2023-05-13 19:15
  • 曾晴賢
  • 曾晴賢 - 教授-台湾清华大学-生命科学院-个人资料






88 傑出教學獎 國立清華大學


台灣大學 中華民國 動物學研究所 博士




2010 Hsu, C.B., Tzeng, C.S., Yeh, C.H., Kuan, W.H., Kuo, M.H. and Lin, H.J.,2010,Habitat use by the Formosan landlocked salmon Oncorhynchus masou formosanus,Aquatic Biology,10,3,pp227-239 (SCI) 曾晴賢
2009 Wang, D., Wang, T.Y., Weng, L.C., Emori, Y., Tzeng, C.S. and Li, W.H.,2009,Evolution of Olfactory Receptor Genes in East Asian Loaches,Zoological Studies ,48,2,pp223-237 (SCI) 曾晴賢
2009 Teng, H.Y., Lin, Y.S. and Tzeng, C.S.*,2009,A New Anguilla Species and a Reanalysis of the Phylogeny of Freshwater Eels,Zoological Studies,48,6,pp808-822 (SCI) 曾晴賢
2009 Chiu, M.C., Kuo, M.H., Tzeng, C.S., Yang, C.H., Chen, C.C. and Sun, Y.H.,2009,Prey Selection by Breeding Brown Dippers Cinclus pallasii in a Taiwanese Mountain Stream,Zoological Studies,48,6,pp761-768 (SCI) 曾晴賢
2008 Wang, F.Y., Chung, W.S., Yan, H.Y. and Tzeng, C.S.*,2008,Adaptive evolution of cone opsin genes in two colorful cyprinids, Opsariichthys pachycephalus and Candidia barbatus,Vision Research,48,16,pp1695-1704 (SCI) 曾晴賢
2008 Liao, T.Y., Wang, T.Y., Lin, H.D., Shen, S.C. and Tzeng, C.S.*,2008,Phylogeography of the endangered species, Sinogastromyzon puliensis Liang (Cypriniformes: Balitoridae), in southwestern Taiwan,Zoological Studies ,47,4,pp383-392 (SCI) 曾晴賢
2008 Liao, T.Y., Pan, C.C. and Tzeng, C.S.,2008,Migration of Sinogastromyzon puliensis (Teleostei: Balitoridae) in the Choshui River, Taiwan,Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters ,19,3,pp193-200 (SCI) 曾晴賢
2008 Chung, L.C., Lin, H.J., Yo, S.P., Tzeng, C.S., Yeh, C.H. and Yang, C.H.,2008,Relationship between the Formosan landlocked salmon Oncorhynchus masou formosanus population and the physical substrate of its habitat after partial dam removal from Kaoshan Stream, Taiwan, Zoological Studies,47,1,pp25-36 (SCI) 曾晴賢
2007 Wang, T.Y., Tzeng, C.S.*, Teng, H.Y. and Chang, T. ,2007,Phylogeography and identification of a 187-bp-long duplication within the mitochondrial control region of Formosania lacustre (Teleostei : Balitoridae), Zoological Studies ,46,5,pp569-582 (SCI) 曾晴賢
2007 Wang, T.Y., Liao, T.Y. and Tzeng, C.S.*,2007,Phylogeography of the Taiwanese endemic Hillstream loaches, Hemimyzon formosanus and H. taitungensis (Cypriniformes : balitoridae),Zoological Studies ,46,5,pp547-560 (SCI) 曾晴賢
2007 Liu, M.Y., Cai, Y.X. and Tzeng, C.S.*,2007,Molecular systematics of the freshwater prawn genus Macrobrachium Bate, 1868 (Crustacea : Decapoda : Palaemonidae) inferred from mtDNA sequences, with emphasis on East Asian species,Zoological Studies ,46,3,pp272-289 (SCI) 曾晴賢
2007 Chung, L.C., Lin, H.J., Yo, S.P., Tzeng, C.S. and Yang, C.H. ,2007,Stage-structured population matrix models for the Formosan landlocked salmon (Oncorhynchus masou formosanus) in Taiwan,Raffles Bulletin of Zoology,S14,pp151-160 (SCI) 曾晴賢
2007 Chao, N.H., Tsai, F.N., Wang, S.Y., Tzeng, C.S. and Liao, I.C.,2007,Study on sperm cryopreservation for paternal germplasm repository of selected indigenous fishes in Taiwan,Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan,32,2,pp189-197 曾晴賢
