2023-05-13 19:27
  • 汪宏達
  • 汪宏達 - 教授-台湾清华大学-生命科学院-个人资料





(研討會) The 11th Annual Meeting on the Asia Pacific Society for Molecular Immunohistology (APSMI) None. served as a poster reviewer. 汪宏達

2013 其他 核酮糖五磷酸異構酶A促進癌細胞凋亡或抑制癌細胞轉移的方法 2013-11-00 汪宏達 / 汪宏達、喻秋華、邱士齊、邱于庭
2013 其他 早期階段檢測肝癌及預測肝癌轉移之方法 2013-09-00 汪宏達 / 汪宏達、喻秋華、蕭詠駿、邱于庭


2019 國立清華大學教學優良教師教學獎勵 國立清華大學
2019 國立清華大學延攬及留住特殊優秀人才彈性薪資暨獎勵 國立清華大學
2018 國立清華大學教學優良教師教學獎勵 國立清華大學
2018 國立清華大學延攬及留住特殊優秀人才彈性薪資暨獎勵 國立清華大學
2018 第十屆校傑出導師獎 國立清華大學
2017 國立清華大學教學優良教師教學獎勵 國立清華大學
2017 國立清華大學延攬及留住特殊優秀人才彈性薪資暨獎勵 國立清華大學
2016 105年教師學術卓越獎勵 國立清華大學
2015 104年教師學術卓越獎勵 國立清華大學
2015 國立清華大學命科學院傑出教學獎 國立清華大學生命科學院
2015 國立清華大學教學優良教師教學獎勵 國立清華大學
2014 103年教師學術卓越獎勵 國立清華大學
2013 102年教師學術卓越獎勵 國立清華大學
2013 清大傑出學術研究出版獎勵 國立清華大學
2011 國立清華大學教學優良教師教學獎勵 國立清華大學
2010 Outstanding Thesis Award College of Life Science, NTHU
2010 清大傑出學術研究出版獎勵 國立清華大學
2009 Outstanding Teaching Award College of Life Science, NTHU
2008 國立清華大學生科院教師傑出論文獎 國立清華大學生命科學院

2020 第十六屆榮台聯大優良論文獎第二名 榮台聯大
2019 第十五屆榮台聯大優良論文獎第二名 榮台聯大
2019 科技部生科司108年「新進人員研究計畫_生物農學組」學門專題計畫之複審委員 科技部
2018 科技部生科司107年「生物化學及分子生物」學門專題計畫之複審委員 科技部
2017 科技部105學年度大專生研究計畫創作獎 - 榮獲科技部” 指導有方” 獎牌。 (指導生科系吳雨潔同學) 科技部
2016 Editorial Board (2016 ~ present) Journal of Pharmacovigilance and Pharmacotherapeuticsis
2016 新竹縣政府醫事審議委員會委員(2016~2018) 新竹縣政府
2016 Editorial Board (2016~ present) International Journal of Neurological Disorders & Interventions
2016 Editorial Board (2016-present) Madridge Journal of Neuroscience
2016 榮台聯大合作研究優良壁報獎第一名 - 核糖5磷酸異構酶於大腸直腸癌之作用機轉研究 榮台聯大
2015 Editorial Board (2015-2018) Reactive Oxygen Species
2014 Editorial Board Science Postprint
2014 Editorial Board (2014-2016) Adaptive Medicine
2014 Editorial Board Journal of Biotechnology Science Research
2014 Editorial Board (2014-2016) International Journal of Biological Sciences and Applications
2013 Editorial Board (2013-2015) American Journal of Life Sciences
2013 中華民國優良廠商協會產學合作指導顧問暨評鑑委員會評鑑委員 中華民國優良廠商協會
2012 101年度肝病防治學術基金會研究獎助金 財團法人肝病防治學術基金會
2000 Postdoctoral Fellowship John Douglas French Alzheimer’s Foundation.
2000 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship National Institute of Aging, NIH.
