2023-05-13 19:23
  • 藍忠昱
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2019 Y.-P. Xue, M.-C. Kao*, C.-Y. Lan*,2019,Novel mitochondrial complex I-inhibiting peptides retain NADH dehydrogenase activity.(*Corresponding author),Scientific Reports,9,1,pp13694- (SCI) 藍忠昱
2015 M.-F. Lin, Y.-Y. Lin and C.-Y. Lan* ,2015,The role of the two-component system BaeSR in disposing chemicals through regulating transporter systems in Acinetobacter baumannii. PLoS One. (*Corresponding author),10,7,ppe0132843- (SCI) 藍忠昱
2015 H.-F. Chen and C.-Y. Lan* ,2015,Role of SFP1 in the Regulation of Candida albicans Biofilm Formation,PLoS One. (*Corresonding author),10,6,ppe129903- (SCI) 藍忠昱
2015 M.-F. Lin, Y.-Y. Lin, C.-C. Tu and C.-Y. Lan* ,2015,The distribution of different efflux pump genes in clinical isolates of multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii and their correlation with antimicrobial resistance,Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection.(*Corresponding author)doi: 10.1016/j.jmii.2015.04.004. Epub 2015, May 14., (SCI) 藍忠昱
2014 Lin MF, Lan CY*. (*Corresponding author),2014,Antimicrobial resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii: from bench to bedside.,World Journal Of Clinical Cases,2,12,pp787-814 藍忠昱
2014 2014,Robustness analysis on interspecies interaction network for iron and glucose competition between Candida albicans and zebrafish during infection.,BMC Systems Biology,8,Suppl 5,ppS6- 藍忠昱
2014 Lin C, Lin CN, Wang YC, Liu FY, Chuang YJ, Lan CY, Hsieh WP, Chen BS.,2014,The role of TGF-β signaling and apoptosis in innate and adaptive immunity in zebrafish: a systems biology approach.,BMC Systems Biology,8,pp116- (SCI) 藍忠昱
2014 P.-W. Tsai, Y.-T. Chen, C.-Y. Yang, H.-F. Chen, T.-S. Tan, W.-P. Hsieh, C.-Y. Lan* (*Corresponding author),2014,The role of Mss11 in Candida albicans biofilm formation.,Molecular Genetics and Genomics,289,5,pp807-819 (SCI) 藍忠昱
2014 P.-W. Tsai, Y.-L. Cheng, W.-P. Hsieh, and C.-Y. Lan* (*Corresponding author),2014,Responses of Candida albians to the human antimicrobial peptide LL-37,Journal of Microbiology,52,7,pp581-589 (SCI) 藍忠昱
2014 Ming-Feng Lin, Yun-You Lin, Hui-Wen Yeh and Chung-Yu Lan* (*Corresponding author),2014,Role of Two-Component System BaeSR in Regulation of Acinetobacter baumannii adeAB Genes and its Correlation with Tigecycline Susceptibility,BMC Microbiology,14,pp119- (SCI) 藍忠昱
2014 Y.-C. Wang, I-C. Tsai, C. Lin, W.-P. Hsieh, C.-Y. Lan, Y.-J. Chuang and B.-S. Chen,2014,Essential Functional Modules for Pathogenic and Defensive Mechanisms in Candida albicans Infections,BioMed Research International,2014,pp136130- (SCI) 藍忠昱
2013 Y.-Y. Chen, C.-C. Chao, F.-C. Liu, P.-C. Hsu, H.-F. Chen, S.-C. Peng, Y.-J. Chuang, C.-Y. Lan, W.-P. Hsieh, and D. S. H. Wong,2013,Dynamic transcript profiling of Candida albicans infection in zebrafish: a pathogen-host interaction study.,PLoS One,8,ppe72483- (SCI) 藍忠昱
2013 Y.-C. Wang, C. Lin, M.-T. Chuang, W.-P. Hsieh, C.-Y. Lan, Y.-J. Chuang and B.-S. Chen,2013,Interspecies protein-protein interaction network construction for characterization of host-pathogen interactions: a Candida albicans-zebrafish interaction study.,BMC Systems Biology,7,pp79- (SCI) 藍忠昱
2013 M.-F. Lin, M.-L. Liou, C.-C. Tu, H.-W. Yeh and C.-Y. Lan,2013,Molecular epidemiology of integron associated antimicrobial gene cassettes in clinical isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii from northern Taiwan.,Ann Lab Med,33,4,pp242-247 (SCI) 藍忠昱
