2023-05-13 10:16
  • 张秀娟
  • 张秀娟 - 教授、硕士生导师-苏州大学-纳米科学技术学院-个人资料




1. J. Yu, X. J. Zhang*, X. J. Hao, X. H. Zhang, M. J. Zhou,C. S. Lee*, X. F. Chen*, “Near-infrared fluorescence imaging using organic dye nanoparticles”, Biomaterials 2014, 35, 3356-3364.
2. X. J. Hao, M. J. Zhou, X. J. Zhang*, J. Yu, J. S. Jie, C. T. Yu, X. H. Zhang, “High luminescent and photostable core/shell dye nanoparticles for high efficency bioimaging”, Chem. Commun. 2014, 50, 737-739.
3. W. Deng, X. J. Zhang*, C. Gong, Q. Zhang, Y. L. Xing, Y. M. Wu, X. M. Zhang, J. S. Jie, “Aligned Nanowire Arrays on Thin Flexible Substrates for Organic Transistors with High Bending Stability”, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2014, 2(7), 1314-1320.
4. Y. M. Wu, X. J. Zhang*, H. H. Pan, W. Deng, X. H. Zhang*, X. W. Zhang, J. S. Jie*, “In-situ device integration of large-area patterned organic nanowire arrays for high-performance optical sensors”, Scientific Reports 2013, 3, 3248.
5. W. Li, M. J. Zhou, X. J. Zhang*, B. S. Tian, C. T. Yu, J. J. Jie*, X. J. Hao, and X. H. Zhang*, “Functional Core/Shell Drug Nanoparticles for Highly Effective Synergistic Cancer Therapy”, Adv. Healthcare Mater. DOI: 10.1002/adhm. 201300577
6. Y. L. Yang, X. J. Zhang,* C. T. Yu, X. J. Hao, J. S. Jie,* M. J. Zhou, X. H. Zhang*. “Smart Nanorods for Highly Effective Cancer Theranostic Applications” Adv. Healthcare Mater. DOI: ADHM201300463
7. J. Yu, X. J. Diao, X. J. Zhang*, X. F. Chen, X. J. Hao, W. Li, X. H. Zhang, C. S. Lee, “Water-dispersible, pH-stable and highly-luminescent organic dye nanoparticles with amplified emissions for in vitro and in vivo bioimaging”, Small DOI:10.1002/smll.201302230.
8. M. J. Zhou, X. J. Zhang*, Y. Y. Yang, Z Liu, B. S. Tian, J. J. Jie*, X. H. Zhang*, “Carrier-free functionalized multidrug nanorods for synergistic cancer delivery”, Biomaterials 2013, 34(35), 8960-8967.
9. J. F. Zhang, F. F. An, Y. N. Li, C. J. Zheng, Y. L. Yang, X. J. Zhang*, X. H. Zhang*, “Simultaneous enhanced diagnosis and photodynamic therapy of photosensitizer-doped perylene nanoparticles via doping, fluorescence resonance energy transfer, and antenna effect”, Chem. Commun. 2013, 49, 8072-8074.
10. Y. Z. Chen, C. Y. Zhang, X. J. Zhang*, X. M. Ou, X. H. Zhang*, “One-step growth of organic single-crystal p/n nano-heterojunctions with enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity”, Chem. Commun. 2013, 49, 9200-9202.
11. W. Li, X. J. Zhang*, X. J. Hao, J. S. Jie*, B. S. Tian, X. H. Zhang*, “Shape design of high drug-payload nanoparticles for more effective cancer therapy”, Chem. Commun. 2013, 49(93), 10989-10991.
12. F. F. An, J. Ye, J. F. Zhang, Y. L. Yang, C. J. Zheng, X. J. Zhang*, Z. Liu, C. S. Lee, X. H. Zhang*, “Non-blinking, highly luminescent, pH- and heavy-metalion-stable organic nanodots for bio-imaging”, J. Mater. Chem. B 2013, 1, 3144-3151.
13. Y. P Zhang, W. Deng, X. J. Zhang*, X. W. Zhang, X. H. Zhang, Y. L. Xing, J. S. Jie*, “In situ integration of squaraine-nanowire-array-based schottky-type photodetectors with enhanced switching performance”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2013, 5 (23), 12288–12294.
14. Y. N. Li, Y. L. Yang, F. F. An, Zh. Liu, X. J. Zhang*, X. H. Zhang*, “Carrier-free, functionalized pure drug nanorods as a novel cancer-targeted drug delivery platform”, Nanotechnology 2013, 24, 015103.
15. Y. M. Wu, X. J. Zhang*, H. H. Pan, X. W. Zhang, Y. P. Zhang, X. Z. Zhang and J. S. Jie, \

