2023-05-13 19:25
  • 孫玉珠
  • 孫玉珠 - 教授-台湾清华大学-生命科学院-个人资料





99 資深優良教師 國立清華大學


匹茲堡大學 美國 結晶學系 博士 ~




2012 Lin, S.-M. Tsai, J.-Y., Hsiao, C.-D., Huang, Y.-T., Chiu, C.-L., Liu, M.-H. Tung, J.-Y., Liu, T.-H., Pan, R.-L. & Sun Y.-J.* ,2012,Crystal Structure of a Membrane-embedded H+-translocating Pyrophosphatase ,Nature,484,pp399-403 孫玉珠
2012 Chu, C.-H., Liu, M.-H., Chen, P.-C., Lin, M.-H., Li, Y.-C., Hsiao, C.-D. and Sun, Y.-J.* ,2012,Crystal structures of Helicobacter pylori uridylate kinase: insight into the product UDP release ,Acta Cryst D.,68,pp773-783 孫玉珠
2012 Chang, Y.-W., Lin, T.-W., Li, Y.-C., Huang, Y.-S., Sun, Y.-J. and Hsiao, C.-D. ,2012,Interaction Surface and Topology of Get3/Get4/Get5, a Complex Involved in Targeting Tail-Anchored Proteins to the Endoplasmic Reticulum,J. Biol. Chem.,287,5,pp4783-4789 孫玉珠
2011 Lo, Y.-H., Liu, S.-W., Sun, Y.-J., Li, H.-W and Hsiao, C.-D. ,2011,Mutations altering interplay of GkDnaC helicase to DNA reveal an insight into helicase function and unwinding mechanism,PLoS One,6,12,ppe29016- 孫玉珠
2010 Hung, K.W., Chang Y.W., Eng, E.T., Chen, J.H., Chen, Y.C., Sun, Y.J., Hsiao, C.D., Dong, G., Spasov, K.A., Unger, V.M. and Huang, T.H.,2010,Structural fold, conservation and Fe(II) binding of the intracellular domain of prokaryote FeoB,Journal of Structural Biology,170,3,pp501-512 (SCI) 孫玉珠
2010 Chang, Y.W., Chuang, Y.C., Ho, Y.C., Cheng, M.Y., Sun, Y.J., Hsiao, C.D. and Wang, C. ,2010,Crystal Structure of Get4-Get5 Complex and Its Interactions with Sgt2, Get3, and Ydj1,Journal of Biological Chemistry,285,13,pp9962-9970 (SCI) 孫玉珠
2010 Hsu, S.H., Lo, Y.Y., Tung, J.Y., Ko, Y.C., Sun, Y.J., Hung, C.C., Yang, C.W., Tseng, F.G., Fu, C.C. and Pan, R.L.,2010,Leptospiral Outer Membrane Lipoprotein LipL32 Binding on Toll-like Receptor 2 of Renal Cells As Determined with an Atomic Force Microscope, Biochemistry,49,26,pp5408-5417 (SCI) 孫玉珠
2010 Tung, J.Y., Yang, C.W., Chou, S.W., Lin, C.C. and Sun, Y.J.*,2010,Calcium Binds to LipL32, a Lipoprotein from Pathogenic Leptospira, and Modulates Fibronectin Binding,Journal of Biological Chemistry ,285,5,pp3245-3252 (SCI) 孫玉珠
2009 Chan, K.W., Lee, Y.J., Wang, C.H., Huang, H.M. and Sun, Y.J.*,2009,Single-Stranded DNA-Binding Protein Complex from Helicobacter pylori Suggests an ssDNA-Binding Surface,Journal of Molecular Biology,388,3,pp508-519 (SCI) 孫玉珠
2009 Tsai, K.L., Lo, Y.H., Sun, Y.J. and Hsiao, C.D. ,2009,Molecular Interplay between the Replicative Helicase DnaC and Its Loader Protein DnaI from Geobacillus kaustophilus,Journal of Molecular Biology ,393,5,pp1056-1069 (SCI) 孫玉珠
2009 Lo, Y.H., Tsai, K.L., Sun, Y.J., Chen, W.T., Huang, C.Y. and Hsiao, C.D.,2009,The crystal structure of a replicative hexameric helicase DnaC and its complex with single-stranded DNA,Nucleic Acids Research,37,3,pp804-814 (SCI) 孫玉珠
2008 Tung, J.Y., Chang, M.D.T., Chou, W.I., Liu, Y.Y., Yeh, Y.H., Chang, F.Y., Lin, S.C., Qiu, Z.L. and Sun, Y.J.*,2008,Crystal structures of the starch-binding domain from Rhizopus oryzae glucoamylase reveal a polysaccharide-binding path,Biochemical Journal,416,pp27-36 (SCI) 孫玉珠
