2023-05-13 19:27
  • 吳文桂
  • 吳文桂 - 教授-台湾清华大学-生命科学院-个人资料






2006 清華講座教授 清華大學


2005 國科會傑出特約研究員獎 國科會
2000 中山學術著作獎 財團法人中華民國中山學術文化基金會
1999 國科會特約研究人員 國科會


維吉尼亞大學 美國 生物物理 博士




2011 Wang, C.H., Davamani, F., Sue, S.C., Lee, S.C., Wu, P.L., Tang, F.M., Shih, C., Huang, T.H. and Wu, W.G.,2011,Cell surface heparan sulfates mediate internalization of the PWWP/HATH domain of HDGF via macropinocytosis to fine-tune cell signalling processes involved in fibroblast cell migration,Biochemical Journal,433,pp127-138 (SCI) 吳文桂
2011 Li, P.T., Liao, C.J., Wu, W.G., Yu, L.C. and Chu, S.T. ,2011,Progesterone-regulated B4galnt2 expression is a requirement for embryo implantation in mice,Fertility and Sterility ,95,7,pp2404-U2329 (SCI) 吳文桂
2011 Huang, W.N., Chen, Y.H., Chen, C.L. and Wu, W.G. ,2011,Surface Pressure-Dependent Interactions of Secretory Phospholipase A(2) with Zwitterionic Phospholipid Membranes,Langmuir,27,11,pp7034-7041 (SCI) 吳文桂
2010 Wu, W.G.*, Tjong, S.C., Wu, P.L., Kuo, J.H. and Wu, K.R. ,2010,Role of Heparan Sulfates and Glycosphingolipids in the Pore Formation of Basic Polypeptides of Cobra Cardiotoxin,Proteins: Membrane Binding and Pore Formation,677,pp143-149 吳文桂
2010 Wang, Y.L., Kuo, J.H., Lee, S.C., Liu, J.S., Hsieh, Y.C., Shih, Y.T., Chen, C.J., Chiu, J.J. and Wu, W.G. ,2010,Cobra CRISP Functions as an Inflammatory Modulator via a Novel Zn2+- and Heparan Sulfate-dependent Transcriptional Regulation of Endothelial Cell Adhesion Molecules,Journal of Biological Chemistry ,285,48,pp37872-37883 (SCI) 吳文桂
2010 Hsieh, Y.C., Wu, Y.J., Chiang, T.Y., Kuo, C.Y., Shrestha, K.L., Chao, C.F., Huang, Y.C., Chuankhayan, P., Wu, W.G., Li, Y.K. and Chen, C.J.,2010,Crystal Structures of Bacillus cereus NCTU2 Chitinase Complexes with Chitooligomers Reveal Novel Substrate Binding for Catalysis A CHITINASE WITHOUT CHITIN BINDING AND INSERTION DOMAINS,Journal of Biological Chemistry ,285,41,pp31603-31615 (SCI) 吳文桂
2010 Hsieh, Y.C., Liu, M.Y., Wang, V.C.C., Chiang, Y.L., Liu, E.H., Wu, W.G., Chan, S.I. and Chen, C.J. ,2010,Structural insights into the enzyme catalysis from comparison of three forms of dissimilatory sulphite reductase from Desulfovibrio gigas.,Molecular Microbiology,78,5,pp1101-1116 (SCI) 吳文桂
2010 Guan, H.H., Goh, K.S., Davamani, F., Wu, P.L., Huang, Y.W., Jeyakanthan, J., Wu, W.G.* and Chen, C.J. ,2010,Structures of two elapid snake venom metalloproteases with distinct activities highlight the disulfide patterns in the D domain of ADAMalysin family proteins,Journal of Structural Biology,169,3,pp294-303 (SCI) 吳文桂
2010 Dubrac, A., Quemener, C., Lacazette, E., Lopez, D., Zanibellato, C., Wu, W.G., Bikfalvi, A. and Prats, H. ,2010,Functional divergence between 2 chemokines is conferred by single amino acid change,Blood,116,22,pp4703-4711 (SCI) 吳文桂
2009 Ku, W.C., Chiu, S.K., Chen, Y.J., Huang, H.H., Wu, W.G. and Chen, Y.J. ,2009,Complementary Quantitative Proteomics Reveals that Transcription Factor AP-4 Mediates E-box-dependent Complex Formation for Transcriptional Repression of HDM2,Molecular & Cellular Proteomics,8,9,pp2034-2050 (SCI) 吳文桂
2009 Chiu, C.R., Huang, W.N., Wu, W.G.* and Yang, T.S.,2009,Fluorescence Single-Molecule Study of Cobra Phospholipase A(2) Action on a Supported Gel-Phase Lipid Bilayer,Chemphyschem ,10,3,pp549-558 (SCI) 吳文桂
2007 Tjong, S.C., Wu, P.L., Wang, C.M., Huang, W.N., Ho, N.L. and Wu, W.G.* ,2007,Role of glycosphingolipid conformational change in membrane pore forming activity of cobra cardiotoxin,Biochemistry,46,43,pp12111-12123 (SCI) 吳文桂
2007 Tjong, S.C., Chen, T.S., Huang, W.N. and Wu, W.G.*,2007,Structures of heparin-derived tetrasaccharide bound to cobra cardiotoxins: Heparin binding at a single protein site with diverse side chain interactions,Biochemistry,46,35,pp9941-9952 (SCI) 吳文桂
2007 Sue, S.C., Lee, W.T., Tien, S.C., Lee, S.C., Yu, J.G., Wu, W.J., Wu, W.G.* and Huang, T.H.,2007,PWWP module of human hepatoma-derived growth factor forms a domain-swapped dimer with much higher affinity for heparin,Journal of Molecular Biology ,367,2,pp456-472 (SCI) 吳文桂
2006 Wu, P.L., Lee, S.C., Chuang, C.C., Mori, S., Akakura, N., Wu, W.G.* and Takada, Y.,2006,Non-cytotoxic cobra cardiotoxin A5 binds to integrin {alpha}v{beta}3 and inhibits bone resorption: Identification of cardiotoxins as non-RGD integrin- binding proteins of the Ly-6 family,Journal of Biological Chemistry,281,12,pp7937-7945 (SCI) 吳文桂
2006 Wang, C.H., Liu, J.H., Lee, S.C., Hsiao, C.D., and Wu, W.G. ,2006,Glycosphingolipid-facilitated membrane insertion and internalization of cobra cardiotoxin: The sulfatide/ cardiotoxin complex structure in a membrane-like environment suggests a lipid-dependent cell-penetrating mechanism for membenae binding polypetides,Journal of Biological Chemistry ,281,1,pp657-667 (SCI) 吳文桂

