2023-05-13 19:24
  • 潘榮隆
  • 潘榮隆 - 教授-台湾清华大学-生命科学院-个人资料





2006 清華講座教授 清華大學


2002 國科會傑出特約研究員獎 國科會
1995 國科會特約研究人員 國科會


俄亥俄州立大學 美國 生化系 博士




2011 Shieh, G.J., Chien, L.F. and Pan, R.L. ,2011,The extrinsic proteins of an oxygen-evolving complex in marine diatom Cylindrotheca fusiformis,Botanical Studies ,52,2,pp161-171 (SCI) 潘榮隆
2011 Pan, Y.J., Lee, C.H., Hsu, S.H., Huang, Y.T., Liu, T.H., Chen, Y.W., Lin, S.M. and Pan, R.L.*,2011,The transmembrane domain 6 of vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase mediates protein targeting and proton transport,Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics,1807,1,pp59-67 (SCI) 潘榮隆
2011 Lee, C.H., Pan, Y.J., Huang, Y.T., Liu, T.H., Hsu, S.H., Chen, Y.W., Lin, S.M., Huang, L.K. and Pan, R.L.* ,2011,Identification of Essential Lysines Involved in Substrate Binding of Vacuolar H+-Pyrophosphatase,Journal of Biological Chemistry,286,14, (SCI) 潘榮隆
2010 Wang, Y.K., Chang, W.C., Liu, P.F., Hsiao, M.K., Lin, C.T., Lin, S.M. and Pan, R.L.* ,2010,Ovate family protein 1 as a plant Ku70 interacting protein involving in DNA double-strand break repair,Plant Molecular Biology,74,4-5,pp453-466 (SCI) 潘榮隆
2010 Huang, Y.T., Liu, T.H., Chen, Y.W., Lee, C.H., Chen, H.H., Huang, T.W., Hsu, S.H., Lin, S.M., Pan, Y.J., Lee, C.H., Hsu, I.C., Tseng, F.G., Fu, C. C. and Pan, R.L.* ,2010,Distance Variations between Active Sites of H+-Pyrophosphatase Determined by Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer,Journal of Biological Chemistry ,285,31,pp23655-23664 (SCI) 潘榮隆
2010 Hsu, S.H., Lo, Y.Y., Tung, J.Y., Ko, Y.C., Sun, Y.J., Hung, C.C., Yang, C.W., Tseng, F.G., Fu, C.C. and Pan, R.L.*,2010,Leptospiral Outer Membrane Lipoprotein LipL32 Binding on Toll-like Receptor 2 of Renal Cells As Determined with an Atomic Force Microscope,Biochemistry,49,26,pp5408-5417 (SCI) 潘榮隆
2009 Liu, T.H., Hsu, S.H., Huang, Y.T., Lin, S.M., Huang, T.W., Chuang, T.H., Fan, S.K., Fu, C.C., Tseng, F.G. and Pan, R.L.*,2009,The proximity between C-termini of dimeric vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase determined using atomic force microscopy and a gold nanoparticle technique,Febs Journal ,276,16,pp4381-4396 (SCI) 潘榮隆
2009 Lin, T.Y., Huang, C.H., Kao, H.H., Liou, G.G., Yeh, S.R., Cheng, C.M., Chen, M.H., Pan, R.L. and Juang, J.L.,2009,Abi plays an opposing role to Abl in Drosophila axonogenesis and synaptogenesis, Development ,136,18,pp3099-3107 (SCI) 潘榮隆
2009 Hsu, S.H., Hsiao, Y.Y., Liu, P.F., Lin, S.M., Luo, Y.Y. and Pan, R.L.* ,2009,Purification, characterization, and spectral analyses of histidine-tagged vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase expressed in yeast,Botanical Studies ,50,3,pp291-301 (SCI) 潘榮隆
2009 Chang, W.C., Lee, T.Y., Hsu, J.B.K., Hsu, P.C., Wang, T.Y., Huang, H.D. and Pan, R.L. ,2009,Incorporating Support Vector Machine for Identifying Protein Tyrosine Sulfation Sites,Journal of Computational Chemistry,30,15,pp2526-2537 (SCI) 潘榮隆