1996 Charles & Charlotte Krown Fellowship School of Pharmacy, USC.
1996 PhRMA Fellowship Pharmaceutical Research and Manufactures of America Foundation.


加州理工學院 美國 生物系 博士後研究學者(with Dr. Seymour Benzer) 1999年01月 ~ 2004年06月
南加州大學 美國 分子藥學與毒物學系 博士後研究員(with Dr. Deborah L. Johnson) 1998年01月 ~ 1998年12月
南加州大學 美國 分子藥學與毒物學系 博士(Mentor: Dr. Deborah L. Johnson) 1992年09月 ~ 1997年12月

國立清華大學 合聘教授 系統神經科學研究所 2015年08月 ~
國立清華大學 合聘副教授 系統神經科學研究所 2012年11月 ~
國立清華大學 副教授 生物科技研究所 / 生命科學系 2009年08月 ~
加州理工學院 Visiting Scholar Biology Division 2007年07月 ~
國立清華大學 助理教授 生物科技研究所 / 生命科學系 2004年08月 ~
財團法人生物技術開發中心 研究助理 分生組 1989年06月 ~




2020 Wen-Yu Lien, Yu-Ting Chen, Yi-Jhan Li, Jie-Kai Wu, Kuan-Lin Huang, Jian-Rong Lin, Shih-Ching Lin, Chia-Chun Hou, Horng-Dar Wang, Chia-Lin Wu, Shu-Yi Huang, Chih-Chiang Chan.,2020,Lifespan regulation in α/β posterior neurons of the fly mushroom bodies by Rab27.,Aging Cell.,Accepted., (SCI) 汪宏達
2020 Po-Lin Chen, Kai-Ting Huang, Chu-Ya Cheng, Jian-Chiuan Li, Hsiao-Yen Chan, Tzu-Yang Lin, Matthew P Su, Wei-Yuan Yang, Henry C Chang, Horng-Dar Wang, Chun-Hong Chen.,2020,Vesicular Transport Mediates the Uptake of Cytoplasmic Proteins into Mitochondria in Drosophila melanogaster.,Nature Communications.,11,1,pp2592- (SCI) 汪宏達
2020 Zong-Lin Sie, Ruei-Yang Li, Bonifasius Putera Sampurna, Po-Jui Hsu, Shu-Chen Liu, Horng-Dar Wang, Chou-Long Huang, and Chiou-Hwa Yuh. ,2020,WNK1 Kinase Stimulates Angiogenesis to Promote Tumor Growth and Metastasis. ,Cancers. ,12,3,pp575- (SCI) 汪宏達
2019 Su ZL, Su CW, Huang YL, Yang WY, Sampurna BP, Ouchi T, Lee KL, Wu CS, Wang HD, Yuh CH.,2019,A Novel AURKA Mutant-Induced Early-Onset Severe Hepatocarcinogenesis Greater than Wild-Type via Activating Different Pathways in Zebrafish.,Cancers.,11,7,pppii: E927.- 汪宏達
2019 Chou ST, Peng HY, Mo KC, Hsu YM, Wu GH, Hsiao JR, Lin SF, Wang HD, Shiah SG.,2019,MicroRNA-486-3p functions as a tumor suppressor in oral cancer by targeting DDR1.,Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research.,38,1,pp281- (SCI) 汪宏達
2019 Yu-Ting Chou, Li-Yang Chen, Shin-Lin Tsai, Hsiao-Chen Tu, Jeng-Wei Lu, Shih-Ci Ciou, Horng-Dar Wang*, Chiou-Hwa Yuh*. ,2019,Ribose-5-Phosphate Isomerase A Overexpression Promotes Liver Cancer Development in Transgenic Zebrafish via Activation of ERK and β-catenin Pathways. ,Carcinogenesis. ,40,3,pp461-473 (SCI) 汪宏達
2019 Lai CJ, Lin CY, Liao WY, Hour TC, Wang HD, Chuu CP.,2019,CD44 Promotes Migration and Invasion of Docetaxel-Resistant Prostate Cancer Cells Likely via Induction of Hippo-Yap Signaling.,Cells.,8,4,pppii: E295. - (SCI) 汪宏達
2018 Huang HW, Lin YH, Lin MH, Huang YR, Chou CH, Hong HC, Wang MR, Tseng YT, Liao PC, Chung MC, Ma YJ, Wu SC, Chuang YJ, Wang HD, Wang YM, Huang HD, Lu TT, Liaw WF.,2018,Extension of C. elegans lifespan using the ·NO-delivery dinitrosyl iron complexes.,JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry,23,5,pp775-784 (SCI) 汪宏達