2013 P.-C. Hsu, C.-C. Chao, C.-Y. Yang, Y.-L. Ye, F.-C. Liu, Y.-J. Chuang and C.-Y. Lan* (*Corresponding author),2013,Diverse Hap43-independent functions of the Candida albicans CCAAT-binding complex.,Eukaryotic Cell,12,6,pp804-815 (SCI) 藍忠昱
2013 Tsai, P.-W. Chen, Y.-T. Hsu, P.-C. Lan, C.-Y.* (*Corresponding author),2013,Study of Candida albicans and its interactions with the host: A mini review. ,BioMedicine,3,pp51-64 藍忠昱
2013 Kuo, Z.-Y. Chuang, Y.-J. Chao, C.-C. Liu, F.-C. Lan, C.-Y. Chen, B.-S. ,2013,Identification of infection- and defense-related genes via a dynamic host-pathogen interaction network using a Candida albicans-zebrafish infection model.,J Innate Immun.,5,pp137-152 藍忠昱
2012 Liu, Y. S., Tsai, P. W., Wang, Y., Fan, T. C., Hsieh, C. H., Chang, M. D., Pai, T, W., Huang, C. F., Lan, C. Y. and Chang, H. T.,2012,Chemoattraction of macrophages by secretory molecules derived from cells expressing the signal peptide of eosinophil cationic protein.,BMC Systems Biology,6,1,pp105- (SCI) 藍忠昱
2012 Chang, H.-T., Tsai, P.-W., Huang, H.-H., Liu, Y.-S., Chien, T.-S. and Lan, C.-Y. ,2012,LL37 and hBD-3 elevate the beta-1,3-exoglucanase activity of C. albicans Xog1p, resulting in reduced fungal adhesion to plastic.,Biochemical J,441,3,pp963-970 (SCI) 藍忠昱
2012 Chen, Y.-T., Lin, C.-Y., Tsai, P.-W., Yang, C.-Y., Hsieh, W.-H., and Lan, C.-Y* (*Corresponding author),2012,Rhb1 regulates the expression of secreted aspartic protease 2 through the TOR signaling pathway in Candida albicans.,Eukaryotic Cell,11,2,pp168-182 (SCI) 藍忠昱
2012 Wang, Y.-C., Huang, S.-H., Lan, C.-Y., and Chen, B.-S.,2012,Prediction of Phenotype-Associated Genes via a Cellular Network Approach: A Candida albicans Infection Case Study.,PLoS One,7,4,ppe35339- (SCI) 藍忠昱
2011 Tsai, P.W., Yang, C.Y., Chang, H.T.* and Lan, C.Y.* (*Corresponding author),2011,Human Antimicrobial Peptide LL-37 Inhibits Adhesion of Candida albicans by Interacting with Yeast Cell-Wall Carbohydrates., Plos One ,6,3, (SCI) 藍忠昱
2011 Lin, M.F., Chang, K.C., Lan, C.Y., Chou, J.L., Kuo, J.W., Chang, C.K. and Liou, M.L. ,2011,Molecular Epidemiology and Antimicrobial Resistance Determinants of Multidrug-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii in Five Proximal Hospitals in Taiwan,Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases ,64,3,pp222-227 (SCI) 藍忠昱
2011 Hsu, P.C., Yang, C.Y. and Lan, C.Y.* (*Corresponding author),2011,Candida albicans Hap43 Is a Repressor Induced under Low-Iron Conditions and Is Essential for Iron-Responsive Transcriptional Regulation and Virulence,Eukaryotic Cell ,10,2,pp207-225 (SCI) 藍忠昱
2011 Tsai, P.-W., Yang, C.-Y., Chang, H. T.* and Lan, C.-Y.* (*Corresponding author),2011,Characterizing the role of cell-wall beta-1,3-Exoglucanase Xog1p in Candida albicans adhesion by the human antimicrobial peptide LL-37.,PLoS One,6,6,ppe21394- (SCI) 藍忠昱
2011 Hsu, J.-T., Peng, C.-H., Hsieh, W.-P., Lan, C.-Y.*, and Tang, C.-Y.* (*Corresponding author),2011,A novel method to identify cooperative functional modules: study of module coordination in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell cycle.,BMC Bioinformatics,12,pp281- (SSCI) 藍忠昱
2010 Yang, S.K., Wang, Y.C., Chao, C.C., Chuang, Y.J., Lan, C.Y. and Chen, B.S. ,2010,Dynamic cross-talk analysis among TNF-R, TLR-4 and IL-1R signalings in TNF alpha-induced inflammatory responses,BMC Medical Genomics,03,pp19- (SCI) 藍忠昱
