2023-05-13 09:20
  • 池岛乔
  • 池岛乔 - 教授 博导-沈阳药科大学-无涯创新学院-个人资料








1.Zhang X1,Chen YR1,Zhao YL2,Liu WW1,Hayashi T3,Mizuno K4,Hattori S4,Fujisaki H4,Ogura T4,Onodera S5,Ikejima T6. (2019) Type I collagen or gelatin stimulates mouse peritoneal macrophages to aggregate and produce pro-inflammatory molecules through upregulated ROS levels.Int Immunopharmacol.27;76:105845. doi: 10.1016/j.intimp.2019.105845. [Epub ahead of print] (IF=3.361)\r
2.Liu X1,Long X1,Gao Y1,Liu W1,Hayashi T1,2,Mizuno K3,Hattori S3,Fujisaki H3,Ogura T3,Onodera S4,Wang DO1,Ikejima T1,(2019)Type I collagen inhibits adipogenic differentiation via YAP activation in vitro.J Cell Physiol.. doi: 10.1002/jcp.29100. [Epub ahead of print] (IF=4.522)\r
3.Sun Y1,Yang J1,2,Liu W1,Yao G3,4,Xu F1,Hayashi T1,5,Onodera S6,Ikejima T7,8(2019) Attenuating effect of silibinin on palmitic acid-induced apoptosis and mitochondrial dysfunction in pancreatic β-cells is mediated by estrogen receptor alpha.Mol Cell Biochem.460(1-2):81-92. doi: 10.1007/s11010-019-03572-1. (IF=2.884)\r
4.Liu B1,Liu W1,Liu P1,Liu X1,Song X1,2,Hayashi T1,3,Onodera S4,Ikejima T5,6.(2019)Silibinin Alleviates the Learning and Memory Defects in Overtrained Rats Accompanying Reduced Neuronal Apoptosis and Senescence.Neurochem Res.44(8):1818-1829. doi: 10.1007/s11064-019-02816-2. (IF=2.782)\r
5.Si L1,Liu W1,Hayashi T2,Ji Y1,Fu J1,Nie Y1,Mizuno K3,Hattori S3,Onodera S4,Ikejima T5.(2019) Silibinin-induced apoptosis of breast cancer cells involves mitochondrial impairment.Arch Biochem Biophys.671:42-51. doi: 10.1016/j.abb.2019.05.009. (IF=3.559)\r
6.Yang J1,2,Sun Y1,Liu X1,Xu F1,Liu W1,Hayashi T1,3,Imamura Y3,Mizuno K4,Hattori S4,Tanaka K4,Fujisaki H4,Tashiro SI5,Onodera S6,Ikejima T1,7.(2019)Silibinin's regulation of proliferation and collagen gene expressions of rat pancreatic β-cells cultured on types I and V collagen involves β-catenin nuclear translocation.Connect Tissue Res.60(5):463-476. doi: 10.1080/03008207.2019.1593393.(IF=2.167)\r
7.Yang J1,Sun Y1,Xu F1,Liu W1,Hayashi T1,2,Hattori S3,Ushiki-Kaku Y3,Onodera S4,Tashiro SI5,Ikejima T1,6.(2019)Silibinin protects rat pancreatic β-cell through up-regulation of estrogen receptors' signaling against amylin- or Aβ1-42 -induced reactive oxygen species/reactive nitrogen species generation.Phytother Res.33(4):998-1009. doi: 10.1002/ptr.6293.(IF=3.766)\r
8.Zang L1,Wang J2,Ren Y2,Liu W2,Yu Y2,Zhao S2,Otkur W2,Zhao Y2,Hayashi T2,Tashiro SI3,Onodera S4,Ikejima T5.(2019)Activated toll-like receptor 4 is involved in oridonin-induced phagocytosis via promotion of migration and autophagy-lysosome pathway in RAW264.7 macrophages.Int Immunopharmacol.66:99-108. doi: 10.1016/j.intimp.2018.11.014.(IF=3.361)\r
9.Zhao YL1,Zhang X1,Liu WW1,Yang YT1,Gao ZK1,Liu XL1,Liu W1,Hayashi T1,Yamato M2,Fujisaki H3,Hattori S3,Mizuno K3,Atsuzawa Y3,Tashiro SI4,Onodera S5,Ikejima T1.(2019)Reactive oxygen species are responsible for the cell aggregation and production of pro-inflammatory mediators in phorbol ester (PMA)-treated U937 cells on gelatin-coated dishes through upregulation of autophagy.Connect Tissue Res.2019 Jul;60(4):323-334. doi: 10.1080/03008207.2018.1530770.(IF=2.167)\r
10.Yang J1,Sun Y1,Xu F1,Liu W1,Mai Y1,Hayashi T1,2,Hattori S3,Ushiki-Kaku Y3,Onodera S4,Tashiro SI5,Ikejima T6.(2019)Silibinin ameliorates amylin-induced pancreatic β-cell apoptosis partly via upregulation of GLP-1R/PKA pathway.Mol Cell Biochem.452(1-2):83-94. doi: 10.1007/s11010-018-3414-9.(IF=2.884)

