2023-05-13 09:27
  • 陈张伟
  • 陈张伟 - 教授-深圳大学-机电与控制工程学院-个人资料




2010–2014 英国帝国理工学院材料系 博士学位
2007–2010 西安交通大学机械工程及其自动化系 硕士学位
2005–2007 法国里昂中央理工大学 工程师学位
2003–2007 西安交通大学机械工程及其自动化系 学士学位
2018 – 深圳大学增材制造研究所 教授(破格)、执行所长
2016–2018 深圳大学增材制造研究所 副教授、副所长
2014–2016 英国帝国理工学院材料系 博士后


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51975384,SOFC多孔阴极陶瓷薄层的喷墨打印成形机理、微结构表征与构性关系研究,2020.01-2023.12,60万,在研,主持
2. 广东自然科学基金面上项目,2020A1515010417,高性能复杂三维多孔结构陶瓷3D打印制造与应用研究,2020.01-2022.12,10万,在研,主持
3. 深圳市孔雀计划高端人才启动项目,20190204185,高性能多孔陶瓷器件的控形控性一体化快速制造,2019.01-2021.12,300万,在研,主持
4. 深圳市海外高层次人才创新项目,KQJSCX20170727101223535,3D打印制备复杂结构陶瓷技术与应用研究,2018.03-2020.02,100万,在研,主持;
5. 广东省教育厅高校青年创新人才项目,2017KQNCX179,3D打印多孔陶瓷结构研究,2018.01-2019.12,5万,在研,主持;
6. 深圳大学青年教师启动项目,2017035,喷墨打印多孔陶瓷电极微结构制造与性能研究,2018.01-2019.12,6万,在研,主持;
7. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于低温直写的3D打印三维锂离子电池制造及电池性能研究,2018.01-2020.12,24万,在研,参加
8. 广东省省级重大科技专项项目,2017B090911014,轻质高强陶瓷增材制造关键技术研发及应用,2017.03-2020.02,300万元,在研,参加
9. 深圳市海外高层次人才孔雀创新项目,KQJSCX20170327150948772,轻质高强陶瓷材料研发与应用,2018.03-2020.02,80万,在研,参加
10. 英国工程和自然科学研究委员会(EPSRC)项目,EP/M014045/1,Electrodes by Design - Microstructural Engineering of High Performance Electrodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells(电极设计-SOFC高性能电极微结构工程研究),2015.05-2018.04,125万英镑,结题,参加
11. 英国英国工程与自然科学研究理事会(EPSRC)项目,EP/G030995/1,Supergen Fuel Cell Consortium - Fuel Cells Powering a Greener Future(Supergen燃料电池联盟-燃料电池促进绿色未来),2009.09-2014.02,358万英镑,已结题,参加
12. 英国英国工程与自然科学研究理事会(EPSRC)项目,EP/F009720/1,New Research Directions for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Science and Engineering(SOFC科学与工程研究新方向),2008.03-2013.02,90万英镑,已结题,参加
13. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,50835007,三维光子晶体微/宏结构可控制造方法及其性能研究,2009.01-2012.12,190万元,已结题,参加
14. 国家重点研究发展计划,2007CB707700,大型动力装备制造基础研究,2007.01-2011.12,2900万元,已结题,参加
15. 美国波音公司-西安交通大学国际合作项目,Direct fabrication of casting molds by stereolithography(光固化直接制造陶瓷铸型研究),2007.01-2009.12,2.86万美元,已结题,参加
16. 长江学者和创新团队发展计划,IRT0646,增材制造技术,2007.01-2009.12,300万元,已结题,参加"


[1] Z Chen* et al.: 3D printing of ceramics: A review. J.Eur.Ceram.Soc., 39(4): 661-687(2019) (JCR一区, IF:4.029, Top期刊)
[2] Z Chen* et al.: Mechanical properties and microstructures of 3D printed bulk cordierite parts, Ceram. Int., 45(15): 19257-19267 (2019) (JCR1区, IF:3.45, Top期刊)
[3] Z Chen* et al.: Preparation of high solid loading and low viscosity ceramic slurries for photopolymerization 3D printing. Ceram.Int., 45(9): 11549-11557 (2019) (JCR一区, IF:3.45, Top期刊)
[4] Z Chen* et al.: Characterization of indentation microstructures of porous SOFC cathodes. Ceram.Int., online (2019) (JCR一区, IF:3.45, Top期刊)
[5] M Jiang, Z Chen* et al.: Strong and ductile reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel additively manufactured by selective laser melting. Mater. Res. Lett., 7(10): 426-432 (2019) (JCR一区, IF:6.161, Top期刊)
