Bello, Igor
2023-05-13 09:48
  • Bello, Igor
  • Bello, Igor - 教授-苏州大学-纳米科学技术学院-个人资料






1. I. Bello, Y.M. Chong, Q. Ye, Y. Yang, B. He, O. Kutsay, H.E. Wang, C. Yan, S.K. Jha, J.A. Zapien, W. J. Zhang, Materials with extreme properties: Their structuring and applications, Vacuum 86 (2012) 575.
2. I. Bello, W. J. Zhang, S. T. Lee, Cubic boron nitride/diamond composite layers, US patent US 7,645,513 B2, Jan 12, 2010.
3. Y.B. Tang, L.C. Yin, Y. Yang, X. H. Bo, Y.L. Cao, H. E. Wang, W. J. Zhang, I. Bello, S.T. Lee, H. M. Cheng, C. S. Lee, Tunable Band Gaps and p-Type Transport Properties of Boron-Doped Graphenes by Controllable Ion Doping Using Reactive Microwave Plasma, ACS Nano 6 (2012) 1970.
4. J. S. Jie, W.J. Zhang, I. Bello, C.S. Lee, S. T. Lee, One-dimensional II-VI nanostructures: Synthesis, properties and optoelectronic applications, Nano Today 5 (2010) 313.
5. W.J. Zhang, C.Y. Chan, X. Meng, M.K. Fung, I. Bello, Y. Lifshitz, S. T. Lee, X. Jiang, “Mechanism of chemical vapor deposition of cubic boron nitride films from fluorine–containing species”, Angew. Chem. Int 44 (2005) 4749.
6. I. Bello, C.Y. Chan, W.J. Zhang, Y.M. Chong, K.M. Leung, S.T. Lee, Y. Lifshitz, Deposition of thick cubic boron nitride films: Route to practical applications, Diamond Relat. Mater. 143-7 (2005) 1154.
7. I. Bello, Y. M. Chong, K.M. Leung, C.Y. Chan, K.L. Ma, W.J. Zhang, S.T. Lee, A. Layyous, “Cubic boron nitride films for industrial applications” Diamond Relat. Mater. 14 (2005) 1784.
8. W.J. Zhang, I. Bello, Y. Lifshitz, K.M. Chan, X. M. Meng, Y. Wu, C.Y. Chan, S.T. Lee, “Epitaxy on diamond by chemical vapor deposition: A route to high quality cubic boron nitride for electronic applications”, Advanced Materials 16 (2004) 1405.
9. W.J. Zhang, I. Bello, Y. Lifshitz, and S.T. Lee, “Recent Advances in Cubic Boron Nitride Deposition”, MRS Bulletin 28 (2003) 184.
10. N.G. Shang, F.Y. Meng, F.C. K. Au, Q.Li, C.S. Lee, I. Bello, S.T. Lee, “Fabrication and field emission of high density silicon cone arrays”, Advanced Material 14 (2002) 1308.
11. Y. Lifshitz, X. F. Duan, N. G. Shang, Q. Li, L. Wan, I. Bello, S. T. Lee, “Epitaxial diamond polytypes on silicon”, Nature 42, (2001) 404.
12. S. T. Lee, H. Y. Peng, X.T. Zhou, N. Wang, C.S. Lee, I. Bello, Y. Liftshitz, \

