2023-05-13 11:08
  • 胡中华
  • 胡中华 - 教授 博导-同济大学-材料科学与工程学院-个人资料




华东师大毕业,比利时安特卫普大学博士 (1994年),比利时新鲁文大学博士后(95-96年),新加坡国立大学研究员(96-98年),1998年至今在同济大学化学系工作,教授、博导。主持了国家自然科学基金、科技部、上海市等多个科研项目。在国内外优秀学术期刊(Advanced Materials, Carbon等)上发表科研论文一百多篇。曾经担任2002,2011年国际炭材料会议组委会学术委员会委员。




1.Z. Hu and E.F. Vansant, Chemical Activation of Elutrilithe Producing a Carbon-Aluminosilicate Composite Adsorbent, Carbon 33, 1293-1300, 1995 2.Z. Hu and M.P. Srinivasan, Preparation of High-Surface-Area Activated Carbons from Coconut Shell, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 27, 11-18, 1999 3.Z. Hu, M.P. Srinivasan and Yaming Ni, Preparation of Mesoporous-High- Surface-Area Activated Carbon, Advanced Materials, 12, 62-65, 2000 4.Z. Hu, M.P. Srinivasan and Yaming Ni, Novel activation Process for preparing highly Microporous and mesoporous activated carbons. Carbon, 39, 877-886, 2001 5.Z. Hu and M.P. Srinivasan, Mesoporous High-Surface-Area Activated Carbon, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 43, 267-275, 2001 6.Z.B. Wen, Q.T. Qu, Q. Gao, X.W. Zheng, Z.H. Hu* et al., An activated carbon with high capacitance from carbonization of a resorcinol–formaldehyde resin, Electrochemistry Communications, 11( 3), 715-718, 2009 6.X.J. Wang, Y.F. Liu, Z.H. Hu*, et al, Degradation of methyl orange by composite photocatalysts nano-TiO2 immobilized on activated carbons of different porosities, Journal of hazardous materials, 169 (1-3), 1061-1067, 2009 7.Z. B. Wen, Y. F. Liu, Z. H. Hu* et al. Influence of pore structure on the electrochemical performance of activated carbons as electrode materials for aqueous supercapacitors, Functional materials letters, 3(3), 201-205, 2010 8.A.F. Liu, Y.F. Liu,; Z. H. Hu*, Electrochemical performance of LiFePO4/C synthesized by solid state reaction using different lithium and iron sources : Journal of physics and chemistry of solids, 72 ( 6 ), 831-835, 2011 9.L.M. Liao,; Y. F. Liu, Z. H. Hu*, Novel morphologic Co3O4 of flower-like hierarchical microspheres as electrode material for electrochemical capacitors, Journal of alloys and compounds, 562, 106-110, 2013