[6] Y Fu, Z Chen* et al.: Preparation and stereolithography 3D printing of ultralight and ultrastrong ZrOC porous ceramics. J.All.Com., 789: 867-873 (2019) (JCR一区, IF: 4.175, Top期刊)
[7] C Liu, J Tong, J Ma, D Wang, F Xu, Y Liu, Z Chen*, C Lao*, Low Temperature Deposition Manufacturing: A Versatile Materials Extrusion-based 3D Printing Technology for Fabricating Hierarchically Porous Materials, Journal of Nanomaterials, in press (2019) (JCR二区, IF: 2.233)
[8] C Liu*, F Xu, Y Liu, J Ma*, P Liu, C Lao, Z Chen*. High Mass Loading Ultrathick Porous Li4Ti5O12 Electrodes with Improved Areal Capacity Fabricated via Low Temperature Direct Writing, Electroch. Acta, 314: 81-88 (2019) (JCR一区, IF: 5.383, Top期刊)
[9] C Liu*, F Xu, X Cheng, J Tong, Y Liu, Z Chen, C Lao, J Ma*. Comparative study on the electrochemical performance of LiFePO4 cathodes fabricated via low temperature 3D printing, direct ink writing and conventional roller coating process. Ceram.Int., 45(11): 14188-14197 (2019) (JCR一区, IF:3.45, TOP期刊, Top期刊)
[10] P Wang*, C Lao, Z Chen, Y Liu, H Wang, H Wenrock, J Eckert, S Scudino, Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-12Si and Al-3.5Cu-1.5Mg-1Si bimetal fabricated by selective laser melting, J. Mat. Sci. Tech. (2019) accepted (JCR一区, IF: 5.04)
[11] C Liu, J Tong, M Jiang, Z Chen, X Wu, M Xu, H Liao, P Wang, G Xu, C Lao, Effect of scanning strategy on microstructure and mechanical properties of selective laser melted reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel, Mat. Sci. Eng. A, online (2019) (JCR一区, IF:4.081)
[12] X Jiang, W Li, T Hai, R Yue, Z Chen, C Lao, Y Ge, G Xie, Q Wen, H Zhang, Inkjet-printed MXene micro-scale devices for integrated broadband ultrafast photonics, npj 2D Materials and Applications, 3(1): 1-9 (2019)
[13] Z Chen* et al.: Development and characterizations of novel aqueous-based LSCF suspensions for inkjet printing. Ceram.Int., 44(11): 13381-13388(2018) (JCR一区, IF:3.45, TOP期刊)
[14] Z Chen* et al.: Numerical Study of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Contacting Mechanics. Fuel Cells, 18 (1): 42-50(2018) (JCR二区, IF:2.33)【封面文章-Front Cover Paper】
[15] P Gao, S Xu, Z Chen, X Huang, Z Bao, C Lao, G Wu, Y Mei: Flexible and Hierarchically Structured Sulfur Composite Cathode Based on the Carbonized Textile for High-Performance Li–S Batteries. ACS applied materials & interfaces 10(4): 3938-3947(2018)(JCR一区, IF:8.456, Top期刊)
[16] Y Fu, G Xu, Z Chen, D Wang, C Lao: Multiple metals doped polymer-derived SiOC ceramics for 3D printing. Ceram.Int., 44(10):11030-11038(2018)(JCR一区, IF:3.45, TOP期刊)
[17] C Liu, N Huang, F Xu, J Tong, Z Chen, X Gui, Y Fu, C Lao: 3D Printing Technologies for Flexible Tactile Sensors toward Wearable Electronics and Electronic Skin. Polymers, 10(6):629 (2018)(JCR二区, IF:3.164)
[18] Z Chen* et al.: Spherical indentation of bilayer ceramic structures: Dense layer on porous substrate. J.Eur.Ceram.Soc., 37(15):4763-4772(2017) (JCR一区, IF:4.029, TOP期刊)