2008 Liu, W.T., Lin, S.C., Chou, W.I., Liu, T.H., Pan, R.L., Tzou, D.L., Hua, T.E. and Chang, M.D.T. ,2008,Identification and characterization of a novel fibril forming peptide in fungal starch binding domain,Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,377,3,pp966-970 (SCI) 潘榮隆
2008 Liu, P.F., Wang, Y.K., Chang, W.C., Chang, H.Y. and Pan, R.L.*,2008,Regulation of Arabidopsis thaliana Ku genes at different developmental stages under heat stress,Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Gene Regulatory Mechanisms ,1779,6-7,pp402-407 (SCI) 潘榮隆
2008 Liu, P.F., Chang, W.C., Wang, Y.K., Chang, H.Y. and Pan, R.L.*,2008,Signaling pathways Ku mediating the suppression of Arabidopsis thaliana gene expression by abscisic acid,Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Gene Regulatory Mechanisms,1779,3,pp164-174 (SCI) 潘榮隆
2008 Chang, W.C., Wang, Y.K., Liu, P.F., Tsai, Y.F., Kong, L.R., Lin, C.K., Yang, C.H. and Pan, R.L.*,2008,Regulation of Ku gene promoters in Arabidopsis by hormones and stress,Functional Plant Biology,34,4,pp265-280 (SCI) 潘榮隆
2008 Chang, W.C., Lee, T.Y., Huang, H.D., Huang, H.Y. and Pan, R.L. ,2008,PlantPAN: Plant promoter analysis navigator, for identifying combinatorial cis-regulatory elements with distance constraint in plant gene groups,BMC Genomics,pp76458333- (SCI) 潘榮隆
2007 Liu, P.F., Chang, W.C., Wang, Y.K., Munisamy, S.B., Hsu, S.H., Chang, H.Y., Wu, S.H. and Pan, R.L.* ,2007,Differential regulation of Ku gene expression in etiolated mung bean hypocotyls by auxins,Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Gene Structure and Expression ,1769,7-8,pp443-454 (SCI) 潘榮隆
2007 Huang, C.H., Lin, T.Y., Pan, R.L. and Juang, J.L.,2007,The involvement of Abl and PTP61F in the regulation of Abi protein localization and stability and lamella formation in Drosophila S2 cells,Journal of Biological Chemistry ,282,44,pp32442-32452 (SCI) 潘榮隆
2007 Hsiao, Y.Y., Pan, Y.J., Hsu, S.H., Huang, Y.T., Liu, T.H., Lee, C.H., Liu, P.F., Chang, W.C., Wang, Y.K., Chien, L.F. and Pan, R.L.*,2007,Functional roles of arginine residues in mung bean vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase,Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics ,1767,7,pp965-973 (SCI) 潘榮隆
2006 Lee, S.C., Chien, L.F., Van, R.C., Hsiao, Y.Y., Hong, J.L. and Pan, R.L. ,2006,Radiation inactivation analysis of thylakoid protein kinase systems in light and in darkness,Photosynthetica ,44,1,pp116-124 (SCI) 潘榮隆
2006 Chiu, F.S., Hsu, S.H., Chen, J.H., Hsiao, Y.Y., Pan, Y.J., Van, R.C., Huang, Y.T., Tseng, F.G., Chou, W.M., Fan, S.K. and Pan, R.L.*,2006,Differential response of vacuolar proton pumps to osmotica,Functional Plant Biology,33,2,pp195-206 (SCI) 潘榮隆
2006 2006,Chiu, F.S., Hsu, S.H., Chen, J.H., Hsiao, Y.Y., Pan, Y.J., Van, R.C., Huang, Y.T., Tseng, F.G., Chou, W.M., Fan, S.K., and Pan, R.L. (2006) Differential response of vacuolar proton pumps to osmotica. Functional Plant Biology 33, 195-206. , 潘榮隆
2006 2006,Lee, S.C., L.F. Chien, R.C. Van, Y.Y. Hsiao, J.L. Hong, and R.L. Pan (2006) Radiation inactivation analysis of thylakoid protein kinase systems in light and in darkness, Photosynthetics 44 (1): 116-124. , 潘榮隆
