2018.10 ~ 至今,天津大学,化工学院,副教授 2014.12 ~ 2018.09,University of Cambridge, Materials Science and Metallurgy, 博士后 2014.02 ~ 2014.11,University of Surrey, Chemical and Process Engineering, 项目干事 2009.09 ~ 2014.07,University of Birmingham, School of Chemical Engineering, 博士 2006.09 ~ 2009.09,重庆大学,材料科学与工程学院,硕博连读生 2002.09 ~ 2006.06,重庆大学,机械工程学院,本科研究领域
粉体颗粒及多相流技术的基础研究 多尺度计算模型开发及在粉体工艺中的应用研究 粉体、多孔、金属等材料的物理力学实验技术 高性能计算(HPC)、数据分析及可视化设计近期论文
Pei, C., Lin, H, Markl, D., Shen, Y.-C., Zeitler, J.A., Elliott, J.A., A quantitative comparison of in-line coating thickness distributions obtained from a pharmaceutical tablet mixing process using discrete element method and terahertz pulsed imaging. Chemical Engineering Science, 2018, 192, 34-45. Lin, H, Pei, C., Markl, D., Shen, Y.-C., Elliott, J.A., Zeitler, J.A., Steps towards numerical verification of the terahertz in-line measurement of tablet mixing by means of discrete element modelling. IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 2018, 12, 1775–1779. Pei, C., Elliott, J.A., Asymptotic limits on tablet coating variability based on cap-to-band thickness distributions: A discrete element model (DEM) study. Chemical Engineering Science, 2017, 172, 286-296. Pei, C., Wu, C.-Y., Adams, M., DEM-CFD analysis of contact electrification and electrostatic interactions during fluidization. Powder Technology, 2016, 304, 208–217. Pei, C., Wu, C.-Y., Adams, M., Numerical analysis of contact electrification of non-spherical particles in a rotating drum. Powder Technology , 2015, 285, 110-122. Pei, C., Wu, C.-Y., Adams, M., England, D., Byard, S., Berchtold, H., DEM-CFD modelling of particle systems with long range electrostatic interactions. AICHE Journal, 2015, 61, 1792-1803. Pei, C., Wu, C.-Y., Adams, M., England, D., Byard, S., Berchtold, H., Contact electrification and charge distribution on elongated particles in a vibrating container. Chemical Engineering Science, 2014, 125: 238-247. Pei, C., Wu, C.-Y., England, D., Byard, S., Berchtold, H., Adams, M., Numerical analysis of contact electrification using DEM–CFD. Powder Technology, 2013, 248: 34–43. Pei, C., Wu, C.-Y., Numerical analysis of electrostatic effects during powder deposition using DEM/CFD. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2010, 62: 1454–1455. Zhang, J., Pei, C., Schiano, S., Heaps, D., Wu, C.-Y., The application of terahertz pulsed imaging in characterising density distribution of roll-compacted ribbons. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics. 2016, 106, 20-25. Nwose, E.N., Pei, C., Wu, C.-Y., Modelling die filling with charged particles using DEM/CFD. Particuology, 2012, 10: 229–235. Wen, T., Wei, L., Chen, X., Pei, C., Effects of ultrasonic vibration on plastic deformation of AZ31 during the tensile process. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials, 2011, 18(1): 70-76 相关热点
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