2008 Chu, C.H., Lai, Y.J., Huang, H. and Sun, Y.J.* ,2008,Kinetic and structural properties of triosephosphate isomerase from Helicobacter pylori,Proteins-Structure Function and Bioinformatics,71,1,pp396-406 (SCI) 孫玉珠
2008 Chang, Y.W., Sun, Y.J., Wang, C. and Hsiao, C.D. ,2008,Crystal structures of the 70-kDa heat shock proteins in domain disjoining conformation,Journal of Biological Chemistry,283,22,pp15502-15511 (SCI) 孫玉珠
2007 Tsai, K.L., Sun, Y.J., Huang, C.Y., Yang, J.Y., Hung, M.C. and Hsiao, C.D. ,2007,Crystal structure of the human FOXO3a-DBD/DNA complex suggests the effects of post-translational modification,Nucleic Acids Research ,35,20,pp6984-6994 (SCI) 孫玉珠
2007 Lin, H.P., Chen, H.M., Wei, S.Y., Chen, L.Y., Chang L.H., Sun, Y.J., Huang, S.Y. and Hsu J.C. ,2007,Cell adhesion molecule Echinoid associates with unconventional myosin VI/Jaguar motor to regulate cell morphology during dorsal closure in Drosophila,Developmental Biology,311,2,pp423-433 (SCI) 孫玉珠
2007 Lu, P.K., Tsai, J.Y., Chien, H.Y., Huang, H., Chu, C.H. and Sun, Y.J.*,2007,Crystal structure of Helicobacter pylori spermidine synthase: A Rossmann-like fold with a distinct active site,Proteins-Structure Function and Bioinformatics,67,3,pp743-754 (SCI) 孫玉珠
2007 Yeh, Y.H., Kesavulu, M.M., Li, H.M., Wu, S.Z., Sun, Y.J., Konozy, E.H.E. and Hsiao, C.D.,2007,Dimerization is important for the GTPase activity of chloroplast translocon components at Toc33 and psToc159,Journal of Biological Chemistry ,282,18,pp13845-13853 (SCI) 孫玉珠
2006 Chao, T.C., Huang, H., Tsai, J.Y., Huang, C.Y. and Sun, Y.J.*,2006,Kinetic and structural properties of inorganic pyrophosphatase from the pathogenic bacterium Helicobacter pylori,Proteins-Structure Function and Bioinformatics ,65,3,pp670-680 (SCI) 孫玉珠
2006 Lin, Y.F., Wu, M.S., Chang, C.C., Lin, S.W., Lin, J.T., Sun, Y.J., Chen, D.S. and Chow, L.P. ,2006,Comparative immunoproteomics of identification and characterization of virulence factors from Helicobacter pylori related to gastric cancer,Molecular & Cellular Proteomics,5,8,pp1484-1496 (SCI) 孫玉珠
2006 Huang, C.Y., Hsu, C.H., Sun, Y.J., Wu, H.N. and Hsiao, C.D.,2006,Complexed crystal structure of replication restart primosome protein PriB reveals a novel single-stranded DNA-binding mode,34,14,pp3878-3886 (SCI) 孫玉珠
2006 Tsai, K.L., Huang, C.Y., Chang, C.H., Sun, Y.J., Chuang, W.J. and Hsiao, C.D. ,2006,Crystal structure of the human FOXK1a-DNA complex and its implications on the diverse binding specificity of winged helix/forkhead proteins,Journal of Biological Chemistry,281,25,pp17400-17409 (SCI) 孫玉珠
2006 Tsai, J.Y., Chen, B.T., Cheng, H.C., Chen, H.C., Hsaio, N.W., Lyu, P.C. and Sun, Y.J.* ,2006,Crystal structure of HP02429, a hypothetical protein from Helicobaccter pylori wrath a novel fold,Proteins-Structure Function and Bioinformatics,62,4,pp1138-1143 (SCI) 孫玉珠

