2023-05-13 10:43
  • 程景胜
  • 程景胜 - -天津大学-化工学院-个人资料




Jing-Sheng Cheng, Shao-Fei, Cui, Ming-Zhu Ding, Ying-Jin Yuan. Insights into the roles of exogenous glutamate and proline in improving streptolydigin production of Streptomyces lydicus with metabolomic analysis.J IndMicrobiolBiotechnol. 2013 Nov;40(11):1303-14.
Jing-Sheng Cheng, Ying-Quan, Liang, Ming-Zhu Ding, Shao-Fei, Cui, Xiao-Min Lv, and Ying-Jin Yuan. Metabolic analysis reveals the amino acid responses of Streptomyces lydicus to pitching ratios during improving streptolydigin production. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2013, 10.1007/s00253-013-4790-4 , 97(13):5943-54
Jing-Sheng Cheng, Yan-Hong Niu, Shu-Huan Lu and Ying-Jin Yuan.Metabolome analysis reveals ethanolamine as potential marker for improving lipid accumulation of model photosynthetic organisms. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 2012, 87(10): 1409–1418
Jing-Sheng Cheng, Xiao-Min Lv, and Ying-Jin Yuan.Investigation of proteomic responses of Streptomyces lydicus to pitching ratios for iImprovingstreptolydigin production. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering,2012, 17(5):997-1007
Zhou H, Jing-Sheng Cheng, Wang B, Fink GR, Stephanopoulos G. Xylose isomerase overexpression along with engineering of the pentose phosphate pathway and evolutionary engineering enable rapid xylose utilization and ethanol production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Metabolic Engineering, 2012, 14(6):611-622
Jing-Sheng Cheng, Ming-Zhu Ding, Hong-Chi Tian, Ying-Jin Yuan. Inoculation density-dependent responses and pathway shifts in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Proteomics, 2009, 9(20):4704-4713
Jing-Sheng Cheng, Xiao Zhou, Ming-Zhu Ding, Ying-Jin Yuan, (2009) Proteomic insights into adaptive responses of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to the repeated vacuum fermentation. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 83(5):909-923
Jing-Sheng Cheng, Ying-Jin Yuan. (2009) Release of proteins: insights into oxidative response of Taxuscuspidata induced by shear stress. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic. 2009, 58:84-92
Jing-Sheng Cheng. Bin Qiao. Ying-Jin Yuan.(2008) Comparative proteome analysis of robust Saccharomyces cerevisiae insights into industrial continuous and batch fermentation. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 81(2):327-338
Jing-Sheng Cheng, Qiu-Man Xu, Jin-ChuanWu, Ying-Jin Yuan. (2008) ERK-like MAPK signaling and cytochrome c response to oleic acid in two-liquid-phase suspension cultures of Taxuscuspidata. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 41 (3): 274–279
Jing-Sheng Cheng, Chao Lei, Jin-Chuan Wu, Ying-Jin Yuan. (2008) Expression of arabinogalactan proteins involved in Taxol production by immobilized Taxuscuspidata cells. Journal of Biotechnology, 133: 96–102

