyr Chang, Jih-Hsiang Lee, Jen-Chuang Ko, Sheng-Kai Liang, Jun-Wei Guo, Xiang-Lin Song, Hsien-Neng Huang, Ming Chao, Ching-Hung Lin,2019, Establishment of a 3D histopathology platform for precision tumor diagnosis., 31st European Congress of Pathology (ECP), Pathology in Nice, ,Nice Acropolis Convention Centre, France,2019/09/07-2019/09/11 王翊青
2018 2018/11/19
2018/11/21 Yang JL, Lin YY, Wang CY, Wang IC, Wu SC, Lin HW, Chin LA, Chang MDT, Guo JW, Song XL, Lin CH, and Chiang AS ,2018,Automated 3D histopathology platform for precision tumor analysis and diagnosis,International Conference on Oncology and Cancer Treatment,Berlin, Germany,2018/11/19-2018/11/21 王翊青
2018 2018/04/21
2018/04/25 Wang IC, Chiu YS, Chen WH, Li CC and Lee YC,2018,Increased levels of FOXM1 transcription factor in bronchioalveolar stem cells promote epithelial cell repopulation in injured mouse airway,Experimental Biology (EB) 2018,San Diego, California, USA.,2018/04/21-2018/04/25 (其他) 王翊青
2018 2018/04/21
2018/04/25 Hsieh NT, Huang CY, Li CC, Wang IC, Lee MF.,2018,MED28 modulates transcription factor FOXM1- associated migration and invasion in human non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells,Experimental Biology (EB) 2018,San Diego, California, USA.,2018/04/21-2018/04/25 (其他) 王翊青
2018 2018/03/24
2018/03/25 Hsieh CY, Wang IC, Chang CR and Shen CN,2018,FOXM1 regulates pancreatic cancer cell proliferation and stemness via affects mitochondrial activity, 2018 The 33rd Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science, Taipei, Taiwan,2018/03/24-2018/03/25 (其他) 王翊青
2018 2018/03/24
2018/03/25 Chen WH, Chiuo YS, Wang IC,2018,FOXM1 transcription factor promotes airway epithelial cell proliferation after lung injury., 2018 The 33rd Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science, Taipei, Taiwan,2018/03/24-2018/03/25 王翊青
2017 2017/09/24
2017/09/27 Chao SY, Li CC, Liang SK, Chiu YS, Lin YK, Hsu CC, Chen JK, Tsou TC and Wang IC,2017,Foxm1 mediates maintenance and progression of mouse lung tumor driven by oncogenic Kras.,AACR Advances in Modeling Cancer in Mice: Technology, Biology and Beyond,Orlando, Florida, USA.,2017/09/24-2017/09/27 (其他) 王翊青
2017 2017/08/14
2017/08/14 Wang IC, Liang SK, Ip KU, Li CC, Lin YK, Chiu YS, Chao SY, Chien HC, Lee YC, Hsu PC, Chen JK, Kuo CW, Lee JL, and Tsou TC,2017,The Role of Transcription Factor Foxm1 in EGFR Mutated Lung Cancer,2017 Biomedical Research Symposium of NHRI,Zhunan, Taiwan.,2017/08/14 王翊青
2016 2016/08/20
2016/08/20 Wang IC,2016, Transcription factor Foxm1 in lung cancer development,2016 Molecular Oncology and Signal Transduction Symposium,Taichung, Taiwan.,2016/08/20 王翊青
2016 2016/08/16
2016/08/16 Wang IC,2016,The Role of Transcription Factor Foxm1 in EGFR Mutated Lung Cancer,2016 Biomedical Research Symposium of NHRI,Zhunan, Taiwan,2016/08/16 王翊青
2016 2016/07/31
2016/08/05 Wang IC, Chiu YS, Li CC, Lee YC, Chen CY, Zhang Y, Sato A, Kalinichenko VK and Tsou TC.,2016,Transgenic expression of FOXM1 transcription factor promotes airway epithelial cell repopulation after naphthalene-induced lung injury,2016 FASEB Science Research Conferences: The Lung Epithelium in Healthy & Disease,Vermont, USA,2016/07/31-2016/08/05 (其他) 王翊青
2016 2016/07/10
2016/07/15 Wang IC,2016,Foxm1 transcription factor regulates lung epithelium development and disease,2016 The Cross-straits Universities Youth Forum for Life Science Research, Wuhan, China,2016/07/10-2016/07/15 (其他) 王翊青
2016 2016/05/26
