曾宪奕,男,自动化和信息学教授,博士生导师。1986年毕业于清华大学计算机技术与科学系,获学士学位。1992年毕业于法国里尔大学国家自动化中心,获博士学位。1993年开始在法国鲁贝国立高等纺织工程师学院任教,2001年晋升为教授,2010年晋升为一级教授。曾任自动化系主任,工业设计和管理系主任,纺织工程与材料国家实验室副主任。2010年在实验室内组建人本化设计课题组。担任AUTEX(欧洲纺织大学联合会)信息科学组的协调人,国际IEEE学会的Senior Member,IEEE-SMC学会设计和营销技术委员会的委员,法国国家级科研计划ANR的材料和生产学科的评审委员,International Journal of Computational Intelligence System(影响因子为1.4)的副主编,Journal of Fiber Bioengineering and Informtics的国际编委,以及若干国际杂志(IEEE-SMC, IEEE-PAMI, Information Science, Textile Research Journal等)的评审委员。曾经多次参加国际科技交流,任中国苏州大学特聘教授,东华大学和西南交通大学的顾问教授,中国长江学者项目的海外评审委员,突尼斯Monastir大学的特邀教授,香港理工大学Research Fellow,澳大利亚悉尼科技大学Quantum Computation and Intelligent Systems研究中心的客座研究员 。参与组织了若干国际会议,担任北京CESA2006和法国里尔ALTEX2007国际会议专家委员会主席,组织2003,2005和2008年国际感性评估和智能技术国际会议并任国际专家委员会主席。主要从事工业产品智能化设计,计算机辅助设计和管理,舒适性和人对产品的感知等方面的研究,领导一个10余名研究员和教师的多学科团队,自2000年以来,主持和参与了一项欧盟Asia-Link合作研究项目,5项法国国家级科研项目(PRTH, ANR, FUI),20余项企业资助的科研项目,合作的企业包括法国雷诺汽车集团、欧莱雅化妆品集团、欧尚大型销售集团、迪卡农运动商品集团、DAMART服装公司,和英国联合立华集团。先后在国际专业SCI期刊上发表70余篇论文,在国际会议上发表大约100篇论文,并出版编辑了两部专著:Intelligent Sensory Evaluation : theories and applications, Computational Textile,由Springer出版社出版。研究领域
1.Computational Textile,Springer, Berlin, June 2007.An Intelligent Sensory Evaluation Method for Industrial Products Characterization,International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, Vol.6, Issue 2, June 2007, pp.349-370.2.Intelligent sensory evaluation: concepts, implementations and applications, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,Vol.77, n°5-6, May 2008, pp.443-452. 3.Intelligent sensory evaluation of industrial products for exploiting consumer’s preference, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,Vol.77, n°5-6, May 2008, pp.522-530. 4.Kernel clustering for fabric evaluation, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol.77, n°5-6, May 2008, pp.540-549.5.A fuzzy model of customer satisfaction index in e-commerce, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol.77, n°5-6, May 2008, pp.512-521.6.A l-cut approximate algorithm for goal-based bilevel risk management system,International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, vol.7, n°4, 2008, pp.589-610.7.Designing structural parameters of nonwovens using fuzzy logic and neural networks, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, vol.1, n°4, 2008, pp.329-339.8.Optimisation of garment design using fuzzy logic and sensory evaluation techniques,Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol.22, 2009, pp.272-2829.An intelligent technology based method for interpreting sensory evaluation data provided by multiple panels,International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, vol.16, n°5, 2008, pp.683-698.10.A linguistic multi-criteria group decision support system for fabric hand evaluation, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, Vol.8, n°4, December 2009, pp.395-413 11. A fuzzy multi-criteria evaluation method for designing fashion oriented industrial products,Soft Computing, vol.14, n°12, 2010, pp.1277-1285.12. Nonwoven Uniformity Identification using Wavelet Texture Analysis and LVQ Neural Network,Expert Systems with Application, Vol.37, n°3, 2009, pp.2241-224613.Selection of relevant variables for industrial process modelling bycombining experimental data sensitivity and human knowledge, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol.23, n°8, 2010, pp.1368-1379.14. Well-being theme based evaluation in new product development using fuzzy hierarchical criteria group decision method,IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, vol.58, n°6, June 2011, pp.2236-2246.15. A general methodology for analyzing fashion oriented textile products using sensory evaluation,Food Quality and Preference, vol.21, n°8 2010, pp.1068-1076. 相关热点
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