2023-05-13 09:02
  • 李颂华
  • 李颂华 - 教授 硕士生导师-沈阳建筑大学-机械工程学院-个人资料




199609/200007 沈阳建筑工程学院机械电子工程学士学位大学本科
200009/200303 沈阳建筑工程学院机械制造及其自动化硕士学位硕士研究生
200409/201209 大连理工大学机械制造及其自动化博士学位博士研究生
201201/201301 美国密歇根大学先进制造研究中心先进制造技术领域合作研究 访问学者
201503/201504 中国浦东干部学院(上海) 研修班学员
201510/201510 渤海大学(锦州)辽宁省高校中层干部培训班学员
200303/200509 沈阳建筑大学交通与机械工程学院助教
200601/200912 沈阳建筑大学交通与机械工程学院讲师
201001/201312 沈阳建筑大学交通与机械工程学院副教授教研室主任
201401/201501 沈阳建筑大学交通与机械工程学院教授教研室主任
201501/至今 沈阳建筑大学工程训练中心(沈阳建筑大学工厂)教授 主任(厂长)




1.李颂华, 李雪, 吴玉厚. 全陶瓷主轴-轴承单元的动力学研究. 沈阳建筑大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 31(01):140-148
2.S.H.Li, Y.Wang, Y.H.Wu, K.Zhang, L.X.Zhang. The processing and application of a zirconia ceramic shaft. Materials Research Innovations. 2015 vol.19, s5: 376-379.
3.李颂华,贾垂盈. 基于压电陶瓷主轴单元可控预紧力研究. 组合机床与自动化加工技术, 2015,(08): 28-31
4.吴玉厚,王宇,李颂华,王贺.氧化锆陶瓷轴承套圈内圈磨削力的试验研究. 机械设计与制造, 2015,(09),159-161
5.张 郊, 吴玉厚, 张丽秀, 李颂华. 轴承预紧力对陶瓷电主轴特性影响分析. 组合机床与自动化加工技术, 2015,(1): 49-53
6.Songhua Li, Minghao Feng and Yuhou Wu. Research on optimal design and processing of high-speed ceramic ball bearings without inner rings. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2014, Vols. 446-447: 513-517
7.李颂华, 冯明昊. 关于轴承预紧力对轴系性能影响的仿真分析. 机电产品开发与创新. 2014, 27(02): 105-107
8.李颂华, 冯明昊. 高速主轴轴承预紧力技术研究. 机电产品开发与创新. 2014, 27(03):165-167
9.Songhua Li, Xue Li, Yuhou Wu, Ke Zhang. A research on comprehensive performance test system of high-speed motorized spindle. Proceedings - 3rd International Conference on Instrumentation and Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control, IMCCC 2013, p 613-617, 2013
10.S.H.Li, Y.H.Wu, K. Zhang, Albert J. Shih. Design and Experimental Investigation of Innovative Ceramic Spindle-bearing System for NC Machine Tools. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing(ICFDM2014), May 23-25,2014, Nanjing, China. pp.250
11.张珂,齐宇飞,王贺,李颂华,吴玉厚. 氧化锆陶瓷磨削机理有限元仿真与实验. 沈阳建筑大学学报( 自然科学版), 2014, 30(3): 523-529
12.李颂华, 吴玉厚. 高速无内圈式陶瓷电主轴设计开发与实验研究. 大连理工大学学报[J], 2013, 53(2): 214-220
13.Songhua Li, Xue Li, Minghao Feng, Yuhou Wu, Xiaolin Jin. Dynamic behavior of all-ceramic spindle-bearing unit with preload. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2013, Vols. 365-366: 314-317
14.Songhua Li, Minghao Feng, Xue Li, Yuhou Wu, Xiaolin Jin. Research on application of advanced ceramics in machine tool spindles. Advanced Materials Research. 2013, Vols. 753-755: 1448-1452
15.Songhua Li, Minghao Feng, Yuhou Wu. Research on parameter optimization and application of high-speed all-ceramic ball bearings without inner rings. Advanced in Mechamical Engineering. 2013, Vol.3, 3(1): 55-63
16.Ke Zhang, Yugao Cai, Lixiu Zhang, Songhua Li, Yuhou Wu. Experimental modality analysis of ceramic motorized spindle. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2013, Vols. 325-326: 852-855
17.F. Lu, S.C. Chen, S.H. Li, K. Zhang, Y.H. Wu. The Inner Hole Precision Detection of Precision Machining Zirconia Ceramics Spindle,Applied Mechanics and Materials.2012, Vol. 120-134: 1161-1165
18.S. H. Li, Y. H. Wu and L. X. Zhang. Development and experimental investigation of a high speed grinding spindle equipped with fully-ceramic bearings and ceramic shaft. Advanced Materials Research. 2011, vols. 156-157: 1366-1371
19.F. Lu, S.C. Chen, S.H. Li, K. Zhang, Y.H. Wu. The Inner Hole Grinding Surface Roughness Analysis of Zirconia Ceramics Electric Spindle. Key Engineering Materials, 2011, Vol. 487 : 99-103
20.吴玉厚,张继鹏,李颂华,张珂. 氮化硅陶瓷套圈内圆磨削表面质量的实验,沈阳建筑大学学报:自然科学版,2010,26(1):176-179

