2023-05-13 19:19
  • 黃貞祥
  • 黃貞祥 - 助理教授-台湾清华大学-生命科学院-个人资料




105 早熟鳥及晚熟鳥的絨羽發育表徵差異之分子基礎 黃貞祥 主持人 2016年08月 ~
2018年07月 科技部 /

加州大學戴維斯分校 美國 遺傳學博士班 博士 2004年09月 ~ 2009年06月
國立清華大學 台灣 生命科學系 碩士 2001年09月 ~ 2003年06月
國立清華大學 台灣 生命科學系 學士 1997年09月 ~ 2001年06月

國立清華大學 助理教授 分子與細胞生物研究所 2016年02月 ~

中央研究院 博士後研究員 生物多樣性研究中心 2009年08月 ~
中央研究院 研究助理 動物研究所 2003年08月 ~




2017 Chen CK, Su PC, Wu SM, Liu IM, Li WH, Ng CS ,2017,Regulatory Differences in Natal Down Development between Altricial and Precocial Birds,Mechanisms of Development,145,ppS113-S114 (SCI) 黃貞祥
2017 Lien CY, Tixier-Boichard M, Wu SW, Wang WF, Ng CS, Chen CF,2017,Detection of QTL for traits related to adaptation to sub-optimal climatic conditions in chickens,Genetics Selection Evolution,49,pp39- (SCI) 黃貞祥
2017 Chen CK, Yu CP, Li SC, Wu SM, Lu MJ, Chen YH, Chen DR, Ng CS, Ting CT, Li WH.,2017,Identification and evolutionary analysis of long non-coding RNAs in zebra finch,BMC Genomics,18,1,pp117- (SCI) 黃貞祥
2016 Bhattacharjee MJ, Yu CP, Lin JJ, Ng CS, Wang TY, Lin HH, Li WH.,2016,Regulatory Divergence among Beta-Keratin Genes during Bird Evolution,Mol Biol Evol,33,11,pp2769-2780 (SCI) 黃貞祥
2016 Chen CK, Ng CS, Wu SM, Chen JJ, Cheng PL, Wu P, Lu MY, Chen DR, Chuong CM, Cheng HC, Ting CT, Li WH.,2016,Regulatory Differences in Natal Down Development between Altricial Zebra Finch and Precocial Chicken,Mol Biol Evol ,33,8,pp2030-2043 (SCI) 黃貞祥
2015 Wu P, Ng CS, Yan J, Lai YC, Chen CK, Lai YT, Wu SM, Chen JJ, Luo W, Widelitz RB, Li WH, Chuong CM.,2015,Topographical mapping of α- and β-keratins on developing chicken skin integuments: Functional interaction and evolutionary perspectives,Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A,112,49,ppE6770-E6779 (SCI) 黃貞祥
2015 Ng CS, Chen CK, Fan WL, Wu P, Wu SM, Chen JJ, Lai YT, Mao CT, Lu MY, Chen DR, Lin ZS, Yang KJ, Sha YA, Tu TC, Chen CF, Chuong CM, Li WH,2015,Transcriptomic analyses of regenerating adult feathers in chicken,BMC Genomics,16,1,pp756- (SCI) 黃貞祥
2014 Ng CS, Wu P, Fan WL, Yan J, Chen CK, Lai YT, Wu SM, Mao CT, Chen JJ, Lu MY, Ho MR, Widelitz RB, Chen CF, Chuong CM, Li WH,2014,Genomic organization, transcriptomic analysis, and functional characterization of avian α- and β-keratins in diverse feather forms.,Genome Biol Evol,6,9,pp2258-2273 (SCI) 黃貞祥
2013 Fan WL, Ng CS, Chen CF, Lu MY, Chen YH, Liu CJ, Wu SM, Chen CK, Chen JJ, Mao CT, Lai YT, Lo WS, Chang WH, Li WH,2013,Genome-wide patterns of genetic variation in two domestic chickens,Genome Biol Evol,5,7,pp1376-1392 (SCI) 黃貞祥
2012 Seher TD1, Ng CS, Signor SA, Podlaha O, Barmina O, Kopp A,2012,Genetic basis of a violation of Dollo's Law: re-evolution of rotating sex combs in Drosophila bipectinata,Genetics,192,4,pp1465-1475 黃貞祥
2012 Ng CS, Wu P, Foley J, Foley A, McDonald ML, Juan WT, Huang CJ, Lai YT, Lo WS, Chen CF, Leal SM, Zhang H, Widelitz RB, Patel PI, Li WH, Chuong CM,2012,The chicken frizzle feather is due to an α-keratin (KRT75) mutation that causes a defective rachis,PLoS Genet,8,7,ppe1002748- (SCI) 黃貞祥
2009 Matsuda M, Ng CS, Doi M, Kopp A, Tobari YN.,2009,Evolution in the Drosophila ananassae species subgroup,Fly (Austin),3,2,pp157-169 (SCI) 黃貞祥
2008 Ng CS, Hamilton AM, Frank A, Barmina O, Kopp A.,2008,Genetic basis of sex-specific color pattern variation in Drosophila malerkotliana,Genetics,180,1,pp421-429 (SCI) 黃貞祥
2008 Ng CS, Kopp A.,2008,Sex combs are important for male mating success in Drosophila melanogaster,Behavior Genetics,38,2,pp195-201 (SCI) 黃貞祥