2018 Chou YT, Jiang JK, Yang MH, Lu JW, Lin HK, Wang HD*, Yuh CH*. ,2018,Identification of a noncanonical function for ribose-5-phosphate isomerase A promotes colorectal cancer formation by stabilizing and activating β-catenin via a novel C-terminal domain. ,PLoS Biology. ,16,1,ppe2003714.- (SCI) 汪宏達
2017 Lai CJ, Cheng HC, Lin CY, Huang SH, Chen TH, Chung CJ, Chang CH, Wang HD*, Chuu CP*.,2017,Activation of liver X receptor suppresses angiogenesis via induction of ApoD.,The FASEB Journal.,31,12,pp5568-5576 (SCI) 汪宏達
2017 Fan CS, Chen WS, Chen LL, Chen CC, Hsu YT, Chua KV, Wang HD, Huang TS*.,2017,Osteopontin-integrin engagement induces HIF-1α-TCF12-mediated endothelial-mesenchymal transition to exacerbate colorectal cancer.,Oncotarget.,9,4,pp4998-5015 (SCI) 汪宏達
2017 Ting-Huan Chen, Chen-Yu Chen, Hui-Chin Wen, Chia-Chu Chang, Horng-Dar Wang, Chih-Pin Chuu, Chung-Ho Chang.,2017, YAP Promotes Myogenic Differentiation via the MEK5-ERK5 pathway.,The FASEB Journal.,31,7,pp2963-2972 (SCI) 汪宏達
2017 Hsiao-Chen Tu, Yung-Chun Hsiao, Wan-Yu Yang, Shin-Lin Tsai, Hua-Kuo Lin, Chong-Yi Liao, Jeng-Wei Lu, Yu-Ting Chou, Horng-Dar Wang*, and Chiou-Hwa Yuh*. ,2017, Upregulation of MAN1A1 and Downregulation of MAN1C1 Activates Unfolded Protein Response During Hepatocarcinogenesis. , Hepatology Communications. ,1,3,pp230-247 (SCI) 汪宏達
2017 Chen HD, Kao CY, Liu BY, Huang SW, Kuo CJ, Ruan JW, Lin YH, Huang CR, Chen YH, Wang HD, Aroian RV, Chen CS. ,2017, HLH-30/TFEB-mediated autophagy functions in a cell-autonomous manner for epithelium intrinsic cellular defense against bacterial pore-forming toxin in C. elegans., Autophagy,13,2,pp371-385 (SCI) 汪宏達
2016 Klionsky DJ, Abdelmohsen K, Abe A, Abedin MJ, Abeliovich H, Acevedo Arozena A, Adachi H, Adams CM, ....,Wang HD, etc. ,2016, Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition). , Autophagy,12,1,pp1-222 (SCI) 汪宏達
2015 Huang CW, Wang HD, Bai H, Wu MS, Yen JH, Fu TF, Tatar M, Wang PY. ,2015,Tequila regulates insulin-like signaling and extends life span in Drosophila melanogaster. , The Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences.,70,12,pp1461-1469 (SCI) 汪宏達
2015 Hung-Yu Lin, Don-Ching Lee, Horng-Dar Wang, Ya-Hui Chi and Ing-Ming Chiu. ,2015, Activation of FGF1B Promoter and FGF1 Are Involved in Cardiogenesis Through the Signaling of PKC, but Not MAPK. , Stem Cells and Development,24,24,pp2853-2863 (SCI) 汪宏達
2015 Wei-Sheng Lin, Cheng-Wen Huang, You-Sheng Song, Jui-Hung Yen, Ping-Chang Kuo, Sheng-Rong Yeh, Hung-Yu Lin, Tsai-Feng Fu, Ming-Shiang Wu, Horng-Dar Wang, Pei-Yu Wang. ,2015, Reduced Gut Acidity Induces an Obese-Like Phenotype in Drosophila melanogaster and in Mice. ,PLoS One ,10,10,ppe0139722- (SCI) 汪宏達
2015 Kuo SY, Wu CL, Hsieh MY, Lin CT, Wen RK, Chen LC, Chen YH, Yu YW, Wang HD, Su YJ, Lin CJ, Guan HY, Wang PY, Lan TH, Fu TF. ,2015, PPL2ab neurons restore sexual responses in aged Drosophila males through dopamine. ,Nature Communications ,6,pp7490- (SCI) 汪宏達
