2023-05-13 09:46
  • 张希
  • 张希 - 副研究员 硕导-深圳大学-机电与控制工程学院-个人资料




C Programming(英文)
2014.10至今 深圳大学,副研究员
2012.08 –2014.08 博士后,南洋理工大学,新加坡


2017.1-2019.12 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 ,石墨烯边缘嵌入式纳米薄膜的光电响应原理及其在传感器中的应用,项目编号51605306,20万
2016.6-2019.6 广东省自然科学基金-博士启动项目,边界量子阱在纳晶石墨烯材料光电响应中的作用原理, 项目编号2016A030310060
2016.1-2017.12 广东省教育厅青年创新人才项目,多层石墨烯嵌层碳膜的光传感器件化研究,项目编号2015KQNCX144
1 《一种柔性透明紫外光异质结光电传感器及其制备方法》
2 《一种高灵敏红外异质结光电传感器及其制备方法》
3 一种基于石墨烯边缘嵌入式纳米薄膜光电传感器的脉搏仪,刁东风、张希、陈文聪、林泽洲,发明专利,已受理,201611105263.4"


代表期刊论文 :
(22) Huang Yongli #,Zhang Xi#,Nie Yanguang,Zheng Weitao,Sun Changqing,Hydrogen-bond relaxation dynamics: resolving my steries of water ice,Coordination Chemistry Reviews,2015,285:109-165。 (#同等贡献,IF:12.239,JCR一区 TOP)
(21)Liu, Xinjuan#; Zhang, Xi#; Bo, MaoLin; Li, Lei; Tian, Hongwei; Nie, Yanguang; Sun, Yi; Xu, Shiqing; Wang, Yan; Zheng, Weitao; Sun, Changqing*,Coordination-resolved electron spectrometrics, Chemical Reviews, 2015, 115(14):6746-6810(#同等贡献,IF:46.568,JCR一区 TOP)
(20)Zhang Xi, Sun Peng, Yan Tingting, Huang Yongli, Ma Zengsheng, Zou Bo, Zheng Weitao, Zhou Ji, Sun Changqing*, Water’s phase diagram: from the notion of thermodynamics to hydrogen-bond cooperativity, Prog Solid State Chem, 43:71-81,2015.(IF:6.600,JCR小一区)
(19) Zhang Xi; Zhou yong; Gong yinyan, Huang yongli, Sun Changqing; Resolving H(Cl, Br, I) capabilities of transforming solution hydrogen-bond and surface-stress, Chem Phys Lett, 2017, 678:233-240
(18) Zhang, Xi; Chen, Shun; Li, Jichen, Hydrogen-bond potential for ice VIII-X phase transition, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 37161
(17)Zhang X, Liu X, Zhong Y, Zhou Z, Huang Y, Sun CQ. Nanobubble Skin Supersolidity. Langmuir 2016; 32: 11321-11327.(IF:3.993,JCR二区)
(16) Chen, Wencong; Zhang, Xi; Diao, Dongfeng, Low-energy electron excitation effect on formation of graphene nanocrystallites during carbon film growth process, Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 114105 (2017)
(15) Wang, Chao; Zhang, Xi; Diao, Dongfeng, Nanosized graphene crystallite induced strong magnetism in pure carbon films,nanoscale, 2015, 7, 4475-4481
(14) Zhang, Xi,Wang, Chao,Sun, Chang Q.,Diao, Dongfeng,Magnetism induced by excess electrons trapped at diamagnetic edge-quantum well in multi-layer graphene,Applied Physics Letters,2014,105(4):042402。( IF:3.515,JCR二区)
(13) Zhang Xi*,Huang Yongli,Ma Zengsheng,Niu Lengyuan,Sun Changqing,From ice superlubricity to quantum friction: Electronic repulsivity and phononic elasticity,Friction,2015,3(4):294-319。(SCI)
(12) Zhang, Xi,Nie, Yanguang,Zheng, Weitao,Kuo, Jer-lai,Sun, Chang Q.,Discriminative generation and hydrogen modulation of the Dirac-Fermi polarons at graphene edges and atomic vacancies,Carbon,2011,49(11):3615-3621。(IF:5.868, JCR一区TOP)
(11) Zhang, Xi,Kuo, Jer-lai,Gu, Mingxia,Bai, Ping,Sun, Chang Q.,Graphene nanoribbon band-gap expansion: Broken-bond-induced edge strain and quantum entrapment,Nanoscale,2010,2(10):2160-2163。(IF:6.233, JCR一区TOP)
(10) Zhang, Xi,Sun, Chang Q.,Hirao, Hajime,Guanine binding to gold nanoparticles through nonbonding interactions,Physical Chemistry ChemicalPhysics,2013,15(44):19284-19292。(IF:4.198,JCR二区)
