2015年获英国诺丁汉大学健康学院博士学位,随后加入深圳大学从事科学研究和教学工作。2015年被深圳大学聘为副教授。 郑旭娟副教授长期从事母性与儿童健康的研究,具备较高的科研工作能力和项目管理经验,已获得国家级、省级及市级科研基金。郑旭娟副教授本、硕、博均为护理学专业,海外留学多年,有在国内知名大学任教经历且教学能力突出,被认定为深圳市海外高层次人才研究领域
1、Xujuan Zheng(#)*,Jane Morrell,Kim Watts. (2018) Changes in maternal self-efficacy, postnatal depression symptoms and social support among Chinese primiparous women during the initial postpartum period: A longitudinal study, Midwifery, 62,151-160. 2、Xujuan Zheng(#)*,Jane Morrell,Kim Watts. (2018) A quantitative longitudinal study to explore factors which influence maternal self-efficacy among Chinese primiparous women during the initial postpartum period, Midwifery, 59,39-46. 3、Xujuan Zheng(# * ). (2015) An exploration of factors which influencing maternal self-efficacy in primiparous women in China during the initial postnatal period-Abstract,Journal of Reproductive & Infant Psychology, 33(3):12-13. 4、Xujuan Zheng(# * ),Jane Morrell, Kim Watts, Qu Shen, Huiyan Zhang. (2013) Maternal and Child Health in China, British Journal of Midwifery, 21(9):664-671. 相关热点
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