2005 2005,Kuo, S.Y., Chien, L.F., Hsiao, Y.Y., Van, R.C., Yan, K.H., Liu, P.F., Mao, S.J. and Pan, R.L. (2005) Proton pumping inorganic pyrophosphatase of endoplasmic reticulum-enriched vesicles from etiolated mung bean seedlings. J Plant Physiol 162(2), 129-38, 潘榮隆
2005 2005,Van, R.C., Pan, Y.J., Hsu, S.H., Huang, Y.T., Hsiao, Y.Y., and Pan, R.L. (2005) Role of transmembrane segment 5 of the plant vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase. Biochim Biophys Acta 1709(1), 84-94. , 潘榮隆
2005 2005,Lin, H.H., Pan, Y.J., Hsu, S.H., Van, R.C., Hsiao, Y.Y., Chen, J.H., and Pan, R.L. (2005) Deletion mutation analysis on C-terminal domain of plant vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase. Arch Biochem Biophys 442(2), 206-213. , 潘榮隆
2005 2005,Kuo, S.Y., Chien, L.F., Hsiao, Y.Y., Van, R.C., Yan, K.H., Liu, P.F., Mao, S.J. and Pan, R.L. (2005) Proton pumping inorganic pyrophosphatase of endoplasmic reticulum-enriched vesicles from etiolated mung bean seedlings. J Plant Physiol 162(2), 129-38. , 潘榮隆
2004 2004,Hsiao, Y.Y., Van, R.C. Hung, S.H., Lin, H.H., and Pan, R.L. (2004) Roles of histidine residues in plant vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase. Biochim Biophys Acta 1608, 190-199. , 潘榮隆
2004 2004,Yan, K.H., Liu, P.F., Tzeng, H.T., Chang, W.C., Chou, W.G., and Pan, R.L. (2004) Characterization of DNA end-binding activities in higher plants. Plant Physiol Biochem 42, 617-622. , 潘榮隆
2004 2004,Yang, S.J., Jiang, S.S., Hsiao, Y.Y., Van, R.C., Pan, Y.J., and Pan, R.L. (2004) Thermoinactivaion analysis of vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase. Biochim Biophys Acta 1656, 88-95. , 潘榮隆
2003 2003,Moon, Y.H., Chen, L., Pan, R.L., Chang, H.S., Zhu, T., Maffeo, D.M., and Sung, Z.R. (2003) EMF genes maintain vegetative development by repressing the flower program in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 15, 681-693. , 潘榮隆
2002 2002,Hsiao, Y.Y., Van, R.C., Hung, H.H., Pan, R.L. (2002) Diethylpyrocarbonate inhibition of H+-pyrophosphatase possibly involves a histidine residue. J Protein Chem 21, 51-58. , 潘榮隆
2001 2001,Wu, C.M., Liu, T.J., Huang, C.C., Hwang, T.L., and Pan, R.L. (2001) Human progestrone receptor shows differential sensitivity to carboxyl group modifying agents when bound to agonist and antagonist ligands. Chang Guang Med J 24 (3), 151-158. , 潘榮隆
2001 2001,Chu C.L., Hsiao Y.Y., Chen C.H., Van R.C., Lin, W.J., Pan, R.L. (2001) Inhibition of plant vacuolar H+-ATPase by diethylpyrocarbonate. Biochim Biophys Acta 1506(1): 12-22. , 潘榮隆
2000 2000,Yang, S.J., Jiang, S.S., Van, R.C., Hsiao, Y.Y., Pan, R. L., (2000) A lysine residue involved in the inhibition of vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase by fluorescein 5'-isothiocyanate, Biochim Biophys Acta 1460(2-3): 375-383. , 潘榮隆
2000 2000,Jiang, S.S., Yang, S.J., Kuo, S.Y., and Pan, R.L. (2000) Radiation inactivation analysis of H+-pyrophosphatase from submitochondrial particles of etiolated mung bean seedlings. FEBS Lett 468, 211-214. , 潘榮隆
