2023-05-13 11:07
  • 关小红
  • 关小红 - 教授 博导-同济大学-环境科学与工程学院-个人资料




教育背景 2002.2-2005.8 香港科技大学土木工程系 环境工程专业 博士 1999.9-2002.1 同济大学环境科学与工程学院 环境工程专业 硕士 1994.9-1999.7 同济大学环境科学与工程学院 环境工程专业 学士 工作背景 2011.8-今 同济大学,教授、博导 2010.4-2011.7 哈尔滨工业大学,副教授、博导 2007.9-2010.3 哈尔滨工业大学,副教授 2007.3-2010.6 哈尔滨工业大学土木工程博士后流动站,博士后 2007.1-2007.8 哈尔滨工业大学,讲师 2006.2-2006.12 江苏工业学院环境与安全工程系,院聘教授 2005.9-2006.1 美国密苏里科技大学土木工程系,访问学者




Sun Y.K., Hu Y.H., Guan X.H.* The combined effect of weak magnetic field and anions on arsenite sequestration by ZVI: Kinetics and mechanisms. Environ Sci Technol2017 51 (7), 3742–3750. Qin H.J., Li J.X., Yang H.Y., Pan B.C., Zhang W.M., Guan X.H.*The coupled effect of ferrous ion and oxygen on the electron selectivity of zerovalent iron for selenate sequestration. Environ Sci Technol2017, 51 (9), 5090–5097. Xu, H.Y.; Sun, Y.K.; Li, J.X.; Li, F.M.; Guan, X.H.*Aging of zerovalent iron in synthetic groundwater: x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy depth profiling characterization and depassivation with uniform magnetic field. Environ Sci Technol 2016, 50(15),8214–8222. Sun, Y.K.; Li, J.X.; Huang, T.L.;** Guan, X.H.* The influences of iron characteristics, operating conditions and solution chemistry on contaminants removal by zero-valent iron: A review. Water Res 2016, 100, 277-295. Sun, B.; Dong, H.Y.; He, D.; Rao D.D.; Guan, X.H.* Modeling the Kinetics of Contaminants Oxidation and the Generation of Manganese(III) in the Permanganate/Bisulfite Process. Environ Sci Technol 2016, 50, 1473−1482. Li, J.X.; Qin, H.J.; Guan, X.H.,* Premagnetization for Enhancing the Reactivity of Multiple Zerovalent Iron Samples toward Various Contaminants. Environ Sci Technol 2015, 49, 14401-14408. Sun, B.; Guan, X.H.;* Fang, J.; Tratnyek, P. G.,* Activation of Manganese Oxidants with Bisulfite for Enhanced Oxidation of Organic Contaminants: The Involvement of Mn(III). Environ Sci Technol 2015, 49, 12414-12421. Li, J. X.; Shi, Z.; Ma, B.; Zhang, P. P.; Jiang, X.; Xiao, Z. J.; Guan, X. H.,* Improving the Reactivity of Zerovalent Iron by Taking Advantage of Its Magnetic Memory: Implications for Arsenite Removal. Environ Sci Technol2015, 49(17), 10581-10588. Guan, X. H.; Sun, Y. K.; Qin, H. J.; Li, J. X.; Lo, I. M. C.; He, D.; Dong, H. R.,* The limitations of applying zero-valent iron technology in contaminants sequestration and the corresponding countermeasures: The development in zero-valent iron technology in the last two decades (1994-2014). Water Res 2015,75, 224-248. Liang, L. P.; Guan, X. H.;* Shi, Z.; Li, J. L.; Wu, Y. N.; Tratnyek, P. G.,*Coupled Effects of Aging and Weak Magnetic Fields on Sequestration of Selenite by Zero-Valent Iron. Environ Sci Technol 2014,48, 6326-6334. Sun, Y. K.; Guan, X. H.;* Wang, J. M.; Meng, X. G.; Xu, C. H.; Zhou, G. M., Effect of Weak Magnetic Field on Arsenate and Arsenite Removal from Water by Zerovalent Iron: An XAFS Investigation. Environ Sci Technol 2014,48, 6850-6858. Zhang, J.; Sun, B.; Xiong, X. M.; Gao, N. Y.; Song, W. H.; Du, E. D.; Guan, X. H.;* Zhou, G. M., Removal of emerging pollutants by Ru/TiO2-catalyzed permanganate oxidation. Water Res 2014,63, 262-270. Xiong, X. M.; Sun, B.; Zhang, J.; Gao, N. Y.; Shen, J. M.; Li, J. L.; Guan, X. H.,* Activating persulfate by Fe-0 coupling with weak magnetic field: Performance and mechanism. Water Res 2014,62, 53-62. Sun, B.; Xiong, X. M.; Zhou, G. M.; Guan, X. H.,* Response to Comment on Reinvestigation of the Role of Humic Acid in the Oxidation of Phenols by Permanganate. Environ Sci Technol 2014,48, (11), 6520-6521. Liang, L. P.; Sun, W.; Guan, X. H.;* Huang, Y. Y.; Choi, W. Y.; Bao, H. L.; Li, L. N.; Jiang, Z. Weak magnetic field significantly enhances selenite removal kinetics by zero valent iron. Water Res 2014,49, 371-380. Sun, B.; Zhang, J.; Du, J. S.; Qiao, J. L.; Guan, X. H.* Reinvestigation of the Role of Humic Acid in the Oxidation of Phenols by Permanganate. Environ Sci Technol 2013,47, 14332-14340. Zhang, J.; Sun, B.; Guan, X. H.;* Wang, H.; Bao, H. L.; Huang, Y. Y.; Qiao, J. L.; Zhou, G. M. Ruthenium Nanoparticles Supported on CeO2 for Catalytic Permanganate Oxidation of Butylparaben. Environ Sci Technol 2013,47, 13011-13019. Liang, L. P.; Yang, W. J.; Guan, X. H.;* Li, J.; Xu, Z. J.; Wu, J.; Huang, Y. Y.; Zhang, X. G. Z. Kinetics and mechanisms of pH-dependent selenite removal by zero valent iron. Water Res 2013,47, 5846-5855. Sun, Y. K.; Zhou, G. M.; Xiong, X. M.; Guan, X. H.;* Li, L. N.; Bao, H. L. Enhanced arsenite removal from water by Ti(SO4)2 coagulation. Water Res 2013,47, 4340-4348. Du, J. S.; Sun, B.; Zhang, J.; Guan, X. H.* Parabola-Like Shaped pH-Rate Profile for Phenols Oxidation by Aqueous Permanganate. Environ Sci Technol 2012,46, 8860-8867.

