2023-05-13 19:25
  • 桑自剛
  • 桑自剛 - 副教授-台湾清华大学-生命科学院-个人资料





2019 (其他) 2019/00/00 Chi H, Sang TK*, Chang HY*,Cognitive Disorders,IntechOpen,London,2019/00 桑自剛
2006 (其他) 2006/00/00 Jackson, G. R., Sang, T.-K. and Taylor, J. P.,Genetic Instabilities and Neurological Diseases.,Elsevier,San Diego,2006/00 桑自剛


2013 其他 Utilization of shield effect for dopamine detection and reagent development. 2013-04-00 桑自剛 / Sang, T.K., Lin, C.Y.
2012 其他 利用屏蔽效應檢測多巴胺及其檢測試劑 2012-09-00 桑自剛 / 桑自剛,林政源

104 國立清華大學生命科學院研究傑出獎 國立清華大學生命科學院
101 國立清華大學傑出學術研究出版獎勵 國立清華大學
97 國立清華大學生命科學院新進教師研究獎 國立清華大學生命科學院


100 學術獎第二名指導教授 財團法人立夫醫藥研究文教基金會

加州大學洛杉磯分校 美國 Neurology 博士後 2011年10月 ~ 2015年08月
普渡大學 美國 生物系 博士 1996年08月 ~ 2011年10月