(9) Zhang, Xi,Kuo, Jer-lai,Gu, Mingxia,Fan, Xiaofeng,Bai, Ping,Song, Qing-Gong,Sun, Chang Q.,Local structure relaxation, quantum trap depression, and valence charge polarization induced by the shorter-and-stronger bonds between under-coordinated atoms in gold,Nanoscale,2010,2(3):412-417。(IF:6.233, JCR一区TOP)
(9)Xi Zhang, Yongli Huang, Peng Sun, Xinjuan Liu, Zengsheng Ma, Yichun Zhou, Ji Zhou, Weitao Zheng, Chang Q Sun,Ice Regelation: Hydrogen-bond extraordinary recoverability and water quasisolid-phase-boundary dispersivity, Scientific Reports 2015 Sep, 5, Article number: 13655
(8) Huang Yongli#, Zhang Xi#, Ma Zengsheng, Zhou Guanghui, Gong Yinyan, Sun Changqing, Potential Paths for the Hydrogen-Bond Relaxing with (H2O)(N) Cluster Size, J Phys Chem C, 2015 Jul, 119(29): 16962-16971. (#同等贡献,IF: 4.772, JCR二区)
(7) Zhang, Xi,Yan, Tingting,Huang, Yongli,Ma, Zengsheng,Liu, Xinjuan,Zou, Bo,Sun, Chang Q.,Mediating relaxation and polarization of hydrogen-bonds in water by NaCl salting and heating,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2014,16(45):24666-24671。(IF:4.198,JCR二区)
(6) Zhang, Xi,Huang, Yongli,Ma, Zengsheng,Zhou, Yichun,Zhou, Ji,Zheng, Weitao,Jiang, Qing,Sun, Chang Q.,Hydrogen-bond memory and water-skin supersolidity resolving the Mpemba paradox,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2014,16(42):22995-23002。(IF:4.198,JCR二区)
(5) Zhang, Xi,Huang, Yongli,Ma, Zengsheng,Zhou, Yichun,Zheng, Weitao,Zhou, Ji,Sun, Chang Q.,A common supersolid skin covering both water and ice,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2014,16(42):22987-22994。
(4) Huang, Yongli #,Zhang, Xi# , Ma, Zengsheng,Li, Wen,Zhou, Yichun,Zhou, Ji,Zheng, Weitao,Sun, Chang Q.,Size, separation, structural order, and mass density of molecules packing in water and ice,Scientific Reports,2013,3。(#同等贡献,IF:5.078,JCR二区)
(3) Sun, Chang Q.; Zhang, Xi; Fu, Xiaojian; Zheng, Weitao; Kuo, Jerlai; Zhou, Yichun; Shen, Zexiang; Zhou, Ji. Density and Phonon-Stiffness Anomalies of Water and Ice in the Full Temperature Range, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2013,4 (19): 3238-3244。(IF:6.585, JCR小一区)
(2) Sun, Chang Q.; Zhang, Xi; Zhou, Ji; Huang, Yongli; Zhou Yichun; Zheng, Weitao. Density, Elasticity, and Stability Anomalies of Water Molecules with Fewer than Four Neighbors, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2013,4(15): 2565-2570。(IF:6.585, JCR小一区)
(1) Sun, Chang Q.; Zhang, Xi; Zheng, Weitao, The hidden force opposing ice compression, Chemical Science, 2012,117: 13639-13645。(IF:8.314,JCR一区) 代表会议论文:
1.Xi Zhang, Da Peng, Dongfeng Diao, Surface Electron Effect in Quantum Contact of Multi-layer Graphene against Rigid Diamond, World Tribology Congress, Beijing, China, September 17 – 22, 2017, 口头报告
2.Xi Zhang, Changqing Sun, Water and ice skin: Mpemba Paradox & Quantum Friction,10th International Conference on Computational Physics (ICCP10), Macao SAR, China, 16-20 January 2017,特邀报告& 分会主席
3. Xi Zhang, Dongfeng Diao, 3D graphene-nanoribbon ultrafast electro-optical nanosensor, The 11th Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2016),Sendai, Japan, 17-20 April, 2016, Oral