[19] Z Chen* et al.: Analysis of spherical indentation of porous ceramic films. J.Eur.Ceram.Soc., 37(3):1031-1038(2017) (JCR一区, IF:4.029, TOP期刊)【特色文章-Feature Article】
[20] M Biton, V Yufit, F Tariq, Z Chen, N Brandon: Integrating multi-length scale high resolution 3D imaging and modelling in the characterisation and identification of mechanical failure sites in electrochemical dendrites. Acta Materialia, 141:39-46(2017)(JCR一区, IF:7.293, TOP期刊)
[21] C Liu, X Cheng, B Li, Z Chen, S Mi, C Lao: Fabrication and characterization of 3D-printed highly-porous 3D LiFePO4 electrodes by low temperature direct writing process. Materials, 10(8):934-946(2017) (JCR一区, IF:2.972)
[22] Z Chen* et al.: Inkjet printing and nanoindentation of porous alumina multilayers. Ceram.Int., 42(7):8316-8324(2016) (JCR一区, IF:3.45, TOP期刊)
[23] Z Chen* et al.: Spherical Indentation of Porous Ceramics: Cracking and Toughness. J.Eur.Ceram.Soc., 36(14): 3473-3480(2016) (JCR一区, IF:4.029, TOP期刊)
[24] Z Chen* et al.: Spherical indentation of porous ceramics: elasticity and hardness. J.Eur.Ceram.Soc., 36(6):1435-1445(2016) (JCR一区, IF:4.029, TOP期刊)
[25] Z Chen* et al.: Microstructural characteristics and elastic modulus of porous solids. Acta Materialia, 89: 268-277(2015) (JCR一区, IF:7.293, TOP期刊)
[26] Z Chen* et al.: Fracture Toughness of Porous Material of LSCF in Bulk and Film Forms. J.Am.Ceram.Soc. 98(7):2183-2190(2015) (JCR一区, IF:3.094, Top期刊)
[27] Z Chen* et al.: Analyses of microstructural and elastic properties of porous SOFC cathodes based on FIB tomography. J.PowerSources, 273:486-494(2015) (JCR一区, IF:7.467, Top期刊)
[28] F Tariq, M Kishimoto, G Cui, V Yufit, M Lomberg, E Ruiz-Trejo, Z Chen, N Brandon: Advanced 3D Imaging and Analysis of SOFC Electrodes, ECS Transactions, 64(2): 81-86(2015)
[29] Z Chen* et al.: Surface quality improvement of porous thin films for nanoindentation. Ceram.Int., 40(3):3913-3923(2014) (JCR一区, IF:3.45, TOP期刊)
[30] F Tariq, V Yufit, Y Merla, M Biton, B Wu, Z Chen et al.: In-Operando X-ray Tomography Study of Lithiation Induced Delamination of Si Based Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries, ECS Electrochem.Lett. 3(7):A76-A78(2014) (JCR三区, IF:1.771)
[31] X Wang, F He, Z Chen et al.: Porous LSCF-3YSZ interface fracture toughness measured by single beam wedge test. J.Eur.Ceram.Soc. 34(10):2351-2361(2014) (JCR一区, IF:4.029, TOP期刊)
[32] Z Chen* et al.: Nanoindentation of porous bulk and thin films of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ. Acta Materialia, 61(15): 5720-5734(2013)(JCR一区, IF:7.293, TOP期刊)
[33] X Wang, Z Chen et al.: Crack formation in ceramic films used in solid oxide fuel cells. J.Eur.Ceram.Soc., 33(13-14):2539-2547(2013)(JCR一区, IF:4.029, TOP期刊)
[34] Z Chen* et al.: Process parameters appraisal of ceramic fabrication via stereolithography using Taguchi method. J.Eng.Manuf., 226(7):1249-1258(2012)(JCR三区, IF: 1.752)
[35] X Tian, D Li, Z Chen: Study on the fabrication accuracy of ceramic parts by direct stereolithography, Virtual and Physical Prototyping 7(3):195-202(2012) (JCR一区, IF:6.852)