2015 Shih-Ci Ciou, Yu-Ting Chou, Yu-Ling Liu, Yu-Chin Nieh, Jeng-Wei Lu, Shiu-Feng Huang, Yu-Ting Chou, Li-Hao Cheng, Jeng-Fan Lo, Ming-Jen Chen, Ming-Chi Yang, Chiou-Hwa Yuh*, and Horng-Dar Wang*. ,2015, Ribose-5-phosphate Isomerase A Regulates Hepatocarcinogenesis via PP2A and ERK Signaling. ,International Journal of Cancer ,137,pp104-115 (SCI) 汪宏達
2015 Lin HP, Lin CY, Huo C, Hsiao PH, Su LC, Jiang SS, Chan TM, Chang CH, Chen LT, Kung HJ, Wang HD, Chuu CP. ,2015, Caffeic acid phenethyl ester induced cell cycle arrest and growth inhibition in androgen-independent prostate cancer cells via regulation of Skp2, p53, p21Cip1 and p27Kip1. ,Oncotarget ,6,9,pp6684-6707 (SCI) 汪宏達
2014 Ming-Lun Kang, Yi-Chun Chen, Shih-Fen Chen, Hsuan-Chao Lin, Yu-Heng Tseng, Horng-Dar Wang. ,2014, The prerequisite of nuclear localization for heat shock protein 27 in modulation of starvation adaptation and longevity in Drosophila. ,Adaptive Medicine ,6,3,pp118-123 (Others) 汪宏達
2014 Lai JG, Tsai SM, Tu HC, Chen WC, Kou FJ, Lu JW, Wang HD, Huang CL, Yuh CH.,2014,Zebrafish WNK Lysine Deficient Protein Kinase 1 (wnk1) Affects Angiogenesis Associated with VEGF Signaling.,PLoS One,9,8,ppe106129- (SCI) 汪宏達
2014 Lin YH, Chen YC, Kao TY, Lin YC, Hsu TE, Wu YC, Ja WW, Brummel TJ, Kapahi P, Yuh CH, Yu LK, Lin ZH, You RJ, Jhong YT, Wang HD. ,2014, Diacylglycerol Lipase Regulates Lifespan and Oxidative Stress Response by Inversely Modulating TOR Signaling in Drosophila and C. elegans. ,Aging Cell ,13,4,pp755-764 (SCI) 汪宏達
2014 Jeng-Wei Lu, Chung-Yi Liao, Wan-Yu Yang, Yueh-Min Lin, Shiow-Lian Catherine Jin, Horng-Dar Wang, and Chiou-Hwa Yuh. ,2014, Overexpression of endothelin 1 triggers hepatocarcinogenesis in zebrafish and promotes cell proliferation and migration through the AKT pathway. ,PLoS One ,9,1,ppe85318- (SCI) 汪宏達
2013 Lin HP, Lin CY, Hsiao PH, Wang H.-D., Jiang SS, Hsu JM, Jim WT, Chen M, Kung HJ, Chuu CP. ,2013, Difference in Protein Expression Profile and Chemotherapy Drugs Response of Different Progression Stages of LNCaP Sublines and Other Human Prostate Cancer Cells. ,Plos One ,8,12,ppe82625- (SCI) 汪宏達
2013 Chen WT, Hung KC, Wen MS, Hsu PY, Chen TH, Wang H.-D., Fang JT, Shie SS, Wang CY. ,2013, Impaired Leukocytes Autophagy in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients. ,CardioRenal Medicine ,3,4,pp254-264 汪宏達
2013 Lu JW, Yang WY, Lin YM, Chang PH, Chen JR, Tsai SM,Wang H.-D., Wu JL, Jin SLC, and Yuh CH. ,2013, Liver-specific expressions of HBx and src in the p53 mutant trigger hepatocarcinogenesis in zebrafish. ,Plos One ,8,10,ppe76951- (SCI) 汪宏達
2013 Kuo YY, Lin HP, Huo C, Su LC, Yang J, Hsiao PH, Chiang HC, Chung CJ, Wang H.-D., Chang JY, Chen YW, Chuu CP. ,2013, Caffeic acid phenethyl ester suppresses proliferation and survival of TW2.6 human oral cancer cells via inhibition of Akt signaling. ,International Journal of Molecular Sciences ,14,5,pp8801-8817 (SCI) 汪宏達