2006 Tzeng, C.S.*, Lin, Y.S., Lin, S.M., Wang, T.Y. and Wang, F.Y.,2006,The phylogeography and population demographics of selected freshwater fishes in Taiwan,Zoological Studies ,45,3,pp285-297 (SCI) 曾晴賢
2004 2004,Lin, Y.S., S. M. Lin, T. Y. Wang, Y. J. Wang and C. S. Tzeng, 2004, The phylogeography and population demographics of freshwater fishes in Taiwan. Zoological Studies, revise. , 曾晴賢
2002 2002,Lin, Y.S., Y. P. Poh, S. M. Lin and C. S. Tzeng, 2002, Molecular techniques to identify freshwater eels: RFLP analyses of PCR-amplified DNA fragments and allele-specific PCR from mitochondrial DNA. Zoological Studies, 41(4): 421-430. , 曾晴賢
2002 2002,Liu, H., C.S. Tzeng, and H.Y. Teng, 2002, Sequence variations in the mitochondrial DNA control region and their implications for the phylogeny of the Cypriniformes. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 80: 569-581. , 曾晴賢
2001 2001,Lin, Y. S., Y.P. Poh and C. S. Tzeng, 2001, Which is the dispersal route of the ancient Atlantic eels: reanalysis of the phylogeny of freshwater eels. Journal of Taiwan Fisheries Research, 9(1&2): 161-173. , 曾晴賢
2001 2001,Chen, F.C., E.J. Vallender, H. Wang, C.S. Tzeng, W.H. Li, 2001, Genomic divergence between human and chimpanzee estimated from large-scale alignments of genomic sequences. Journal of Heredity, 92(6): 481-489. , 曾晴賢
2001 2001,Chen, Y.C., S.S. Kung, B.Y. Chen, C.C. Hung, C.C. Chen, T.Y. Wang, Y.M.Wu, W.H. Lin, C.S. Tzeng, W.Y. Chow, 2001, Identifications, classification, and evolution of the vertebrate alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid (AMPA) receptor subunit genes. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 53(6): 690-702. , 曾晴賢
2001 2001,Lin, Y. S., Y. P. Poh, C. S. Tzeng, 2001, A phylogeny of freshwater eels inferred from mitochondrial genes. Molecular Phylogenetic Evolution, 20(2): 252-261. , 曾晴賢
1999 1999,Shiao, J. C., C. S. Tzeng, C. L. Leu, and F. C. Chen, 1999, Enhancing the contrast and visibility of daily growth increments in fish otoliths etched by proteinase K buffer. Journal of Fish Biology, 54: 302-309. , 曾晴賢
1999 1999,Wang, T. Y., C. S. Tzeng, and S. C. Shen, 1999, Conservation and phylogeography of Taiwan paradise fish, Macropodus opercularis Linnaeus. Acta Zoologica Taiwanica 10(2): 121-134.  , 曾晴賢
1998 1998,Zhong, J. S., and C. S. Tzeng, 1998, A new species of Rhinogobius from China (Perciformes: Gobioidae). Zoological Research, 19(3): 237-241.  , 曾晴賢
1998 1998,Wang, H. J., P. C. L. Chang, C. H. Kuo, C. S. Tzeng and W. C. Wang, 1998, Characterization of the C-terminal domain of Helicobacter pylori vacuolating toxin and its relationship with extracellular toxin production. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication, 250: 397-402. , 曾晴賢
1992 1992,Tzeng CS, Hui CF, Shen SC, Huang PC, 1992, The complete nucleotide sequence of the Crossostoma lacustre mitochondrial genome: conservation and variations among vertebrates. Nucleic Acids Research, 20(18): 4853-4858. , 曾晴賢

