2023-05-13 09:52
  • 冯敏强
  • 冯敏强 - 教授, 博士生导师-苏州大学-纳米科学技术学院-个人资料




1997年毕业于香港城市大学物理及材料科学系, 获得一等荣誉理学学士学位;1999年及2003年分别获得香港城市大学物理及材料科学系哲学硕士及哲学博士学位。在2000及2002年,到加拿大西安大略大学(University of Western Ontario)及美国普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)作短期学术交流。2003年至2013年在香港城市大学从事研究工作。2014年1月加盟苏州大学,并兼任苏州方昇光电装备技术有限公司技术副总监、苏州市科技计划项目评审专家、以及苏州纳米科技协同创新中心产业部负责人。




Xiao-Ke Liu, Cai-Jun Zheng, Ming-Fai Lo, Jing Xiao, Chun-Sing Lee, Man-Keung Fung and Xiao-Hong Zhang, A multifunctional phosphine oxide–diphenylamine hybrid compound as a high performance deep-blue fluorescent emitter and green phosphorescent host, Chem. Commun. 50 (2014), p.2027.\r
J. Ye, Z. Chen, M.K. Fung, C.J. Zheng, X.M. Ou, X.H. Zhang, Y. Yuan, C.S. Lee, Carbazole/Sulfone Hybrid D-pi-A-Structured Bipolar Fluorophores for High-Efficiency Blue-Violet Electroluminescence, 25 (2013) p.2630, Chemistry of Materials. \r
C.J. Zheng, J. Wang, J Ye, M.F. Lo, X.K. Liu, M.K. Fung, X.H. Zhang, C.S. Lee, Novel Efficient Blue Fluorophors with Small Singlet-Triplet Splitting: Hosts for Highly Efficient Fluorescence and Phosphorescence Hybrid WOLEDs with Simplified Structure, 25 (2013) p. 2205, Advanced Materials.\r
J. Ye, C.J. Zheng, X.M. Ou, X.H. Zhang, M.K. Fung, C.S. Lee, Management of Singlet and Triplet Excitons in a Single Emission Layer: A Simple Approach for a High-Efficiency Fluorescence/Phosphorescence Hybrid White Organic Light-Emitting Device, 24 (2012) p.3410, Advanced Materials.\r
S.L. Tao, Y.L. Jiang, S.L. Lai, M.K. Fung, Y.C. Zhou, X.H. Zhang, W.M. Zhao, and C.S. Lee, Efficient blue organic light-emitting devices with a new bipolar emitter, 12 (2011) p.358, Organic Electronics.\r
M.F. Lo, T.W. Ng, S.L. Lai, F.L. Wong, M.K. Fung, S.T. Lee, and C.S. Lee, Operation stability enhancement in organic photovoltaic device by a metal doped organic exciton blocking layer, 97 (2010) p.143304, Applied Physics Letters.\r
T.W. Ng, M.F. Lo, M.K. Fung, S.L. Lai, T.Z. Liu, C.S. Lee, and S.T. Lee, Electronic properties and open-circuit voltage enhancement in mixed copper phthalocyanine:fullerene bulk heterojunction photovoltaic devices, 95 (2009) p.203303, Applied Physics Letters.\r
Z.S. Su, M.K. Fung, C.S. Lee, W.L. Li and S.T. Lee, Memory effect and negative differential resistance in tris-(8-hydroxy quinoline) aluminum / bathocuproine bilayer devices, 93 (2008) p.083301, Applied Physics Letters.\r
M.K. Fung, K.M. Lau, S.L. Lai, C.W. Law, M.Y. Chan, C.S. Lee, and S.T. Lee, Charge Generation Layer in Stacked Organic Light-Emitting Devices, 104 (2008), p.034509, Journal of Applied Physics.\r
M.Y. Chan, S.L. Lai, K.M. Lau, M. K. Fung, C. S. Lee, and S. T. Lee, Influences of Connecting Unit Architecture on the Performance of Tandem Organic Light-Emitting Devices, 17 (2007) p.2509, Advanced Functional Materials.\r
C.W. Law, K.M. Lau, M.K. Fung, M.Y. Chan, F.L. Wong, C.S. Lee and S.T. Lee, Effective organic-based connection unit for stacked organic light-emitting devices, 89 (2006) p.133511, Applied Physics Letters.\r
W.J. Zhang, C.Y. Chan, X.M. Meng, M.K. Fung, I. Bello, Y. Lifshitz, S.T. Lee, and X. Jiang, The mechanism of chemical vapor deposition of cubic boron nitride films from fluorine-containing species, 44 (2005), p.4749, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition.\r
M.K. Fung, S.L. Lai, S.W. Tong, S.N. Bao, C.S. Lee, W.W. Wu, M. Inbasekaran, J.J. O’Brien, and S.T. Lee, Interface gap states of 8-hydroxyquinoline aluminum induced by cesium metal, 392 (2004) p.40-43, Chemical Physics Letters.\r
X. Jiang, F.L. Wong, M.K. Fung, and S.T Lee, Aluminum-doped zinc oxide films as transparent conductive electrode for organic light-emitting devices, 83 (2003), p.1875, Applied Physics Letters.\r
M. K. Fung, S. L. Lai, S. W. Tong, S. N. Bao, C. S. Lee, W. W. Wu, M. Inbasekaran, J. J. O’Brien, and S. T. Lee, Distinct interfaces of poly (9,9-dioctylfluorene-co-benzothiadiazole) reacted with cesium and calcium as observed by photoemission spectroscopy, 94 (2003), p. 5763, Journal of Applied Physics.\r
M. K. Fung, S. W. Tong, S. L. Lai, S. N. Bao, C. S. Lee, W. W. Wu, M. Inbasekaran, J. J. O’Brien, and S. T. Lee, Role of ytterbium and ytterbium/cesium fluoride on the chemistry of poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene-co-benzothiadiazole) as investigated by photoemission spectroscopy, 94 (2003) p.2686, Journal of Applied Physics.\r
M.K. Fung, S.L. Lai, S.W. Tong, M.Y. Chan, C.S. Lee, S.T. Lee, J.J. O’Brien, M. Inbasekaran and W.W. Wu, Anode modification of polyfluorene-based polymer light-emitting devices, 81 (2002) p.1497-1499, Applied Physics Letters.\r
M.K. Fung, S.L. Lai, S.N. Bao, C.S. Lee, J.J. O’Brien, M. Inbasekaran, W.W. Wu and S.T. Lee, Interfacial studies between poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene), potassium and oxygen, 128 (2002) p.97-101, Synthetic Metals.\r
M.K. Fung, S.L. Lai, S.N. Bao, C.S. Lee, S.T. Lee, J.J. O’Brien, M. Inbasekaran and W.W. Wu, The interface between poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene) and alkali metals: cesium, potassium, sodium and lithium, 20 (2002) p.911, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A.\r
M.K. Fung, Z.Q. Gao, C.S. Lee and S.T. Lee, Inhibition of Dark Spots Growth in Organic Electroluminescent Devices, 333 (2001) p.432-436, Chemical Physics Letters.