[36] W Zhou, D Li, Z Chen: Influence of ingredients of silica suspensions on UV curing behavior of ceramic suspensions. Int.J.Adv.Manuf.Tech. 52(5-8):575-582(2011)(JCR二区, IF:2.601)
[37] Z Chen* et al.: Curing characteristics of ceramic stereolithography for an aqueous-based silica suspension. J.Eng.Manuf., 224(4): 641-651(2010) (JCR三区, IF:1.752)
[38] W Zhou, D Li, Z Chen, Direct fabrication of an integral ceramic mould by stereolithography, J.Eng.Manuf. 224(2):237-243(2010)(JCR三区, IF:1.752)
[39] 周伟召, 李涤尘, 陈张伟, 卢秉恒: 浆料光固化快速成形特性研究及其工程应用, 航空制造技术, 8:36-42(2010)
[40] 周伟召, 李涤尘, 陈张伟, 等: 基于光固化的直接陶瓷成形工艺, 塑性工程学报, 16(3):198-201(2009)
[1]Z Chen, F Giuliani, A Atkinson. Determination of Elastic Moduli for Porous SOFC Cathode Films Using Nanoindentation and FEM. Advances in Bioceramics and Porous Ceramics VII: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 35, 2015 (5): 111
[2]Z Chen, X Wang, V Bhakhri, F Giuliani, A Atkinson (2012). Elastic moduli and 3D microstructures of porous LSCF films. Proceedings of the 10th European SOFC Forum, European Fuel Cell Forum AG, Lucern, Switzerland. Pages: B1021-1028
[3]周伟召,李涤尘,陈张伟 (2009) 水基陶瓷浆料的光固化特性及成形工艺参数选择,第13届全国特种加工学术会议论文集,中国机械工程学会特种加工分会,南昌,中国,第23-27页
[4]欧阳竟,陈张伟,劳长石 (2017) 喷墨打印用水基LSCF墨水的开发与研究,第17届全国特种加工学术会议论文集,中国机械工程学会特种加工分会,广州,中国,第389-395页
[5]刘长勇,程星星,许丰,陈张伟,劳长石 (2017) 低温沉积3D打印制备锂离子电池LiFePO4正极及其电化学性能,第17届全国特种加工学术会议论文集,中国机械工程学会特种加工分会,广州,中国,第376-481页
[1]李涤尘,周伟召,吴海华,陈张伟,卢秉恒:一种空心叶片陶瓷铸型的光固化直接制造方法,已授权 ZL200810150112X
[2]陈张伟,劳长石,欧阳竟:一种喷墨打印用陶瓷墨水及其制备方法,申请号: 201710878738.1
【Books & Chapters 代表著作】
[1]Z Chen, C Lao. 3D Printing of Ceramics: from Mechanisms to Applications, John Wiley & Sons + ACerS, to be published in 2021
[2]Z Chen. Nanoindentation of Porous Materials for Elastic Modulus and Hardness Determination, in Applied Nanoindentation. John Wiley & Sons (Ed: A.Tiwari), 2017
【Invited Talks 邀请报告】
[1]Z Chen, 3D printing of porous ceramics for advanced applications: Research at AMI-SZU, PACRIM13, 2019, Okinawa, Japan
[2]Z Chen, Characterizations of ceramic-based porous thin electrodes, 11th Forum on the Characterizations of Inorganic Materials and Components, 2019, Chongqing, China
[3]Z Chen, 3D printing of non-metallic materials for consumer electronics, TCT 3D Printing Expo. Shenzhen Summit, 2019, Shenzhen, China
[4]Z Chen, Application of 3D printing in advanced ceramic fabrication, EMN Summit 2019, Chengdu, China
[5]Z Chen, R&D of ceramic 3D printing, 5th National Conference of Young Scientists on Additive Manufacturing, 2019, Nanjing, China
[6]Z Chen, 3D printing of ceramics for industrial use, 5th Industrial Ceramics Conference China, 2019, Shenzhen, China
[7]Z Chen, 3D printing of ceramics, TCT Asia 3D Printing Exposition & Conference, 2019, Shanghai, China
《Journal of Advanced Ceramics》期刊(SCI收录)Associate Editor
《Frontiers in Materials and Nanoscience》期刊Editor
新西兰政府Marsden Fund项目海外评审专家