2016/05/26 Ip KU, Li CC, chao SY, Lin YK, Chen JK and Wang IC,2016,MicroCT analysis of lung adenocarcinoma induced by EGFR-mutant,Graduate Students of NTHU and NCTU College of Life Science Joint Conference,Hsinchu, Taiwan,2016/05/26 (其他) 王翊青
2016 2016/05/26
2016/05/26 Chao SY, Li CC, Liang SK, Chiu YS, Chen JK, Tsou TC and Wang IC,2016,Investigating Foxm1 Promotes Gain-of-Function KRAS Mutant Tumor Maintenance,Graduate Students of NTHU and NCTU College of Life Science Joint Conference,Hsinchu, Taiwan,2016/05/26 (其他) 王翊青
2016 2016/01/27
2016/01/29 Chao SY, Lee CC, Chiu YS, Hsu CC, Liang SK, Liao WN, Chen JK, Tsou TC, Wang IC,2016,Foxm1 promotes gain-of-function KRAS mutant lung tumor maintenance,The 24th Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology,Kenting, Taiwan,2016/01/27-2016/01/29 (其他) 王翊青
2015 2015/11/30
2015/11/30 Wang IC,2015,Targeting Foxm1 for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer inhibition: Lessons from oncogenic Kras and EGFR GEMMs,2015 NTHU-NHRI joint Research Conference, Precision Medicine Session., Hsinchu, Taiwan,2015/11/30 (其他) 王翊青
2015 2015/11/05
2015/11/09 Wang IC, Chien HC, Chao SY and Li CC,2015,Inhibition of Foxm1 transcription factor diminished Kras-mutated tumor development, 2015 AACR-NCI-EORTC Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics Conference,2015/11/05-2015/11/09 (其他) 王翊青
2015 2015/10/15
2015/10/15 Wang IC,2015,Genetic Engineered Mouse Models for Lung Development and Disease Research, NTHU-YNNU-KMUST Cross-strait Three Universities Life Science and Medical Science Symposium,Hsinchu, Taiwan,2015/10/15 (其他) 王翊青
2015 2015/08/10
2015/08/11 Wang, IC, Chiu YS, Chao SY, Chien HC, Li CC, Ip KU, Lee YC, Chen JK and Tsou TC.,2015,The role of transcription factor forkheadbox m1 in lung cancer,2015 Biomedical Research Symposium of National Health Research Institutes.,2015/08/10-2015/08/11 (其他) 王翊青
2014 2014/02/24
2014/02/27 Wang IC, Ustiyan V, Zhang Y, Cai Y, Kalin TV, Kalinichenko VV,2015,Foxm1 transcription factor is required for the initiation of lung tumorigenesis by oncogenic KrasG12D,AACR Ras oncogene: From Biology to Therapy,Lake Buena Vista, Florida.,2014/02/24-2014/02/27 王翊青
2013 2013/11/04
2013/11/06 Wang IC. ,2013,Foxm1 is essential for lung tumorigenesis induced by oncogenic KrasG12D.,IBMS-NHRI joint conference: International Conference on Inflammation, Cancer and Metabolic Diseases, Cancer Session,,Miaoli, Taiwan,2013/11/04-2013/11/06 王翊青
2013 2013/01/26
2013/01/25 Wang IC. ,2013,Foxm1 mediates Kras/MAPK signaling pathway in respiratory epithelium development and tumorigenesis.,3rd Toxicology General Meeting (TGM),Taichung, Taiwan,2013/01/26-2013/01/25 王翊青
2012 2012/11/26
2012/11/26 Wang IC. ,2015,Foxm1 transcription factor is required for initiation of lung tumorigenesis by oncogenic K-Ras.,2012 NHRI-NTHU Joint Research Conference: Cancer Biology,,Miaoli, Taiwan.,2012/11/26 王翊青
2011 2011/08/14
2011/08/19 Wang IC, Snyder J, Zhang Y, Lander J, Nakafuku Y, Lin J, Chen G, Kalin TV, Whitsett JA and Kalinichenko VV.,Foxm1 Mediates a Cross-talk between Kras/MAPK and Canonical Wnt Signaling Pathways during Development of Respiratory Epithelium. ,Gordon Research Conference: Lung Development, Injury & Repair- Building and Rebuilding the Lung,Newport, Rhode Island,2011/08/14-2011/08/19 (其他) 王翊青
2011 2011/06/03
2011/06/03 Wang IC, Whitsett JA and Kalinichenko VV.,2011,The role of Foxm1 in Kras-induced lung tumorigenesis.,The National Lung Cancer Partnership 2011 Annual Meeting: Lung Cancer: Navigating the New Frontier,Chicago, IL,2011/06/03 (其他) 王翊青
2010 2010/08/08