1999 1999,Kuo, S.Y., Tzeng, C.M., Lin, W.J., Jiang, S.S., Hung, S.H., and Pan, R.L. (1999) An essential arginine residue in tonoplast H+-ATPase from etiolated mung bean seedlings. Bull Bot Acad Sin 40, 127-134. , 潘榮隆
1999 1999,Yang, S.J., Jiang, S.S., Kuo, S.Y., Hung, S.H., Tam, M.H., and Pan, R.L. (1999) Localization of a carboxylic residue possibly involved in the inhibition of vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase by N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodi-imide. Biochem J 342, 641-646. , 潘榮隆
1998 1998,Chen, C.S., Chao, H.T., Pan, R.L., and Wei, Y.H. (1998) Direct measurement of the tail beat frequency of human sperm by flash light synchronization. Androl 30, 49-54. , 潘榮隆
1998 1998,Tsai, Y.R., Yang, S.J., Jiang, S.S., Ko, S.J., Hung, S.H., Kuo, S.Y., and Pan, R.L. (1998) High pressure effects on vacuolar H+-ATPase from etiolated mung bean seedlings. J Protein Chem 17(2), 161-172. , 潘榮隆
1998 1998,Yang, S.S., Ko, S.S., Tsai, Y.R., Yang, S.J., Jiang, S.S., Kuo, S.Y., Hung, S.H., and Pan, R.L. (1998) Subunit interaction of vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase as determined by high pressure. Biochem J 330, 395-402. , 潘榮隆
1997 1997,Chen, C.S., Chao, H.T., Pan, R.L., and Wei, Y.H. (1997) Hydroxyl radical-induced decline in motility and increase in lipid peroxidation and DNA modification in human sperm. Biochem Mol Biol Intl 43, 291-303. , 潘榮隆
1997 1997,Chen, C.S., Chao, H.T., Pan, R.L., and Wei, Y.H. (1997) Maintenance of human sperm motility and prevention of oxidative damage through co-culture incubation. Andrologia 29, 227-233. , 潘榮隆
1997 1997,Jiang, S.S, Fan, L.L., Yang, S.J., Kuo, S.Y., and Pan, R.L. (1997) Purification and characterization of thylakoid membrane-bound inorganic pyrophosphatase. Arch Biochem Biophys 346, 105-112. , 潘榮隆
1996 1996,Tzeng, C.M., Yang, C.Y., Yang, S.J., Jiang, S.S., Kuo, S.Y., Hung, S.S., Ma, J.T., and Pan, R.L. (1996) Subunit structure of vacuolar proton pyrophosphatase as determined by radiation inactivation. Biochem J 316, 143-147. , 潘榮隆
1996 1996,Ambesi, A, Pan, R.L., and Slayman, C.W. (1996) Alanine-scanning mutagenesis along membrane segment 4 of the yeast plasma membrane H+-ATPase. J Biol Chem 271, 22999-23005. , 潘榮隆
1996 1996,Yang, S.J., Jiang, S.S., Tzeng, C.M., Kuo, S.Y., Hung, S.H., and Pan, R.L. (1996) Involvement of tyrosine residue in the inhibition of plant vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase by tetranitromethane. Biochim Biophys Acta 1294, 89-97. , 潘榮隆
1995 1995,Hung, S.H., Chiu, S.J., Lin, L.Y., and Pan, R.L. (1995) Vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase cDNA from etiolated mung bean seedlings. Plant Physiol 109, 1125-1127. , 潘榮隆
1995 1995,Chiu, S.J., Hung, S.H., Lin, L.Y., and Pan, R.L. (1995) A cDNA clone encoding the A subunit of the vacuolar H+-ATPase from etiolated mung bean seedlings. Plant Physiol 109, 1125-1127, 潘榮隆
1993 1993,Hsu, L.H., Tzeng, C.M., and Pan, R.L. (1993) Functional size of the thylakoid phosphatase determined by radiation inactivation. FEBS Lett 318, 1-3. , 潘榮隆
