背景简介2016 年毕业于香港理工大学 建设与环境学院建筑学院,获博士学位。2016 年至今,任教于深圳大学,现任深圳大学建筑与城市规划学院助理教授。2009 年6月中国国家留学基金委与美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)联合举办的第十届 “CSST Summer Research Program”。该项目选举“C9”高校的前十名优秀本科生组成的暑期科研交流项目,由国家留学基金委资助。讲授课程 : 建筑物理,生态建筑学,城市数理统计基础, 健康建筑与人居环境研究领域
研究方向1.绿色建筑, ,建筑环境空气动力学与污染物传播;2.参数化设计CFD的改进与可靠性提高;3.城市微气候,微尺度城市规划,建筑风环境及污染物传播实地测量"研究课题1.广东省自然科学基金 (2017A030310357)多尺度耦合模拟在高密度建筑自然通风优化设计中的应用—以深圳市为例,2017-2019. 在研, 主持。2.国家自然科学基金委面上项目,登陆台风场非平稳风时频特性及其对线弹性结构风振响应特性影响研究。在研, 2018-2021 主要参与者。3.香港政府资助课题 (Grant ECF 23/2009)。Green features for improvement of air quality in buildings。 主要参与者。4.香港研究资助局(RGC)优配项目,Project No.C5002-14G。高密度城市提升低碳建筑群风热舒适优化设计方法研究。 2015–2018 在研,课题参与者。"近期论文
1.D.J.Cui, C.M.Mak, Z.T.Ai, K.C.S.Kwok, X.Z.Meng, J.L.Niu. On-site evaluation of pedestrian-level air quality at a U-type street canyon in an ancient city. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 2017, 168:322-333 (SCI JCR Q1)2.D.J.Cui, C.M.Mak, K.C.S.Kwok, Z.T.Ai. CFD simulation of the effect of an upstream building on the inter-unit dispersion in a multi-story building in two wind directions. 2016,150:31-41. (SCI JCR Q1)3.D.J.Cui, C.M.Mak, J.L.Niu. Effect of balconies and upper-lower vents on ventilation and indoor air quality in a wind-induced, naturally-ventilated building. 2014 , 35 (4) :393-407.(SCI)4.Z.T. Ai, C.M. Mak*, D.J. Cui, On-site measurements of ventilation performance andindoor air quality in naturally ventilated high-rise residential buildings in Hong Kong. Indoor and Built Environment. 2015, 24(2): 214-224 (SCI)5.Z.T. Ai, C.M. Mak*, D.J. Cui, P. Xue. Ventilated high-rise residential buildings in Hong Kong. Indoor and Built Environment..Ventilation of air-conditioned residential buildings: A case study in Hong Kong. 2016,127:116-127.(SCI JCR Q1)6.D.J. Cui, Z.T. Ai, C.M. Mak, J.L. Niu, “Green features for improvement of air quality in buildings”, on 13 August 2013, in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University;7. DJ Cui, CM Mak, KCS. Kwok. Effects of building configuration on ventilation performance of naturally-ventilated building The Eighth Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering, December 10-14, 2013, Chennai, India.8.DJ Cui, CM Mak, KCS. Kwok. Effects of building configuration on indoor pollutant transportation of naturally ventilated buildings, 8-12 June 2014, Hamburg, Germany. 9.D.J. Cui, C.M. Mak, Z.T. Ai, 2014. Effect of an upstream building on natural ventilation performance of multistory buildings, 13th International Conferences on Indoor Air Quality and Climate. 7-12 July 2014, Hong Kong.国际学术期刊评审人:1 Building and environment (SCI JCR Q1 区 ,顶级期刊)2. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics (SCI, JCR Q1, IF=1.6国际风工程学会(IAWE)会刊。顶级期刊) 相关热点
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