2010/08/13 Wang IC, Zhang Y, Snyder J, Sutherland MJ, Burhans MS, Shannon JM, Whitsett JA and Kalinichenko VV. ,2010,Increased Expression of Foxm1 Transcription Factor in Respiratory Epithelium Inhibits Lung Sacculation and Caused Clara Cell Hyperplasia.,FASEB SUMMER RESEARCH CONFERENCES: The Lung Epithelium in Health and Disease,Saxtons River, Vermont.,2010/08/08-2010/08/13 (其他) 王翊青
2010 2010/01/11
2010/01/14 Wang IC, Kalin TV, Zhang Y, Snyder J, Whitsett JA and Kalinichenko VV. ,2012,The role of Foxm1 in lung cancer development: Transgenic gain of function and gene knock-out strategies.,AACR-IASLC Joint Conference on Molecular Origins of Lung Cancer: Prospects for Personalized Prevention and Therapy,Coronado, CA,2010/01/11-2010/01/14 (其他) 王翊青
2009 2009/04/18
2009/04/22 Kalin TV, Wang IC, Meliton L, Ren X, Whitsett JA, Kalinichenko VV.,2009,Deletion of Forkhead box M1 transcription factor from lung epithelial cells inhibits pulmonary tumorigenesis. ,AACR 100th Annual meeting,Denver, CO,2009/04/18-2009/04/22 (其他) 王翊青
2008 2008/08/03
2008/08/08 Kalin TV, Wang IC, Meliton L, Zhang Y, Wert SE, Ren X, Snyder J, Whitsett, JA, Kalinichenoko, VV.,2008,Forkhead Box M1 Transcription Factor is Required for Perinatal lung Function. ,FASEB SUMMER RESEARCH CONFERENCES: Lung Epithelium in Development and Disease,Saxtons River, Vermont,2008/08/03-2008/08/08 (其他) 王翊青
2008 2008/04/12
2008/04/16 Wang IC, Meliton L, Costa RH, Kalinichenko VV, Kalin TV. ,2008,Transgenic expression of the Forkhead box M1 transcription factor induces formation of lung tumors.,AACR 99th Annual meeting,San Diego, CA,2008/04/12-2008/04/16 (其他) 王翊青
2006 2007/07/22
2006/07/27 Gusarova GA, Wang IC, Major ML, Kalinichenko VV, Wang W, Yoder H, Ackerson T, Petrovic V, and Costa RH.,2006,A Cell Penetrating ARF Peptide Inhibitor of FoxM1 in Mouse Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treatment. ,FASEB SUMMER RESEARCH CONFERENCES: Liver Growth, Development and Disease,Snowmass Village, Colorado,2007/07/22-2006/07/27 (其他) 王翊青
2006 2006/07/22
2006/07/27 Wang IC, Hughes DE, Ackerson T, Major ML, and Costa RH.,2012,Diminished Progression into S-phase in Forkhead Box M1 Deficient Mammalian Cells is Associated with Reduced Expression of c-Jun NH2-Kinase 1 (JNK1) and ATF-2.,FASEB SUMMER RESEARCH CONFERENCES: Liver Growth, Development and Disease,Snowmass Village, Colorado,2006/07/22-2006/07/27 (其他) 王翊青
2006 2006/04/01
2006/04/05 Gusarova GA, Wang IC, Major ML, Kalinichenko VV, Ackerson T, Petrovic V, and Costa RH. ,2006,A cell penetrating ARF peptide inhibitor of the Foxm1 transcription factor is an effective treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma In Vivo. ,AACR 97th Annual meeting,Washington, D.C.,2006/04/01-2006/04/05 (其他) 王翊青
2004 2004/10/06
2004/10/10 Wang IC and Costa RH. ,2004,Mouse embryonic fibroblasts without the forkhead Box M1B (FoxM1B) transcription factor fail to execute mitosis and exhibit premature senescence., Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Molecular Genetics of Aging Meeting.,Cold Spring Harbor, New York.,2004/10/06-2004/10/10 王翊青
2004 2004/08/07
2004/08/12 Kalinichenko VV, Krupczak-Hollis K, Wang X, Gusarova GA, Wang IC, Dennewitz MB, Kiyokawa H, Kaestner KH and Costa RH. ,2004,The mouse Foxm1b transcription factor is essential for development of bile ducts and hepatic vessels during liver morphogenesis.,FASEB SUMMER RESEARCH CONFERENCES: Mechanisms of Liver Growth, Development and Disease.,Snowmass Village, Colorado,2004/08/07-2004/08/12 (其他) 王翊青

