2023-05-13 19:28
  • 王歐力
  • 王歐力 - 教授-台湾清华大学-生命科学院-个人资料





2014 102年度傑出教學獎 清華大學
2013 生科院102年度教學績優獎 生科院
2011 校教學獎勵 清華大學
2010 校傑出學術研究出版獎勵 清華大學
2010 生科院99年度教師傑出研究獎 生科院
2009 生科院98年度教學績優獎 生科院


法蘭克福大學 德國 博士




2018 Hu, C.-C., G.-H. Wu, S.-F. Lai, M. M. Shanmugam, Y. Hwu, O. I. Wagner*, and T.-J. Yen*.,2018,Toxic Effects of Size-tunable Gold Nanoparticles on C. elegans Development and Gene Regulation.,Sci Rep., (SCI) 王歐力
2018 Chen, C.-W., Y.-F. Peng, Y.-C. Yen, P. Bhan, M. M. Shanmugam, D. R. Klopfenstein, and O. I. Wagner*,2018,Insights on UNC-104-dynein/dynactin interactions and their implications on axonal transport in Caenorhabditis elegans.,J. Neurosci. Res., (SCI) 王歐力
2018 Hu, C. C., G. H. Wu, T.-E. Hua, O. I. Wagner*, and T. J. Yen*.,2018,Uptake of TiO2 nanoparticles in C. elegans neurons negatively affects axonal growth and worm locomotion behavior.2018 Feb 21. doi: 10.1021/acsami.7b18818. [Epub ahead of print] [IF 7.504, Rank: Q1] *corresponding authors,ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, (SCI) 王歐力
2018 Muthaiyan Shanmugam, M., P. Bhan, H.-Y. Huang, J. Hsieh, H. N. Punjabi, V. L. Aplicano, C.-W. Chen, and O. I. Wagner*.,2018,Cover for MCB vol. 38, no. 7 (2018) MCB00066-18.,Mol Cell Biol.,38,7, (SCI) 王歐力
2018 Shanmugam, M. M., P. Bhan, H.-Y. Huang, J. Hsieh, H. N. Punjabi, V. L. Aplicano, C.-W. Chen, and O. I. Wagner*. 2018,2018,Cilia length and intraflagellar transport regulation by kinases PKG-1 and GCK-2 in C. elegans sensory neurons.2018 Jan 29. doi: 10.1128/MCB.00612-17. [Epub ahead of print] [IF 4.398, Rank: Q1] *corresponding author(NSC 102-2311-B-007-006- and MOE 99N2455E1 99-100),Mol Cell Biol. , (SCI) 王歐力
2016 Wu, G. H., M. M. Shanmugam, P. Bhan, Y. H. Huang, and O. I. Wagner*.,2016,Identification and characterization of LIN-2(CASK) as a regulator of kinesin-3 UNC-104(KIF1A) motility and clustering in neurons.,Traffic,8,pp891-907 (SCI) 王歐力
2013 Chia, P. H., M. R. Patel, O. I. Wagner, D. R. Klopfenstein, and K. Shen.,2018,Intramolecular regulation of presynaptic scaffold protein SYD-2/liprin-a. [IF 3.084, Rank: Q27, 7 citations],Mol Cell Neurosci,56,pp76-84 (SCI) 王歐力
2011 Tien, N.W., Hsu C.C., Chang C.Y. and Wagner, O.I.* ,2011,Tau/PTL-1 associates with kinesin-3 KIF1A/UNC-104 and affects the motor's motility characteristics in C. elegans neurons,Neurobiology of Disease ,43,2,pp495-506 (SCI) 王歐力
2011 Hsu, C.C., Moncaleano, J.D. and Wagner, O.I.*,2011,Sub-cellular distribution of UNC-104(KIF1A) upon binding to adaptors as UNC-16(JIP3), DNC-1(DCTN1/Glued) and SYD-2(liprin-alpha). C. elegans neurons,Neuroscience ,176,pp39-52 (SCI) 王歐力
2009 Wagner, O.I.*, Esposito, A., Köhler, B., Chen, C.W. , Shen, C.P., Wu, G..H., Mandalapu, S., Wenzel, D., Wouters, F.S. and Klopfenstein D.R. ,2009,Synaptic scaffolding protein SYD-2 clusters and activates kinesin-3 UNC-104 in C. elegans,Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,106,46,pp19605-19610 (SCI) 王歐力
2007 Wagner, O.I., Rammensee, S., Korde, N., Wen, Q., Leterrier, J.F. and Janmey, P.A.,2007,Softness, strength and self-repair in intermediate filament networks,Experimental Cell Research,313,10,pp2228-2235 (SCI) 王歐力
2004 2004,Dalhaimer, P., O. I. Wagner, J.-F. Leterrier, P. A. Janmey, H. Aranda-Espinoza and D. E. Discher. 2004. Flexibility transitions and looped adsorption of wormlike chains. J. Polym. Sci. B 43:280-286, (SCI) 王歐力
2004 2004,Wagner, O. I., J. Ascano, M. Tokito, J.-F. Leterrier, P. A. Janmey and E. L. F. Holzbaur. 2004. The interaction of neurofilaments with the microtubule motor cytoplasmic dynein. Mol. Biol. Cell 15:5092-5100, (SCI) 王歐力
2003 2003,Wagner, O. I.*, J. Lifshitz, P. A. Janmey, M. Linden, T. K. McIntosh and J.-F. Letterier. 2003. Mechanisms of mitochondria-neurofilament interactions. J. Neuroscience 23:9046-9058 , (SCI) 王歐力
2001 2001,Schindler, R., E. Weichselsdorfer, O. Wagner, D. Schmitz, and J. Bereiter-Hahn. 2001. Aldolase-localization in cultured cells: cell-type and substrate-specific regulation of cytoskeletal associations. Biochem. Cell Biol. 79:719-728 , (SCI) 王歐力
2001 2001,Wagner, O., P. Hofmann, D. Langer, H. Schüler, P. Dancker, and J. Bereiter-Hahn. 2001. Sound attenuation of polymerizing actin reflects supramolecular structures: viscoelastic properties of actin gels modified by cytochalasin, profilin and a-actinin. Biochem. J.355:771-778, (SCI) 王歐力
1999 1999,Wagner, O., J. Zinke, P. Dancker, W. Grill, and J. Bereiter-Hahn. 1999. Viscoelastic properties of f-actin, microtubules, f-actin/a-actinin and f-actin/hexokinase determined in microliter volumes with a novel non-invasive method. Biophys. J. 76:2784-2796 , (SCI) 王歐力