2013 Chou HJ, Lai DM, Huang CW, McLennan IS, Wang H.-D., Wang PY. ,2013,BMP4 Is a Peripherally-Derived Factor for Motor Neurons and Attenuates Glutamate-Induced Excitotoxicity In Vitro.,PLOS ONE,8,3,ppe58441- 汪宏達
2013 Bruce KD, Hoxha S, Carvalho GB, Yamada R, Wang H.-D., Karayan P, He S, Brummel T, Kapahi P, Ja WW. ,2013, High carbohydrate-low protein consumption maximizes Drosophila lifespan. ,Experimental Gerontology ,10,48,pp1129-1135 (SCI) 汪宏達
2012 Kuo SY, Tu CH, Hsu YT, Wang HD, Wen RK, Lin CT, Wu CL, Huang YT, Huang GS, Lan TH, Fu TF. ,2012, A hormone receptor-based transactivator bridges different binary systems to precisely control spatial-temporal gene expression in Drosophila. ,PLoS One ,7,12,ppe50855.- (SCI) 汪宏達
2012 Huijie Liu*, Xueren Wang*, Horng-Dar Wang, JinJing Wu, Jing Ren, Lingfeng Meng, Qingfa Wu, Hansheng Dong, Jing Wu, Tzu-Yu Kao, Qian Ge, Zheng-xing Wu, Chiou-Hwa Yuh, Ge Shan. ,2012, Escherichia coli noncoding RNAs can affect gene expression and physiology of Caenorhabditis elegans. ,Nature Communications. ,3,pp1073- (SCI) 汪宏達
2012 Shih-Fen Chen, Ming-Lun Kang, Yi-Chun Chen, Hong-Wen Tang, Cheng-Wen Huang, Wan-Hua Li, Chun-Pu Lin, Chao-Yung Wang, Pei-Yu Wang, Guang-Chao Chen, and Horng-Dar Wang. ,2012, Autophagy-related Gene 7 Is Downstream of Heat Shock Protein 27 in the Regulation of Eye Morphology, Polyglutamine Toxicity, and Lifespan in Drosophila. ,Journal of Biomedical Science ,19,pp52- (SCI) 汪宏達
2012 Klionsky DJ, Abdalla FC, Abeliovich H, Abraham RT, Acevedo-Arozena A, Adeli K, Agholme L, Agnello M, Agostinis P, Aguirre-Ghiso JA,... , Wang HD, et al. ,2012, Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy. ,Autophagy ,8,4,pp445-544 (SCI) 汪宏達
2012 Wang CT, Chen YC, Wang YY, Huang MH, Yen TL, Li H, Liang CJ, Sang TK, Ciou SC, Yuh CH, Wang CY, Brummel TJ, Wang, HD*. ,2012, Reduced neuronal expression of ribose-5-phosphate isomerase enhances tolerance to oxidative stress, extends lifespan, and attenuates polyglutamine toxicity in Drosophila. , Aging Cell ,11,1,pp93-103 (SCI) 汪宏達
2012 Chao TC, Su WC, Huang JY, Chen YC, Jeng KS, Wang HD, Lai MM. ,2012, PSTPIP2, Proline-Serine-Threonine Phosphatase Interacting Protein 2, a Host Membrane-Deforming Protein, is critical for Membranous Web Formation in Hepatitis C Virus replication. ,Journal of Virology ,86,3,pp1739-1749 (SCI) 汪宏達
2012 Lu JW, Hsia Y, Yang WY, Lin YI, Li CC, Tsai TF, Chang KW, Shieh GS, Tsai SF, Wang, HD, Yuh CH. ,2012, Identification of the common regulators for hepatocellular carcinoma induced by hepatitis B virus X antigen in a mouse model. , Carcinogenesis ,33,1,pp209-219 (SCI) 汪宏達
2011 Lu JW, Hsia Y, Tu HC, Hsiao YC, Yang WY, Wang, H.-D., Yuh CH. ,2011, Liver development and cancer formation in zebrafish. ,Birth Defects Res C Embryo Today. ,93,2,pp157-172 (SCI) 汪宏達