1993 1993,Hsu, L.H., Tzeng, C.M., and Pan, R.L. (1993) Characterization of the phosphatase from spinach thylakoids. Bot Bull Acad Sin 34, 175-182. , 潘榮隆
1993 1993,Ma, J.T., Wu, J.J., Tzeng, C.M., and Pan, R.L. (1993) Functional size analysis of F-ATPase from Escherichia coli by radiation inactivation. J Biol Chem 268, 10802-10807. , 潘榮隆
1993 1993,Tzeng, C.M., Chou, W.M., Chu, C.L., Yang, C.Y., Chiang, P.T., Wang, M.Y., Lin, Y. H., Lin, W.J., Lin, M. H., Hsu, L., H., and Pan, R.L. (1993) Structural mapping of vacuolar ATPase from higher plants. in Recent Advances in Botany, ed. Hsing, Y.I., Chou, C. H. Acad. Sinica, 187-194. , 潘榮隆
1993 1993,Chien, L.F., Wu, C.J., Tzeng, C.M., and Pan, R.L. (1993) ATPase of Rhodospirillum rubrum requires three functional copies of B subunit as determined by radiation inactivation analysis. Biochem Mol Biol Interntl 31, 13-18. , 潘榮隆
1993 1993,Su, J.H., Tzeng, C.M., Jiang S.S., and Pan, R.L. (1993) Characterization of thylakoid membrane inorganic pyrophosphatase from Spinachia oleracia L. Chia Nan Ann Bull 19, 33-44. , 潘榮隆
1992 1992,Chou, W.M., Tzeng, C.M., Wang, M.Y., Chen, C.S., and Pan, R.L. (1992) Inhibition of tonoplanst ATPase by 2',3'-dialdehyde derivative of ATP. Plant Physiol 98, 44-52. , 潘榮隆
1992 1992,Chen, W.L., Gross, E.L., and Pan, R.L. (1992) A photo-electrochemical cell using electrodes modified by photosystem I particles of spinach. Bot Bull Acad Sin 33, 9-15. , 潘榮隆
1992 1992,Tzeng, C.M., Hsu, L.H., and Pan, R.L. (1992) Chemical modification of tonoplast ATPase by fluorescein 5'-isothiocyanate. Biochem J 285, 737-743. , 潘榮隆
1991 1991,Wu, J.J., Ma, J.T., and Pan, R.L. (1991) Functional size analysis of pyrophosphatase from Rhodospirillum rubrum determined by radiation inactivation. FEBS Lett 283, 57-60. , 潘榮隆
1990 1990,Kuo, S.Y. and Pan, R.L. (1990) An essential arginyl residue in pyrophosphatase of hypocotyls from etiolated mung beans. Plant Physiol 93, 1128-1133. , 潘榮隆
1989 1989,Wang, M.Y., Tsai, M.Y., Pan, R.L., and Gross, E.L. (1989) Chemical modification of plastocyanin with 7-chloro-4-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole: preparation and characterization. Bot Bull Academia Sinica 30, 59-69. , 潘榮隆
1989 1989,Wang, M.Y., Lin, Y.H., Chou, W.M., Chung, T.P., and Pan, R.L. (1989) Purification and characterization of tonoplast ATPase from etiolated mung bean seedlings. Plant Physiol 90, 475-481. , 潘榮隆
1989 1989,Chen, W.L., Hong, J. L., and Pan, R.L. (1989) Arrhenius analysis of photosynthetic electron transport under protein phosphorylation. Biochem Intl 19(6), 1309-1315. , 潘榮隆
1988 1988,Wang, M.Y., Chien, L.F., and Pan, R.L. (1988) Radiation inactivation analysis of chloroplast CFo-CF1- ATPase. J Biol Chem 263(18), 8838-8843. , 潘榮隆
1987 1987,Hsu, B.D., Pan, R. S., Lin, W.J., Wang, M.Y., Chiang, C.S., and Pan, R.L. (1987) The application of radiation target theory to the determination of functional size of biological molecules. Nuclear Sci J 23(6), 379-396. , 潘榮隆
