2023-05-13 09:40
  • 陶达
  • 陶达 - 副研究员 硕导-深圳大学-机电与控制工程学院-个人资料




香港大学,工业与制造系统工程系,博士(Ph.D., The University of Hong Kong)\r
台湾逢甲大学,工业工程与系统管理系,访学(Feng Chia University)\r
同济大学,机械与能源学院,本科(B.Eng.,Tongji University)\r
深圳大学机电与控制工程学院人因工程研究所,副研究员,硕士生导师。主要从事人因工程、人机交互及其认知与决策行为方面的研究与应用工作。在Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, Computers in Human Behavior,Internet Research,Accident Analysis & Prevention,Applied Ergonomics,Ergonomics,工业工程与管理等国内外高水平期刊/会议发表SCI/SSCI、EI、中文核心等学术论文70余篇。获深圳市海外高层次人才孔雀计划奖励,深圳市南山区“领航人才”称号。


""智能人机交互(Intelligent human-computer interaction; Human-robot interaction);人因工程/工效学(Human factors and ergonomics) ;健康信息学(Health Informatics);界面设计与用户体验(Interface design and user experience)\r
人机交互的认知决策机制(cognition and decision-making)与社会心理行为机制(Psychosocial behaviors with technology)""""


Wang, H., Zhang, J., Luximon, Y., Qin, M., Geng, P., & Tao, D*. (2022). The Determinants of User Acceptance of Mobile Medical Platforms: An Investigation Integrating the TPB, TAM, and Patient-Centered Factors. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(17), 10758.(JCR Q1)\r
Tao, D., Li, W., Qin, M., & Cheng, M. (2022). Understanding Students’ Acceptance and Usage Behaviors of Online Learning in Mandatory Contexts: A Three-Wave Longitudinal Study during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Sustainability, 14(13), 7830.(JCR Q2)\r
Tao, D., Fu, P., Wang, Y., Zhang, T., & Qu, X. (2022). Key characteristics in designing massive open online courses (MOOCs) for user acceptance: An application of the extended technology acceptance model. Interactive Learning Environments, 30(5), 882-895.(JCR Q1)\r
Cheng, M., Tao, D., Xie, S., Cao, X., & Yuen, A. H. (2022). Exploring students' learning management system acceptance patterns: Antecedents and consequences of profile membership. Computers in Human Behavior, 135, 107374.(JCR Q1)\r
Tao, D., Yang, K., Zhang, T., & Qu, X. (2022). Typing with mobile devices: A comparison of upper limb and shoulder muscle activities, typing performance and perceived workload under varied body postures, typing styles and device types. Applied Ergonomics, 102,103760. (JCR Q1)\r
Liu, K., & Tao*, D. (2022). The roles of trust, personalization, loss of privacy, and anthropomorphism in public acceptance of smart healthcare services. Computers in Human Behavior, 127, 107026. (JCR Q1)\r
Wang, H., Tao*, D., Cai, J., & Qu, X. (2022). Effects of vibration and target size on the use of varied computer input devices in basic human‐computer interaction tasks. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 32(2), 199-213.(JCR Q4)\r
Tao, D., Diao, X., Wang, T., Guo, J., & Qu, X. (2021). Freehand interaction with large displays: Effects of body posture, interaction distance and target size on task performance, perceived usability and workload. Applied Ergonomics, 93, 103370. (JCR Q1)\r
Tao, D., Zeng, J., Liu, K., and Qu, X. (2021). Effects of control-to-display gain and operation precision requirement on touchscreen operations in vibration environments. Applied Ergonomics, 91, 103293. (JCR Q1)\r
Tao, D., Liu, Z., Diao, X., Tan, H., Qu, X., and Zhang, T. (2021). Antecedents of self-reported safety behaviors among commissioning workers in nuclear power plants: The roles of demographics, personality traits and safety attitudes. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 53(5), 1454-1463. (JCR Q2)\r
Chen, X., Wang, Y., Tao*, D., Jiang, L., & Li, S. (2021). Antecedents of smartphone multitasking: roles of demographics, personalities and motivations. Internet Research, 31(4), 1405-1443. (JCR Q2)\r
Qu, X., Hu, X., & Tao*, D. (2021). Gait initiation differences between overweight and normal weight individuals. Ergonomics, 64(8), 995-1001. (JCR Q3)\r
Wang, H., Tao*, D., and Yan, M. (2021). Effects of text enhancement on reduction of look-alike drug name confusion: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Quality Management in Health Care, 30(4), 233-243. (JCR Q4)\r
Wang, H., Tao*, D., Liu, S., Zhou, T., and Qu, X. (2021). Application of colour combinations on visual search tasks under vibration environments. The Journal of Navigation, 74(2), 311-327. (JCR Q2)\r
Qin, M., & Tao*, D. (2021). Understanding preservice music teachers’ intention to remain in the profession: An integrated model of the theory of planned behaviour and motivation theory. International Journal of Music Education, 39(4), 355-370.(JCR Q4)\r
Tao, D., Wang, T., Wang, T., Zhang, T., Zhang, X., and Qu, X. (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis of user acceptance of consumer-oriented health information technologies. Computers in Human Behavior, 104, 106147. (JCR Q1)【ESI高被引论文】\r
Tao, D., Shao, F., Wang, H., Yan, M., and Qu, X. (2020). Integrating usability and social cognitive theories with the technology acceptance model to understand young users’ acceptance of a health information portal. Health Informatics Journal, 26(2), 1347-1362. (JCR Q3)\r
Zhang, T., Liu, Z., Zheng, S., Qu, X., and Tao*, D. (2020). Predicting Errors, Violations, and Safety Participation Behavior at Nuclear Power Plants. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 5613. (JCR Q1)\r
Zhang, T., Shen, D., Zheng, S., Liu, Z., Qu, X., and Tao*, D. (2020). Predicting unsafe behaviors at nuclear power plants: An integration of Theory of Planned Behavior and Technology Acceptance Model. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 80, 103047. (JCR Q2)\r
Wang, H., Tao*, D., Yu, N., and Qu, X. (2020). Understanding consumer acceptance of healthcare wearable devices: An integrated model of UTAUT and TTF. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 139, 104156. (JCR Q2)