2020 Chi, H., Sun, L., Shiu, R. H., Han, R., Hsieh, C. P., Wei, T. M., Lo, C. C., Chang, H. Y., Sang, T. K.*,2020,Cleavage of human tau at Asp421 inhibits hyperphosphorylated tau induced pathology in a Drosophila model.,Sci. Rep. ,10,pp13482- (SCI) 桑自剛
2018 Chang, H. Y.*, Sang, T. K.*, and Chiang A. S.,2018,Untangling the Tauopathy for Alzheimer's disease and parkinsonism.,J Biomed Sci. ,25,1,pp54- (SCI) 桑自剛
2018 Chi, H., Chang, H. Y., Sang, T. K.*,2018,Neuronal Cell Death Mechanisms in Major Neurodegenerative Diseases.,Int. J. Mol. Sci.,19,pp3082- (SCI) 桑自剛
2016 Viswanathan, M. C., Blice-Baum, A. C., Sang, T. K., Cammarato A.,2016,Cardiac-Restricted Expression of VCP/TER94 RNAi or Disease Alleles Perturbs Drosophila Heart Structure and Impairs Function.,J Cardiovasc Dev Dis.,3,2,pppii:19- (SCI) 桑自剛
2014 Santhanam, A., Peng, W. H., Yu, Y. T., Sang, T. K., Chen, G. C. and Meng, T. C.,2014,Ecdysone-induced receptor tyrosine phosphatase PTP52F regulates Drosophila midgut histolysis by enhancement of autophagy and apoptosis.,Molecular and Cell Biology,34,9,pp1594-606 (SCI) 桑自剛
2014 Liang, C. J., Chang, Y. C., Chang, H. C., Wang, C. K., Hung, Y. C., Lin, Y. I., Chan, C. C., Chen, C. H., Chang, H. Y., Sang, T. K.*,2014,Derlin-1 Regulates Mutant VCP-Linked Pathogenesis and Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Induced Apoptosis.,PLoS Genetics,10,9,ppe1004675- (SCI) 桑自剛
2012 Wang C.-T., Chen Y.-C., Wang Y.-Y., Huang M.-H., Yen T.-L., Li H., Liang C.-J., Sang T.-K., Ciou S.-C., Yuh C.-H., Wang C.-Y., Brummel T.J., Wang H.-D.,2012,Reduced neuronal expression of ribose-5-phosphate isomerase enhances tolerance to oxidative stress, extends lifespan, and attenuates polyglutamine toxicity in Drosophila.,Aging Cell,11,1,pp93- (SCI) 桑自剛
2012 Chan H.-T., Lee T.-R., Huang S.-H., Lee H.-Y., Sang T.-K., Chan H.-L. and Lyu P.-C. ,2012,Proteomic analysis of a drosophila IBMPFD model reveals potential pathogenic mechanisms.,Mol. BioSystems,8,6,pp1730- (SCI) 桑自剛
2011 Chang, Y. C., Hung, W.T., Chang, H.C., Wu, C.L., Chiang, A.S., Jackson, G.R. and Sang, T.K. ,2011,Pathogenic VCP/TER94 Alleles Are Dominant Actives and Contribute to Neurodegeneration by Altering Cellular ATP Level in a Drosophila IBMPFD Model,Plos Genetics ,7,2, (SCI) 桑自剛
2009 Chatterjee, S., Sang, T.K., Lawless, G.M. and Jackson, G.R,2009,Dissociation of tau toxicity and phosphorylation: role of GSK-3 beta, MARK and Cdk5 in a Drosophila model,Human Molecular Genetics ,18,1,pp164-177 (SCI) 桑自剛
2007 Sang, T.K., Chang, H.Y., Lawless, G.M., Ratnaparkhi, A., Mee, L., Ackerson, L.C., Maidment, N.T., Krantz, D.E. and Jackson, G.R,2007,A Drosophila model of mutant human parkin-induced toxicity demonstrates selective loss of dopaminergic neurons and dependence on cellular dopamine,Journal of Neuroscience ,27,5,pp981-992 (SCI) 桑自剛
2006 Karsten, S.L., Sang, T.K., Gehman, L.T., Chatterjee, S., Liu, J.K., Lawless, G.M., Sengupta, S., Berry, R.W., Pomakian, J., Oh, H.S., Schulz, C., Wiedau-Pazos, M., Vinters, H.V., Binder, L.I., Geschwind, D.H. and Jackson, G.R,2006,A genomic screen for modifiers of tauopathy identifies puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase as an inhibitor of tau-induced neurodegeneration,Neuron,51,5,pp549-560 (SCI) 桑自剛
2005 2005,Sang, T.-K ., and Jackson G.R. (2005) Drosophila models of neurodegenerative disease. NeuroRx. 2(3):438-46. Review, 桑自剛
2005 2005,Mee L., Honkala H., Kopra O., Vesa J., Finnila S., Visapaa I. , Sang T.-K ., Jackson G.R., Salonen R., Kestila M., and Peltonen L. (2005) Hydrolethalus syndrome is caused by a missense mutation in a novel gene HYLS1. Human Molecular Genetics. 14(11):1475-88., 桑自剛
2005 2005,Sang, T.-K ., Li, C., Liu, W., Rodriguez, A., Abrams, J.M., Zipursky, S.L., and Jackson, G.R. (2005) Inactivation of Drosophila Apaf-1 Related Killer suppresses formation of polyglutamine aggregates and blocks polyglutamine pathogenesis. Human Molecular Genetics. 14(3): 357-372. , 桑自剛
2002 2002,Jackson , G.R., Wiedau-Pazos, M., Sang, T.-K ., Wagle, N., Brown , C.A. , Massachi, S., and Geschwind, D.H. (2002) Human wild- type tau interacts with wingless pathway components and produces neurofibrillary pathology in Drosophila. Neuron 34: 509-519. , 桑自剛
2002 2002,Sang, T.-K . and Ready, D. F. (2002) Eyes closed, a Drosophila p47 homolog, is essential for photoreceptor morphogenesis. Development 129: 143-154. , 桑自剛
1995 1995,Chang, H.-Y., Sang, T.-K ., Jan, K.-Y., and Chen, C.-T. (1995) The cellular DNA contents and cell volumes of batoids and their systematics. Copeia. 3: 571-576., 桑自剛
1994 1994,Sang, T.-K. , Chang, H.-Y., Chen, C.-T., and Hui, C.-F. (1994) Population structure of Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica. Mol. Biol. Evol. 11(2): 250-260. , 桑自剛