2011 Chao CH, Tseng WF, Chan TM, Chen HL, Huang CB, Jang TH, Hsu HY, Wang HD, and Yuh, CH. ,2011, Mesendoderm gene regulatory networks in zebrafish. ,Global Journal of Biochemistry ,2,4,pp215-249 (Others) 汪宏達
2010 Chao CH, Wang HD, Yuh CH. ,2010, Complexity of Cis-regulatory Organization of Six3a during Forebrain and Eye Development in Zebrafish. , BMC Developmental Biology ,10,pp35- (SCI) 汪宏達
2010 Hsin IL, Sheu GT, Chen HH, Chiu LY, Wang HD, Chan HW, Hsu CP, Ko JL. ,2010, N-acetyl Cysteine Mitigates Curcumin-mediated Telomerase Inhibition through Rescuing of Sp1 Reduction in A549 cells. ,Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis. ,688,1-2,pp72-77 (SCI) 汪宏達
2009 T.-M. Chan, W. Longabaug, H. Bolouri, H.-L. Chen, W.-F. Tseng, C.-H. Chao, T.-H. Jang, Y.-I Lin, S.-C. Hung, H.-D. Wang, and C.-H. Yuh. ,2010,Developmental Gene Regulatory Networks in the Zebrafish Embryo. Biochim. Biophys., Acta-Gene Regul. Mech.,1789,pp279-298 (SCI) 汪宏達
2009 Chan TM, Chao CH, Wang HD, Yu YJ, Yuh CH. ,2009, Functional Analysis of the Evolutionarily Conserved Cis-Regulatory Elements on the Sox17 Gene in Zebrafish. ,Developmental Biology ,326,pp456-470 (SCI) 汪宏達
2009 Liu YL, Lu WC, Brummel TJ, Yuh CH, Lin PT, Kao TY, Li FY, Liao PC, Benzer S, Wang HD*. ,2009, Reduced expression of alpha-1,2-mannosidase I extends lifespan in Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans. ,Aging Cell ,8,pp370-379 (SCI) 汪宏達
2008 Liao PC, Lin HY, Yuh CH, Yu LK, Wang HD. ,2008, The effect of neuronal expression of heat shock proteins 26 and 27 on lifespan, neurodegeneration and apoptosis in Drosophila. , Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. ,376,pp637-641 (SCI) 汪宏達
2004 Horng-Dar Wang, P. Kazemi-Esfarjani, and S. Benzer. ,2004, Multiple-stress analysis for isolation of Drosophila longevity genes. , Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America. ,101,pp12610-12615 (SCI) 汪宏達
2000 S.S. Johnson, N. Mandavia, H.-D. Wang, and D.L. Johnson,2000,Transcriptional Regulation of the TATA-Binding Protein by Ras Cellular Signaling., Mol. Cell. Biol.,20,pp5000-5009 (SCI) 汪宏達
1998 H.-D. Wang, A. Trivedi, and D.L. Johnson. ,1998,Regulation of RNA Polymerase I-Dependent Promoter by the Hepatitis B Virus X Protein via Activated Ras and TATA-binding Protein., Mol. Cell. Biol.,18,pp7086-7094 (SCI) 汪宏達
1995 H.-D. Wang, C.-H. Yuh, C.V. Dang, and D.L. Johnson.,1995,The Hepatitis B Virus X Protein Increases the Cellular Level of TATA-binding Protein which Mediates Transactivation of RNA Polymerase III Genes. ,Mol. Cell. Biol.,15,pp6720-6728 (SCI) 汪宏達
1994 H.-D. Wang, A. Trivedi, and D.L. Johnson.,1994,Hepatitis B Virus X Protein induces RNA Polymerase III-dependent Gene transcription and Increases Cellular TATA-Binding Protein by Activating the Ras Signaling Pathway., Mol. Cell. Biol. ,17,pp6838-6846 (SCI) 汪宏達