1987 1987,Hsu, B.D., Lee, J.Y., and Pan, R.L. (1987) The two binding sites for DCMU in photosystem II. Biochem Biophys Res Comm 1412, 682-688. , 潘榮隆
1987 1987,Hsu, B.D., Lee, J.Y., and Pan, R.L. (1987) The high affinity binding site for manganese on the oxidizing side of photosystem II. Biochim Biophys Acta 890, 89-96. , 潘榮隆
1987 1987,Pan, R.S., Chien, L.F., Wang, M.Y., Tsai, M.Y., Pan, R.L., and Hsu, B.D. (1987) Functional size of photosynthetic electron transport chain determined by radiation inactivation. Plant Physiol 85, 158-166. , 潘榮隆
1987 1987,Hsu, B.D., Lin, W.J., Lee, J.Y., and Pan, R.L. (1987) Evidence for structural distinction between PSIIa and PSIIb reaction centers. FEBS Lett 217, 53-56. , 潘榮隆
1987 1987,Chou, Y.C., Liang, N.T., Pan, R.L., Kuo, C.S., and Chen, T.T. (1987) The effects of protonation on the Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering from ATP molecule absorbed on the Ag electrode. Chem Phys Lett 137, 386-390. , 潘榮隆
1986 1986,Pan, R.S., Hsu, B.D., Wang, M.Y., and Pan, R.L. (1986) The determination of functional size of photosynthetic electron transport chain: The application of radiation target theory. Nuclear Sci J 23(5), 393-302. , 潘榮隆
1985 1985,Lee, J.Y., Hsu, B.D., and Pan, R.L. (1985) The high affinity binding site for calcium on the oxidizing side of photosystem II. Biochem Biophys Res Comm 128(1), 464-469. , 潘榮隆
1985 1985,Draheim, J.E., Anderson, G.P. Pan, R.L., Rellick, L.M., Duane, J.W., and Gross, E.L. (1985) Conformational changes of plastocyanine. Arch Biochem Biophys 237, 110-117. , 潘榮隆
1983 1983,Pan, R.L., Bhardwaj, R., and Gross, E.L. (1983) Photochemical energy conversion by a thiazine photosynthetic photoelectro-chemical cell. J Chem Tech Biotech 33, 39-48. , 潘榮隆
1983 1983,Fan, I.J., Chiang, I.H., Pan, R.L., Bhardwaj, R., and Gross, E.L. (1983) The photolysis of alcohol under visible light, J. Shanghai Teacher's College (Nature Science ed.) 3, 87-92. , 潘榮隆
1983 1983,Sanderson, D.G., Pan, R.L., and Gross, E.L. (1983) Studies of a photosynthetic photoelectrochemical cell using various electrodes. Appl Biochem Biotechnol 8, 395-405. , 潘榮隆
1982 1982,Pan, R.L., Fan, I.J., Bhardwaj, R., and Gross, E.L. (1982) A photosynthetic photoelectrochemical cell using flavin mononucleotide as electron acceptor. Photochem Photobiol 35, 655-664. , 潘榮隆
1982 1982,Fan, I.J., Pan, R.L. and Gross, E.L. (1982) A CdS catalyzed photosynthetic photoelectrochemical cell. Electrochim Acta 27 (9), 1219-1226. , 潘榮隆
1981 1981,Bhardwaj, R., Pan, R.L., and Gross, E.L. (1981) Solar energy conversion by chloroplast photoelectrochemical cells. Nature 298, 396-398. , 潘榮隆
1981 1981,Bhardwaj, R., Pan, R.L., and Gross, E.L. (1981) Photosystem I-phenosafranine solar cell. Photochem Photobiol 34, 215-222. , 潘榮隆
1981 1981,Bhardwaj, R., Pan, R.L., and Gross, E.L. (1981) Photopotential generation by Photosystem I-mediated and proflavin-catalyzed photo-reduction of methyl viologen. Photochem Photobiophys 3, 19-30. , 潘榮隆
1981 1981,Bhardwaj, R., Pan, R.L., and Gross, E.L. (1981) A photosynthetic photo-electrochemical cell in \

