2023-05-13 09:28
  • 邓元龙
  • 邓元龙 - 教授 硕导-深圳大学-机电与控制工程学院-个人资料






代表专利:1.一种用于检测偏光片内部缺陷的成像仿真方法及系统,国家发明专利,发明人:邓元龙,贺健,赖文威,曾小星,专利号:ZL 201510517279.5
2.一种用于外差干涉椭偏测量非线性误差补偿方法,国家发明专利,发明人:邓元龙,李学金,专利号:ZL 200910105389.5
3.一种偏光膜外观缺陷检测系统,实用新型专利,发明人:邓元龙,李学金,刘飞飞,专利号:ZL 201220062830.3"


1. Inspection of extremely slight aesthetic defects in a polymeric polarizer using the edge of light between black and white stripes,Deng, Y.-L.,Xu, S.-P.,Chen, H.-Q.,Liang, Z.-H.,Yu, C.-L. 2018 Polymer Testing 65 ,pp.169
2. A novel imaging-enhancement-based inspection method for transparent aesthetic defects in a polymeric polarizer,Deng, Y.-L.,Xu, S.-P.,Lai, W.-W. 2017 Polymer Testing 61 ,pp.333
3. Aesthetic defect characterization of a polymeric polarizer via structured light illumination,Lai, W.-W.,Zeng, X.-X.,He, J.,Deng, Y.-L.2016 Polymer Testing 53 ,pp.51
4. Polymer Microbubble-Based Fabry-Perot Fiber Interferometer and Sensing Applications,Tan, X.,Li, X.,Geng, Y.,Yin,Z.,Wang,L.,Wang, W.,Deng, Y.2015 IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 27 (19) ,pp.2035
5. UV-Curable Polymer Microhemisphere-Based Fiber-Optic Fabry-Perot Interferometer for Simultaneous Measurement of Refractive Index and Temperature,Tan, X.L.,Geng, Y.F.,Li, X.J.,Deng, Y.L.,Yin, Z.,Gao, R. 2014 IEEE Photonics Journal 6 (4)
6. Core Mode-Cladding Supermode Modal Interferometer and High-Temperature Sensing Application Based on All-Solid Photonic Bandgap Fiber,Tan, X.L.,Geng, Y.F.,Li, X.J.,Yu, Y.Q.,Deng, Y.L.,Yin, Z.,Gao, R. 2014 IEEE Photonics Journal 6 (1)
7. Compact and ultrasensitive temperature sensor with a fully liquid-filled photonic crystal fiber mach-zehnder interferometer,Geng, Y.,Li, X.,Tan, X.,Deng, Y.,Hong, X. 2014 IEEE Sensors Journal 14 (1) ,pp.167
8. In-line flat-top comb filter based on a cascaded all-solid photonic bandgap fiber intermodal interferometer,Geng, Y.,Li, X.,Tan, X.,Deng, Y.,Yu, Y. 2013 Optics Express 21 (14) ,pp.17352
9. Influence of nonpolarizing beam splitters on measurement accuracy in interferometric ellipsometers, Deng, Y.-L.,Li, X.-J.,Geng, Y.-F.,Hong, X.-M. 2012 Guangxue Jingmi Gongcheng/Optics and Precision Engineering 20 (11) ,pp.2373
10. Influence of nonpolarizing beam splitters on nonlinear error in heterodyne interferometers, Deng, Y.,Li, X.,Geng, Y.,Hong, X. 2012 Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica 32 (11)
11. Effect of nonpolarizing beam splitter on measurement error in heterodyne interferometric ellipsometers, Deng, Y.-L.,Li, X.-J.,Geng, Y.-F.,Hong, X.-M. 2012 Measurement Science and Technology 23 (8)
12. Some features of the photonic crystal fiber temperature sensor with liquid ethanol filling, Yu, Y.,Li, X.,Hong, X.,Deng, Y.,Song, K.,Geng, Y.,Wei, H.,Tong, W. 2010 Optics Express 18 (15) ,pp.15383
13. Influence of metal-coated mirrors on measurement accuracy in Heterodyne interferometric ellipsometry, Deng, Y.,Li, Y.,Wu, Y.,Xu, G. 2009 Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers 36 (2) ,pp.439
14. Polarization mixing error in transmission ellipsometry with two acousto-optical modulators, Deng, Y.,Chai, J.,Li, X.,Wu, Y.,Xu, G. 2008 Optical Engineering 47 (7)
15. Analysis of frequency mixing error on heterodyne interferometric ellipsometry, Deng, Y.-L.,Li, X.-J.,Wu, Y.-B.,Hu, J.-G.,Yao, J.-Q. 2007 Measurement Science and Technology 18 (11) ,pp.3339
1.Inspection of polymer polaroid's visual defects with stripe light illumination Deng, Y.-L.,Zeng, X.-X.,Geng, Y.-F.,Li, X.-J. 2014 Applied Mechanics and Materials 571-572 ,pp.747
2.A simple inspection technique of visual defects of polymer polarizer Deng, Y.,Luo, F.,Wu, Y.,Zhong, X. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, ICIA 2013 ,pp.1120
3.Nonlinear error introduced by beam splitters in an interferometric ellipsometer Deng,Y.,Li, X.,Chai, J.,Xu, G. 2008 Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers 35 (SUPPL. 2) ,pp.137
4. Safety monitoring of rail transit by fiber grating sensors Xu, X.,Li, X.,Deng, Y.,Liu, X.,Yu, Y.,Zhou, H. 2013 Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 9044
5. An inline ultrasensitive temperature sensor based on liquid-filled photonic crystal fiber mach-zehnder modal interferometer,Geng, Y.,Li, X.,Tan, X.,Deng, Y.,Yu, Y. 2012 Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 8421

