2023-05-13 10:11
  • 徐岚
  • 徐岚 - 教授-苏州大学-纺织与服装工程学院-个人资料




1977年12月生,教授、博士生导师。2006年1月获清华大学工学博士学位。近年来发表学术论文70多篇,被SCI收录65篇(其中第一作者35篇,通讯作者14篇);获得国家发明专利10项;担任了两本国际期刊的编委和五期特刊的Guest Editor,并被一些国际会议邀请作报告;此外还担任过三届国际非线性动力学学术研讨会总秘书及分会主席;入选上海高校选拔培养优秀青年教师计划和东华大学优秀青年教师后备人选;曾获2009年度届“Scopus寻找未来科学之星”活动中的纳米科学类的青年科学之星称号。迄今为止主持项目10项,申请发明专利20多项,获省部级奖4项,市厅级奖2项。




Song, Y.H., *Xu, L, Permeability, thermal and wetting properties of aligned composite nanofiber membranes containing carbon nanotubes, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42 (2017), 19961-19966.(SCI二区)\r
Shao ZB, Yu L, *Xu L, Wang MD, High-Throughput Fabrication of Quality Nanofibers Using a Modified Free Surface Electrospinning, Nanoscale Research Letters, 12 (2017) 470-478. (SCI二区)\r
Song, Y.H., Sun, Z.Y., *Xu, L, Shao, Z.B., Preparation and Characterization of Highly Aligned Carbon Nanotubes/Polyacrylonitrile Composite Nanofibers, Polymers 9(1) (2017) 1-13.(SCI二区)\r
Fan CX, Sun ZY, *Xu L, Fluid-mechanic model for fabrication of nanoporous fibers by electrospinning, 2017, Thermal Science, 21(4): 1621-1625.(SCI)\r
Sun, ZY, Fan, CX, et al.,*Xu, L, Characterization and antibacterial properties of porous fiberscontaining silver ions, Applied Surface Science, 387: 828–838, 2016. (SCI二区)\r
Zhao, JH, Si, N,*Xu, L, Tang, XP, Experimental and theoretical study on the electrospinning nanoporous fibers process, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 170: 294-302, 2016. (SCI二区)\r
Zhao, JH, Liu, HY,*Xu, L, Preparation and formation mechanismof highly aligned electrospun nanofibers using a modified parallel electrode method,Materials & Design, 90: 1-6, 2016. (SCI二区)\r
Zhao JH, Sun ZY, Shao ZB, *Xu L, Effect of Surface-Active Agent on Morphology and Properties of Electrospun PVA Nanofibres, Fibers and Polymers, 2016, 17(6): 896-901.(SCI)\r
Xu, L, Liu, FJ, et al., Fabrication and applications of electrospun nanofibers, Journal of Nanomaterials, 697236, 2015. (SCI)\r
Xu, L, Zhao, JH,Liu, HY, Numerical simulation for the single-bubble electrospinning process, Thermal Science, 19(4): 1255-1259, 2015. (SCI)\r
Liu, HY,*Xu, L, Sun, QL, Highly aligned electrospun nanofibers byhot-drawing, Thermal Science, 19(4): 1357-1360, 2015. (SCI)\r
Xu, L, Liu, HY,Si, N, Lee, EWM, Numerical simulation of a two-phase flow in the electrospinning process,International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, 24(8): 1755-1761, 2014. (SCI)\r
Tang, XP, Si, N,*Xu, L, Liu, HY, Effect of flow rate on diameter of electrospun nanoporous fibers, Thermal Science, 18(5): 1439-1441, 2014. (SCI)\r
Liu, HY,*Xu, L, Si, N, Effect of magnetic intensity on diameter of charged jets in electrospinning, Thermal Science, 18(5): 1443-1446, 2014. (SCI)\r
Liu, HY,*Xu, L, Tang, XP, Sun, ZQ, Effect of Fe3O4 nanoparticles onmagnetic electrospun nanofibers, The Journal of The Textile Institute, ArticleID 927127, 2014. (SCI)\r
Xu, L, Si, N, Liu,HY, Fabrication and Characterization of Chinese Drug-loaded Nanoporous Materials, Journal of Nano Research, 27: 103-109, 2014. (SCI)\r
Xu L, Lee EWM. Variational Iteration Method for the Magnetohydrodynamic Flow over a Nonlinear Stretching Sheet, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Article ID 585716, 2013. (SCI二区)\r
Xu L, Si N, Lee EWM, Liu HY.A Multi-PhaseFlow Model for Electrospinning Process, Thermal Science, 17 (5): 1299-1304,2013. (SCI)\r
Xu L, Wang L. Effectof Magnetic Field on Charged Jet, Heat Transfer Research, 44 (5) : 417-421,2013. (SCI)\r
Xu L, Si N,Lee EWM, Effect of Humidity on the Surface Morphology of a Charged Jet, Heat Transfer Research, 44 (5) : 441-445, 2013. (SCI)