2010 Wang, Y.C., Lan, C.Y., Hsieh, W.P., Murillo, L.A., Agabian, N. and Chen, B.S. ,2010,Global screening of potential Candida albicans biofilm-related transcription factors via network comparison,BMC Bioinformatics,11,pp53- (SCI) 藍忠昱
2010 Chao, C.C., Hsu, P.C., Jen, C.F., Chen, I.H., Wang, C.H., Chan, H.C., Tsai, P.W., Tung, K.C., Wang, C.H., Lan, C.Y.* and Chuang, Y.J.* (*Corresponding author),2010,Zebrafish as a Model Host for Candida albicans Infection, Infection and Immunity ,78,6,pp2512-2521 (SCI) 藍忠昱
2009 Wang, H.Y., Ho, P.C., Lan, C.Y. and Chang, M.D.T. ,2009,Transcriptional Regulation of Human Eosinophil RNase2 by the Liver-Enriched Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 4,Journal of Cellular Biochemistry ,106,2,pp317-326 (SCI) 藍忠昱
2009 Tsao, C.C., Chen, Y.T. and Lan, C.Y.* (*Corresponding author),2009,A small G protein Rhb1 and a GTPase-activating protein Tsc2 involved in nitrogen starvation-induced morphogenesis and cell wall integrity of Candida albicans,Fungal Genetics and Biology ,46,2,pp126-136 (SCI) 藍忠昱
2008 Huang, R.Y., Chang, H.T., Lan, C.Y., Pai, T.W., Wu, C.N., Ling, C.M. and Chang, M.D.T. ,2008,Development and evaluation of a sensitive enzyme-linked oligonucleotide-sorbent assay for detection of polymerase chain reaction-amplified hepatitis C virus of genotypes 1-6,Journal of Virological Methods ,151,2,pp211-216 (SCI) 藍忠昱
2008 Chen, B.S., Yang, S.K., Lan, C.Y. and Chuang, Y.J.,2008,A systems biology approach to construct the gene regulatory network of systemic inflammation via microarray and databases mining,BMC Medical Genomics ,01,pp46- (SCI) 藍忠昱
2007 Murillo, L.A., Lan, C.Y., Agabian, N.M., Larios, S. and Lomonte, B.,2007,Fungicidal activity of a phospholipase-A2-derived synthetic peptide variant against Candida albicans,Revista espanola de quimioterapia ,20,3,pp330-333 (SCI) 藍忠昱
2006 Theiss, S., Ishdorj, G., Brenot, A., Kretschmar, M., Lan, C. Y., Nichterlein, T., Hackerg, J., Nigam, S., Agabian, N. and Kohler, G.A. ,2006,Inactivation of the phospholipase B gene PLB5 in wild-type Candida albicans reduces cell-associated phospholipase A(2) activity and attenuates virulence, International Journal of Medical Microbiology,296,6,pp405-420 (SCI) 藍忠昱
2005 2005,Murillo, L. A., Newport, G., Lan, C.-Y., Habelitz, S., Dungan, J., and Agabian, N. (2005) Genome-wide transcription profiling of the early stage of biofilm formation by Candida albicans. Eukaryot Cell. 4:1562-1573, 藍忠昱
2004 2004,Lan, C.-Y., Rodarte, G., Murillo, L. A., Jones, T., Davis, R. W., Dungan, J., Newport, G., and Agabian, N. (2004) Regulatory networks affected by iron availability in Candida albicans. Mol Microbiol. 53:1451-1469. , 藍忠昱
2002 2002,Lan, C.-Y., Newport, G., Murillo, G., Jones, T., Scherer, S., Davis, R. W., and Agabian, N. (2002) Metabolic specialization associated with phenotypic switching in Candida albicans. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 99:14907-14912. , 藍忠昱
1998 1998,Lan, C.-Y. and Igo, M. M. (1998) Differential expression of the OmpF and OmpC porin proteins in Escherichia coli K-12 depends upon the level of active OmpR. J Bacteriol. 180:171-174. , 藍忠昱
1997 1997,Huang, K.-J., Lan, C.-Y., and Igo, M. M. (1997) Phosphorylation stimulates the cooperative DNA-binding properties of the transcription factor OmpR. Proc

