2023-05-13 10:04
  • 苏媛媛
  • 苏媛媛 - 副教授-苏州大学-纳米科学技术学院-个人资料




1. Lu Yimei, Su Yuanyuan *, Zhou Yanfeng, Wang Jie, Peng Fei, Zhong Yiling, and He Yao*. In vivo behavior of near infrared-emitting quantum dots. Biomaterials 2013. (DOI: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2013.02.054, *通讯作者 )
2. Peng Fei†, Su Yuanyuan†, Wei Xinpan, Lu Yimei, Zhou Yanfeng, Zhong Yiling, Lee Shuit-Tong* and He Yao*. Silicon-nanowire-based nanocarriers with ultrahigh drug-loading capacity for in vitro and in vivo cancer therapy. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 52, 1457-1461, 2013. († 共同第一作者)
3. Su Yuanyuan, Wei Xinpan, Peng Fei, Zhong Yiling, Lu Yimei, Su Shao, Xu Tingting, Lee Shuit-Tong* and He Yao*. Gold nanoparticles-decorated silicon nanowires as highly efficient near-infrared hyperthermia agents for cancer cells destruction. Nano Lett. 12, 1845-1850, 2012.
4. Chen Nan†, He Yao†, Su Yuanyuan†, Li Xiaoming†, Huang Qing*, Wang Haifeng, Zhang Xiangzhi, Tai Renzhong and Fan Chuanhai. The cytotoxicity of cadmium-based quantum dots. Biomaterials 33, 1238-1244, 2012. (†共同第一作者, 邀请综述)
5. Su Yuanyuan, Peng Fei, Jiang Ziyun, Zhong Yiling, Lu Yimei, Jiang Xiangxu, Huang Qing, Fan Chunhai*, Lee Shuit-Tong* and He Yao*. In vivo distribution, pharmacokinetics, and toxicity of aqueous synthesized cadmium-containing quantum dots. Biomaterials 32, 5855-5862, 2011. (被 Nanomedicine杂志作为亮点报道)
6. Su Yuanyuan, Hu Mei, Fan Chunhai*, He Yao, Li Qingnuan, Li Wenxin, Wang Lianhui, Shen Pingping* and Huang Qing*. The cytotoxicity of CdTe quantum dots and the relative contributions from released cadmium ions and nanoparticle properties. Biomaterials 31, 4829-4834, 2010.
7. Su Yuanyuan, Xu Jinging, Li Jiang, Shen Pingping* , Wang Lihua, Li Qingnuan, Li Wenxin, Xu Guo-tong, Fan Chunhai* and Huang Qing*. Cellular uptake and cytotoxic evaluation of fullerenol in different cell lines. Toxicology 269, 155-159, 2010.
8. Su Yuanyuan, He Yao, Lu Haoting, Sai Liman, Li Qingnuan, Li Wenxin, Wang Lianhui, Shen Pingping*, Huang Qing* and Fan Chunhai*. The cytotoxicity of cadmium based, aqueous phase – synthesized, quantum dots and its modulation by surface coating. Biomaterials 30, 19-25, 2009. (该杂志2009年引用次数排名前十论文)
9. Xu Jingying, Su Yuanyuan, Cheng Jinsheng, Li Wenxin, Xu Guo-tong*and Li Qingnuan*. Protective effects of fullerenol on carbon tetrachloride-induced acute hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity in rats. Carbon 48, 1388-96, 2010.
10. He Yao, Su Yuanyuan, Yang Xaiobao, Kang Zhenhui, Xu Tingting, Zhang Ruiqin, Fan Chunhai* and Lee Shuit-Tong*. Photo and pH Stable, Highly-Luminescent Silicon Nanospheres and Their Bioconjugates for Immunofluorescent Cell Imaging. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131, 4434-38, 2009.
11. Zhu Zhiqiang, Su Yuanyuan, Li Jiang, Li Di*, Zhang Jiong, Song Shiping, Zhao Yun, Li Genxi* and Fan Chunhai. Highly Sensitive Electrochemical Sensor for Mercury(II) Ions by Using a Mercury-Specific Oligonucleotide Probe and Gold Nanoparticle-Based Amplification. Anal. Chem. 81, 7660-66, 2009.
12. He Yao*, Zhong Yiling, Su Yuanyuan, Lu Yimei, Jiang Ziun, Peng Fei, Xu Tingting, Su Shao, Huang Qing, Fan Chunhai* and Lee Shuit-Tong*. Water-Dispersed Near-Infrared-Emitting Quantum Dots of Ultrasmall Sizes for In Vitro and In Vivo Imaging. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 50, 5695-5698, 2011.
13. He Yao*, Lu Haoting, Su Yuanyuan, Sai Liman, Hu Mei, Fan Chunhai* and Wang Lianhui*. Ultra-photostable, non-cytotoxic, and highly fluorescent quantum nanospheres for long-term, high-specificity cell imaging. Biomaterials 32, 2133-2140, 2011.
14. He Yao, Lu Haoting, Sai Liman, Su Yuanyuan, Hu Mei, Fan Chunhai*, Huang Wei* and Wang Lianhui*. Microwave synthesis of water-dispersed CdTe/CdS/ZnS core-shell-shell quantum dots with excellent photostability and biocompatibility. Adv. Mater. 20, 3416-21, 2008.
15. He Yao*, Zhong Yiling, Peng Fei, Wei Xinpan, Su Yuanyuan, Gu Wei, Liao Liangsheng and Lee Shuit-Tong*. Highly luminescent water-dispersible silicon nanowires for long-term immunofluorescent cellular imaging. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 50, 3080-3083, 2011.
16. He Yao*, Zhong Yiling, Peng Fei, Wei Xinpan, Su Yuanyuan, Lu Yimei, Su Shao, Gu Wei, Liao Liangsheng and Lee Shuit-Tong*. One-Pot Microwave Synthesis of Water-Dispersible, Ultraphoto- and pH-Stable, and Highly Fluorescent Silicon Quantum Dots. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133, 14192–14195, 2011.

